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Dirty jobs with Hugh and Paul Paynter Q 1, Gourlay H 2 & Peterson P 3 1 Landcare Research, Auckland 2 Landcare Research, Christchurch 3 Landcare Research,

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Presentation on theme: "Dirty jobs with Hugh and Paul Paynter Q 1, Gourlay H 2 & Peterson P 3 1 Landcare Research, Auckland 2 Landcare Research, Christchurch 3 Landcare Research,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dirty jobs with Hugh and Paul Paynter Q 1, Gourlay H 2 & Peterson P 3 1 Landcare Research, Auckland 2 Landcare Research, Christchurch 3 Landcare Research, Palmerston North

2 So, what really happens under broom.. An experimental setup to measure broom population dynamics

3 So, what really happens under broom..

4 ..and can biocontrol make a difference?

5 With just fibreglass rods, plastic buckets and a deep sinking feeling…

6 …two innocent techs were dispatched..

7 … and coerced into months of soul destroying work by this man.

8 What are the issues? Broom is still an emerging weed in NZ. Grazing retards broom invasion. 1 Vast areas are being retired from grazing. 2 Broom may form self-replacing stands. 3 Can biocontrol agents make a difference? 1. Bellingham & Coomes (2003) 2. Under the tenure review process administered by Land Information NZ 3. Rees & Paynter (1997)

9 The biocontrol agents


11 3 factors The experiment

12 Factor 1: Grazing

13 Factor 2: Biocontrol agents

14 Factor 3: Competition

15 The experimental design X X XX X= 8 treatments per replicate 8 trts x 2 reps x 2 sites = 32 plots


17 What are we measuring? Direct impacts of treatments Indirect impacts of treatments

18 Direct impacts of treatments

19 Succesional processes Does defoliation accelerate natural succession? Does restorative planting accelerate the process further? Understanding how our treatments are working Is seed size really important for seedling survival under dense broom? How does broom defoliation and reduced seed size interact with other treatments like competition with grass? Indirect impacts of treatments

20 Summary of progress to date 32 plots (4 x 4 m) marked out and 16 fenced 160 seed trays set up and seed fall determined in year one. >3000 broom plants tagged and stems measured % cover estimates for 128 quadrats (50 x 50 cm) completed Biocontrol agent releases underway Competition removal treatments underway

21 General conclusions Too early for any treatment effects: Rolling in sheep dung with undies full of broom twigs while sweltering in wet weather gear under an impenetrable thicket of sticks for days on end… takes its toll. Mike Rowe’s got nothing on us.

22 Thanks to our helpers: Paul Barrett, Fabiana Preston, Cyril Frazao, Alexandre Mathieu and Robyn Gourlay. Foundation for Research Science & Technology, contracts C09X0504/CO9X0905 and the NZ Army. Acknowledgements

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