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Chelsea Mohler, MSC Candidate  Explore the process of obtaining/retaining employment  Identify methods to overcome barriers  Identify strategies to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chelsea Mohler, MSC Candidate  Explore the process of obtaining/retaining employment  Identify methods to overcome barriers  Identify strategies to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chelsea Mohler, MSC Candidate

3  Explore the process of obtaining/retaining employment  Identify methods to overcome barriers  Identify strategies to locating work

4  Personal experience catalyst for research topic

5  Low rates of employment – 32%  General population – 8% unemployment rate

6  Macro-barriers  Personal barriers

7  CNIB career and employment support  Ontario Disability Support Program  Employment Support Program  Ontario works,  Employment Readiness  Career Connect, London  Supports address barriers at a micro-level

8  Definition of success  Factors that contribute to success  Transferable skills

9  Strategies and processes to support employment  Challenges to upward mobility

10  Qualitative study  Constructivist Grounded Theory  Characteristics of this approach

11  Semi-structured interviews  Interview One  Interview Two  Grounded theory analysis


13  Lack of pedestrian sidewalks or audible pedestrian crosswalk signals  Unreliable bus service and inconsistent audible stop calling on all public transport  Infrequent bus stops in residential areas

14  Job listings which are not available electronically  Governmental programs and policies that create disincentives to engage in paid work

15  Career compromise  Proving worth to employer  Managing disclosure  Employment seeking and keeping complex, non-linear process  Layering of barriers

16  Identify innovative methods of seeking and keeping employment  Changing employers’ attitudes and those of job seekers wishing to abandon their search

17  Master’s thesis  Presentations  Academic journals (e.g., Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness)

18  Advisor: Professor Lisa Klinger  Funding sources:  Social Science  Humanities Research Council  National Education Association of Disabled Students I would also like to thank the research department at the CNIB for their ongoing support.

19  Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. (2010). Retrieved from  Butler, S., Crudden, A., Sansing, W., & LeJeune, B. (2002). Employment barriers: Access to assistive technology and research needs. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 96(9), 664-667.  Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis. London: Sage.  Conference Board of Canada: Employability Skills (2010). Retrieved from  Crudden, A., McBroom, L. W., Skinner, A. L., & Moore, J. E. (1998). Comprehensive examination of barriers to employment among persons who are blind or visually impaired. Mississippi State University.  Employment Ontario: Literacy and Basic Skills Program (2009). Retrieved from  Human Resources and Skills Development Canada: Unemployment Rate and Well-Being in Canada. (2010). Retrieved from  Jongbloed, L. (2003). Disability Policy in Canada. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 13(4), 203- 209.  Shaw, A., & Gold, D. (2007). Identifying the facilitators of successful employment for persons with vision loss. Toronto: CNIB.  The Cost of Vision Loss in Canada. (2009). Retrieved from employment/ employment/default.asp


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