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Welcome 1 Do you have five minutes? Stay tuned for some information regarding Mr. Weber’s class.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 1 Do you have five minutes? Stay tuned for some information regarding Mr. Weber’s class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 1 Do you have five minutes? Stay tuned for some information regarding Mr. Weber’s class.

2 The Homework Policy Homework is due first thing every morning. If a student is missing an assignment it will be recorded on the strike portion of the planner. For everyday the assignment is not turned in a strike will be given. Parents, check planners daily

3 What to find at the class homepage: Links to valuable resources Games Pictures Important Dates Class information

4 ¤ Be Responsible ¤ Be Respectful ¤ Be Ready to Learn 4

5 Students have a planner where inappropriate behaviors and current and missing assignments are recorded. 5 1 strike is given for each Inappropriate behavior 4 strikes = loss of all privileges The students are responsible for having their planner initialed daily and signed weekly

6 What will get students a strike? Here Are some examples..... Disrupting the learning process Breaking any class rules Missing Homework Not having materials In Summary, any irresponsible behavior. Planner not signed Talking when inappropriate Failure to listen/follow directions Write-ups

7 Papers will be sent home at the end of the week. It is the students responsibility to bring home and share his/her work. Remember to get the planner initialed daily and signed over the weekend 7

8 The number of strikes in a five day period determines a student’s level. Each level has privileges or consequences Note: to earn Honor Level 1, a student must go without strikes for ten days STAY TUNED FOR EACH HONOR LEVEL





13 BULLYING Bullying is defined as a type of behavior intended to harm, humiliate, or disturb another student. Bullying impacts the victim at school, at home, EVERYWHERE AND ALWAYS! Bullying includes making fun of, picking on, or fighting with another student. Any students bullying will automatically be written up, and will be required to write an apology letter.

14 Every student will be required to participate in the A.R. Program. Students will: Read during silent reading time and at home Keep a reading log for a grade (parents should initial the log when students read at home) Make a good attempt at reaching their goal Failure to complete the above may result in strikes, low grades, and improvement in reading.

15 The students earn stiamps towards the Game-Time Spectacular 32 stamps in 4 weeks = a trip to the exciting monthly event Earn 2 Stamps EACH DAY for: -N-No Strikes - Planner signed with homework recorded Students who fail to earn the Game-Time Spectacular will do work in the classroom while other students play games!

16 Students can earn Peace Points that can be traded for privileges Peace Points are earned for: Exceeding my expectations Quietness in the classroom and halls Compliments from teachers Using time wisely (reading) Aiding a fellow student Using Manners

17 E-mail me from the class Webpage Phone the school Make an appointment

18 Send the text message @webersa To 636-234-0134

19 The students will be receiving a classroom handbook on the first day which includes: - procedures - some expectations - and much more Please review the handbook together

20 Finally, Some Expectations I Have of Every Student: EEach is capable of carrying home communication between the home and school—This includes weekly papers. EEach will complete every assignment to the best of their ability EEach will be at school every day (unless too ill) EEach will come to school on time EEach will treat their peers with respect EEach will treat every adult in the building with respect EEach will be attentive in every lesson EEach will contribute thoughts in class discussions EEach will follow the written and verbal instructions of their instructors

21 In Closing... I look forward to an exciting and productive school year! Thanks for taking the time to come to open house. ~ Mr. Weber

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