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Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator July 19, 2012 ReCAP Columbia University.

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Presentation on theme: "Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator July 19, 2012 ReCAP Columbia University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator July 19, 2012 ReCAP Columbia University

2 ReCAP Columbia University  Data ◦ FY12 ◦ Trends  High Use Titles ◦ Discussion ◦ When and where ◦ Criteria? ◦ Deciders

3 ReCAP Columbia University  General information  Statistics  Analysis  Department- specific information  Department projects  Documentation

4 ReCAP Columbia University  Problem identification  Generate a report  Diagnose systematic and isolated problems  Fix and document  Orphans are major problem  Many are ILS (LMS) specific

5 ReCAP Columbia University  Clear Tier 12 to make space for RBML  Multiple phases ◦ Smart barcoding (MRP) ◦ Single-vol monographs (Zack Lane) ◦ Multi-vol sets (Bill Austin) ◦ Bound-withs (Zack Lane) ◦ Rare books/Pre-1830 (Zack Lane) ◦ Serials (tbd) ◦ Inventory (Zack Lane)  Single-vols in Dewey’s now complete

6  TOTAL 1,336,908 / 173,723 ◦ Request Rate: 1.74%  off,bmc: 10,735 / 2,568 (7.13%)  off,glx : 1,319,137 / 170,726 (1.72%)  off,ref : 7,036 / 429 (0.78%) ReCAP Columbia University

7  View of Butler Library accessions by fiscal year  Transfer began in 2002  Compare to syste-wide, three phases: Load In, Middle Phase and Restrained  Accession numbers estimated ahead of time using yearly quotas  Quotas linked to acquisition rate and need ReCAP Columbia University

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10 ReCAP Columbia University  Requests begin immediately after transfer  Monthly request volumes in phase with academic calendar  Data for lower-use collections is noisy

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16 ReCAP Columbia University  Request rate is a measure of collection usage  It is the percentage of ReCAP collections requested during a twelve-month period  CUL target request rate is 2.00% per year  This figure was based on data from peer institutions  Initial purpose of ReCAP was to shelve low- use collections  LIFESPAN : Rate from opening to current fiscal year  ANNUAL : Rate during single fiscal year

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18 ReCAP Columbia University  De-accession will never be automatic  Too many variables  High-use is any title requested 5+ times  Titles may have multiple volumes  Difficult to tease out details  New method: ratio of title requests/volumes

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23  More information about data sets can be found on the ReCAP Data Center websiteReCAP Data Center website  Primary data categories include: accession, retrieval, delivery and circulation  Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator  Please see the main ReCAP website for general information about CUL procedures and systemsReCAP website ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

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