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MUM: Beyond Transactional Advising August 17, 2012 Steve Langerud.

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Presentation on theme: "MUM: Beyond Transactional Advising August 17, 2012 Steve Langerud."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUM: Beyond Transactional Advising August 17, 2012 Steve Langerud

2 Vision  To develop every student’s total creative potential through Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based education, thereby raising every nation to invincibility and creating peace and prosperity for our world family. Founding Goals  To develop the full potential of the individual  To realize the highest ideal of education  To improve governmental achievements  To solve the age-old problem of crime and all behavior that brings unhappiness to our world family  To bring fulfillment to the economic aspirations of individuals and society  To maximize the intelligent use of the environment  To achieve the spiritual goals of humanity in this generation

3  Academic departments  Advisors  Peers  Alumni  Community

4 When did you know that you would teach?Where were you?Who was there?What happened after you decided?How did you feel?Who did you tell first?

5 “How will I become what I am supposed to be when no one will listen to who I am?”

6  Transaction  Transformation




10 AnxietyFear PressureExpectations Identity

11 We love to give adviceMove beyond the presenting issueLook at the whole personSpend a little more timeListen beyond their words

12  Orienting Comments  Humor  Authenticity  Active Listening

13 Orienting comments We are afraid of the unknown Define the relationship and what they can expect from you Laugh Humor is the great equalizer Laughter makes things OK for students Be yourself The want to know you Knowledge builds trust Active listening Look at them, turn your body toward them, smile, nod Restate what they say

14 How can I help you today? Listen What are you thinking about? Tell me more. What is the best thing I can do to help you today?

15 Don’t make it up! Know when to say, “I don’t know.” Learn to say, “I know where to find it.” Call someone for help – know your campus resources

16 My advisor listened to meMy advisor spoke to me, not down to meMy advisor treated me with respect by taking me seriouslyMy advisor was my advocateMy advisor moved me to action

17 Skills Issues People  Colleagues  Who You Serve Environment Ten Second Statement Who CONTROL How Plan

18  People  Programs  Other

19 YOU  Start  Stop  Continue MUM  Start  Stop  Continue

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