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2010 Population Census (SP2010) and 2013 Agriculture Census (ST2013) Modern Data Processing Automation in BPS-Statistics Indonesia: an Innovations Dudy.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Population Census (SP2010) and 2013 Agriculture Census (ST2013) Modern Data Processing Automation in BPS-Statistics Indonesia: an Innovations Dudy."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Population Census (SP2010) and 2013 Agriculture Census (ST2013) Modern Data Processing Automation in BPS-Statistics Indonesia: an Innovations Dudy Sulaiman ( Deputy Chief Statistician for Methodology and Statistical Information, BPS-Statistics Indonesia

2 Indonesia at a glance 17.845 Islands 17.845 Islands 28M Agricultural HHs 28M Agricultural HHs 250M+ Population (2014) 250M+ Population (2014) 400 Local Languages 400 Local Languages 300 Ethnic Groups Jeddah - London NY- LA

3 Ways to provide Statistics Censuses: Population (in year ended by 0) – the latest is 2010 population Census Agriculture (in year ended by 3) – the latest is 2013 agriculture census (just finished) Economic (in year ended by 6) – 2016 in preparation stage Surveys : Socio Economy survey Labor force Survey Producer Price Survey Etc. 3

4 Main Obstacles Main Obstacles Time and Schedule President Speech Hire professional staff Number of Document On time and high quality census On time and high quality census 4

5 Aids Aids IT is enabler for business 5

6 2010 Population Census (SP2010) Targets : HH in Indonesia Census Block : 759K Village : 80K Cities : 523 Province : 33 Time to finish : 6 months Characteristics Captured : Population (43 Variables) and Housing (24 Variables) Enumerator : 700K (Temporary) Questionnaire to process : 70M+ Pages to Process : 600M+ Goal : Timelines and high quality 6

7 SP2010 – key strategic initiatives Coordination Right Methodology Information Technology 7

8 SP2010 – IT Requirements The IT solution should reduce man effort and power The IT solution should automate the process The IT solution should reduce processing time The IT solution should maintain the quality of data that is captured in the questionnaires The IT solution should easy to learn and enhance The IT solution should be used for another project 8

9 SP2010 – IT Solution automation & digitation data collection process Kofax Data Capture 9

10 SP2010 - Infrastructure 10

11 SP2010 – Operating Procedure 11

12 Classification Recognition PC Document Review PC & Scanner Server Data Capture PC Correction PC Completion Server Database PC QUALITY CONTROL Capture Process Flow Capture Process Flow 12

13 13 Monitoring Coordinator DBMS/web server GSM modem Executives Internet Executives Send Data via SMS Monitor via SMS Monitoring Officers Dashboard QUALITY MONITORING MOBILE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE

14 INTERNET 14 Quality Monitoring Mobile System Architecture

15 SP2010 – IT Benefit 1. Increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of statistics administration in BPS 2. Reduction in number of human resources requirements 3. Provision of faster and accurate statistical results 4. Ease of Operational and Management monitoring 5. Improvement in the quality of data 6. Improvement in Statistical user satisfaction and confidence of BPS products and services 15

16 2013 Agriculture Census (ST2013) Targets : 28M Agricultural HH in Indonesia Village : 80K Cities : 523 Province : 33 Time to finish : 3 months Info Captured : 150 Questions Questionnaire to process : 28M+ Pages to Process : 200M+ Goal : Timelines and high quality 16

17 ST2013 – Enhancement from SP2010 Learned from SP2010 BPS staff dedication Streamlined process Kofax solution The same data capture process Better accuracy Shorten processing time More Intelligence Software cost effective black and white printed documents Spectacular 17

18 Lesson Learned during forms design, getting the right people involved is critical attend regular product or technology updates right technology for remote areas usage of Kofax monitoring in data capture suite improve human resources skill on an on-going basis and conduct regular research on what good and right Information Technology solutions are available in the market support of a state-of-the-art Data and Documents Capture Technology 18

19 Conclusion IT will make up census projects Adopt right tech Technology is a key it doesn’t have to take years, manual, and expensive it takes better planning & coordination, and supported by right skills & technology efficient & effective higher quality less human resources less time greater cost savings 19

20 Thank You BPS – Statistics Indonesia Email: Website :

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