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1 This briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Lt Col James Woosley Director of Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "1 This briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Lt Col James Woosley Director of Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 This briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Lt Col James Woosley Director of Operations

2 Not all local, regional, and federal organizations with interests in Civil Search and Rescue operations understand the roles and responsibilities of the AFRCC. 2 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY BACKGROUND PROBLEM STATEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1)Understand that the differences and authorities applied to civil rescue operations 2)Understand the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of the AFRCC An overview of the AFRCC’s roles, mission, responsibilities, and capabilities. INTENT: Decision / Information PURPOSE: Provide an overview of the AFRCC mission to 563 RQG DECISION POINT / TIMING IMPACTS: 1.N/A Topic: 1AF Slide Standards Mission Area: HD / CS / TSC / Other Lead: AFRCC

3 CDR USNORTHCOM – SAR Coordinator (Inland) Peterson AFB, CO S trategic Responsibilities Policy, Guidance, Interagency Coord Federal ESF-9 AFRCC (Air Force Rescue Coordination Center) AFNORTH AOC, Tyndall AFB, FL Routine SAR for Inland SRR (Langley) Coordinate between SRRs (Elmendorf – Langley) Mass Rescue Operations (MRO) NC JPRC (Joint Personnel Recovery Center) AFNORTH AOC, Tyndall AFB, FL PR, CISAR, CCSAR, Joint, Deployable Operational & Tactical PR-SAR Planners Fill ESF-9 nodes as required MUTUAL SUPPORT AFNORTH/CC – SAR Operations Coordinator Tyndall AFB, FL O perational Responsibilities Coordinates Resources USNORTHCOM SAR/PR Architecture UNCLASSIFIED

4 NORTHCOM/CC is the Inland SAR Coordinator – Per SecDef memo 4 Nov 2009 and DoDI 3003.01 AFNORTH/CC is the Inland SAR Operations Coordinator – Per USNORTHCOM OPORD 13-01 AFRCC is a DRU to AFNORTH/CC – (ADCON to ACC, OPCON/TACON to USNORTHCOM) AFRCC serves as the SAR Mission Coordinator – Per Director of Operations, USNORTHCOM memo, 10 Jun 2009 NC JPRC reports to USNORTHCOM, but is located in the 601 st AOC – AFRCC provides admin support to JPRC during CISAR events per JPRC Director and AFRCC MOU 4 USNORTHCOM Civil SAR Architecture

5 Full Spectrum Rescue - Defining the seams between Search and Rescue and Personnel Recovery removes the myth of the “continuity of rescue” - Dividing line for funding and tasking is ESF #9 - Dividing line for funding and tasking is ESF #9 Lost Hiker Overdue Aircraft Mass Rescue Missing Family Catastrophic Incident SAR ESF 9 Declaration Exceeds Component Capabilities Civil SAR Personnel Recovery DSCA Distressed Airman AFRCC JPRC PRCC Peacetime Govt DetentionHostage POW Overrun Unit Increasing Complexity or Number of Objectives

6 US Civil SAR System “The Olive” 6 Routine SAR is considered day-to-day operations performed by federal agencies—Dept of Homeland Security/ FEMA, USCG, DOI/ NPS and DOD Mass Rescue Operations (MROs): infrequent operations that require the rescue of large numbers of people They are considered “routine” SAR, but do not meet the threshold of a catastrophic incident (i.e. airline plane crash) A Catastrophic Incident SAR (CISAR): any natural or manmade incident, including terrorism, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption, severely effecting the population, infrastructure, environment, economy or govt functions. CISAR is qualified when the response is associated with a presidential declaration and ESF-9 is established. No line between “routine” SAR and MROs: unique to each agency, circumstance, and type of SAR (land, aeronautical, maritime, etc.). Black line surrounds Catastrophic Incident SAR. Presidential declaration and ESF-9 established is required. Closer to center: lower probability/larger response AFRCCAFRCC JPRCJPRC

7 Full Spectrum Rescue AFPD 10-45 states “The United States Air Force (USAF) will provide support to civil SAR to the fullest extent practicable, and on a non-interference basis with primary military duties” DoDI 3003.01 is the parent guidance AFRCC is an “ask not task agency” – Responsible for 48 states and for assistance to Canada and Mexico – Voting member of multiple counsels for future planning and global rescue – Coordinates routine SAR missions (ex: lost hiker, missing aircraft) Missions are below the DSCA or declared emergency/ESF#9 threshold – No forces assigned Coordinate nearest, most capable federal assets to assist state governments AFRCC does not provide funding for missions to include replacement of expendables – Per the Stafford Act Tasking and funding occur with ESF #9 Declaration AFRCC executes routine SAR below the ESF #9 threshold (action within DSCA is covered in DoDD 3025.18) – Funding comes from unit O&M ACC/A3J may be able to reimburse some areas on a case-by-case basis (this is typically UTC expendables and Per Diem) 7

8 AFRCC Mission # – Provides legal authority to Wg/CC to use forces for civil SAR outside the scope of, or in lieu of commander’s immediate response authorities – Depending on the scenario, the AFRCC, USCG, or the state may be in charge of the mission – The AFRCC is not the IC, it will be assigned on a scenario dependent basis – The Wg/CC maintains OPCON of the forces during AFRCC missions AFRCC CAPES – 24/7 Operations – Provide mission number and acquire federal assets in addition to rescue forces (ex: AAR tankers) – Provide 406 beacon data, CSEL data, and airborne reports for 121.5 beacons If available, can coordinate CAP aircraft to DF 121.5 beacons – Provide cell phone and radar forensics – Attain drift calculations from USCG – Establish TFRs – Coordinate COAs for UAS – Attain JAG guidance for missions – Unable to coordinate diplomatic clearances 8 Full Spectrum Rescue

9 Doctrinal Guidance Chicago Conventions International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) International Aeronautical and Maritime SAR Manual (IAMSAR) National SAR Plan of the U.S.A (NSP) National SAR Supplement (NSS) DoDI 3003.01 AFPD 10-45 Inland SAR Ops Coordinator (AFNORTH/CC) SAR Mission Coordinator (AFRCC/CC) Combat Rescue Guidance (Stafford Act governs CISAR funding) JP 3-50 DODD 3002.01E AFPD 10-30 NC OPORD 13-01 Supported Commander for PR (AFNORTH/CC) AFNORTH PRCC (601 AOC) AFI 13-208 NOT AFRCC Civil SAR Guidance (Stafford act governs all funding)


11 Unique Tools for Searches Radar Forensics Sources – USAF, FAA, & NHQ CAP Results: – Last Known Position (LKP) – Heading, Altitude, & Speed – Maneuvers Cell Phone Forensics Source – NHQ CAP Results: – Recent Activity – Last Known Position (LKP) UNCLASSIFIED FLIR Source – USAF, USA, AFRC, ANG, NG, CAP Results: – All Weather/Anytime Search Confined Space/High Angle Rescue Source – USAF, AFRC, ANG, NG Results: – Mountain-side rescue – Cave, water, collapsed structure search

12 Additional Responsibilities National Search and Rescue School (Inland SAR) Basic Inland Search and Rescue Course (BISC) USAF advisor to OSD/DPMO (DoD) on National Search and Rescue Committee (NSARC) Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) support Support to foreign RCCs and COCOM JPRCs/PRCCs SARSAT Program Steering Group & Joint Working Gp  One of three primary funding agencies w/NOAA & USCG NSARC Working Groups ICAO-IMO Joint SAR Working Group Federal interface lead for annual state/NASAR/CAP conference(s) National Crash Locator Database United States Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) Program CSEL Support Center (Tertiary world-wide) Distress Alerting Satellite System (DASS) Program All required under ICAO/IMO Treaty, NSARC/NSP, DoD Directive, or SARSAT interagency agreement UNCLASSIFIED

13 Commander – Lt Col Ian Kemp (DSN 523-5084) Director of Operations – Lt Col James Woosley (DSN 523-5029) AFRCC Console (24/7 ops for civil SAR) DSN 523-5955 / Comm 800-851-3051 or 850-283-5955 Points of Contact UNCLASSIFIED

14 Not all local, regional, and federal organizations with interests in Civil Search and Rescue operations understand the roles and responsibilities of the AFRCC. 14 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY BACKGROUND PROBLEM STATEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1)Understand that the differences and authorities applied to civil rescue operations 2)Understand the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of the AFRCC An overview of the AFRCC’s roles, mission, responsibilities, and capabilities. INTENT: Decision / Information PURPOSE: Provide an overview of the AFRCC mission to 563 RQG DECISION POINT / TIMING IMPACTS: 1.N/A Topic: 1AF Slide Standards Mission Area: HD / CS / TSC / Other Lead: AFRCC

15 ACRONYMS DSCA – Defense Support to Civil Authorities JPRC – Joint Personnel Recovery Center JPRA – Joint Personnel Recovery Agency AFRCC – Air Force Recue Coordination Center NCRCC – NORTHCOM Recovery Coordination Center SCC – Service Component Commander DCO – Defense Coordinating Officer DCE – Defense Coordinating Element CISAR – Catastrophic Incident Search and Rescue PR – Personnel Recovery NSP – National Search and Rescue Plan NSS – National Search and Rescue Supplement MRO – Mass Rescue Operations SMC – Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator DP – Decision Point UNCLASSIFIED

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