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Heroes Then & Now Flip Chart Myths, Legends & Tall Tales Directions, Guidelines & Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "Heroes Then & Now Flip Chart Myths, Legends & Tall Tales Directions, Guidelines & Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroes Then & Now Flip Chart Myths, Legends & Tall Tales Directions, Guidelines & Tips

2 You will be creating a Flip Chart that demonstrates what you have learned in English 7HP about ancient and modern heroes. It is an in-depth examination of one ancient hero (from a legend, tall tale or myth) and one modern-day hero. Through a variety of activities, you will demonstrate the knowledge you have acquired about an ancient hero and a modern hero. Plus, you will be asked to show what you have learned about the hero’s journey, plot structure, writing, literary elements, figurative language, etc.


4  Include:  The assignment title: Heroes Then & Now Flip Chart  The names of the two heroes you and your partner researched  The MLA heading in the upper left corner (be sure to have all elements)  Decorations on the front cover that relate to the content of the flip chart ( you may draw, use clip art, collage, etc.) Be creative!  Number and label all tabs according to class instructions

5 Bottom Flap—Left side: Draw a symbol that represents the ancient hero you researched. Literal symbols (ie: a thunderbolt for Zeus) will not show depth of thought; therefore, think about the hero’s main characteristics and draw an image that clearly conveys them. Bottom Flap—Right side: Draw a symbol that represents the modern hero you researched. Literal symbols (ie: a basketball for Kobe) will not show depth of thought; therefore, think about the hero’s main characteristics and draw an image that clearly conveys them. Top Flap—Left side: Describe the ancient hero’s personality traits, powers, and/or responsibilities. Explain the symbol you chose and why it fits the hero. Top Flap—Right side: Describe the modern hero’s personality traits, powers, and/or responsibilities. Explain the symbol you chose and why it fits the hero.

6  Top Flap:  Write a synopsis of the primary myth/legend/tall tale your character is involved in—his (or her) “defining moment.” Be sure to include only the most important details. Embed quotes and cite in MLA Format.  Bottom Flap:  Write a synopsis of your modern hero’s “defining moment.” What event made him the hero you perceive him to be? Briefly summarize the story including only the most important details. Embed quotes and cite in MLA Format.  Write a brief paragraph that discusses what the two heroes have in common. In what ways do they exemplify the same ideals, values, and beliefs?

7 TOP FLAP:  Write a newspaper article that focuses on a spectacular feat your ancient hero performed.  Include the 5 Ws: who, what, when, where, why (and how). Stick to the facts; avoid opinion since this is an impartial news article.  Embed quotes and cite in MLA format.  Make the story look like it came from a newspaper. Include photos, captions, dates, advertisements, etc. Keep it authentic to the setting (time, locations) from which the hero came. Be creative! BOTTOM FLAP:  Write a newspaper article that focuses on a spectacular feat your modern hero performed.  Follow the same guidelines for the top flap.

8 TOP FLAP:  Draw a symbol that represents BOTH your ancient and modern hero. The symbol should figuratively show the characteristics both heroes have in common. A literal symbol, such as a cape (because both of your characters are heroes), will not show depth of thought.  The symbol should be detailed, colorful, and thoughtful. BOTTOM FLAP:  Draw a Venn diagram that represents BOTH your ancient and modern hero. The diagram should show characteristics both heroes have—differences and similarities. The Venn diagram will be the evidence that supports the symbol you chose to represent both heroes in the top flap.  The Venn diagram should be detailed, neat, and legible. Include appropriate labels so it is easy to read and understand.

9  Designate each flap to the “I am” poems you wrote in class/for homework. One flap for the ancient hero poem; the other for the modern hero.  Poems should be free from spelling and grammatical errors and follow the format given in class.  Embellish the flaps with images, details, and adornments to enhance the poems.

10  Create a visual representation of the heroic journey of any main character from a short story or novel we read for class this year. (Refer to list made in class.) You may turn the chart horizontally to do this.  Label each step of the journey with the appropriate hero’s journey step. Also label the visual with the appropriate plot events (exposition, rising action, climax, etc.).  Write a brief description of each major event along your hero’s journey.  Add images and visual details to illustrate the scenes, characters, and/or settings.  (This part can go on the top flap of #7 if you run out of space.) Compose a statement of meaning that follows this format: (Character’s name) transforms from ____________ to ____________ on his/her heroic journey. Along the way, his/her character changes because ___________________________________. As a consequence of the journey, he/she learns __________________________________. The lesson he/she learns applies to everyone everywhere because __________________________.

11 Create an MLA-formatted works cited for ONLY the resources you used in creating this flip chart. You may have looked at many websites, but on a works cited list, you only credit the sources you used/paraphrased/quoted.

12  Type in 12 pt. Times New Roman. Double space lines wherever space allows.  Use 4 sheets of unlined white, colored, or scrapbook paper. All paper MUST be 8.5 X 11. Construction paper is not allowed.  If you handwrite, use colored ink. Write neatly and legibly. NO PENCIL!  Bind or staple your chart so that no pages fall out and so that it is easy to open and read.  Most importantly, NO GLITTER!

13 Creativity, neatness and organization will be a very important part of the overall grade. Use your artistic skills, or search for pictures in books and magazines that may be useful (no clip art). All text should be typed and bold enough to read easily. Many parts of the flip chart will be worked on in class—listen carefully and follow instructions so you can do your best work. Allow yourself plenty of time to work on this— cramming it all in at the last minute will create a lot of anxiety that you don’t need! Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible. ~George Claude Lorimer

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