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Building the Church of the Future. Established on November 7, 2004, through the process of discernment we, as a Parish, selected the Building Church While.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Church of the Future. Established on November 7, 2004, through the process of discernment we, as a Parish, selected the Building Church While."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Church of the Future

2 Established on November 7, 2004, through the process of discernment we, as a Parish, selected the Building Church While Building Church Committee. Initiated as a group of 12 parishioners and 5 ex-officio members. We believe in Christ, the Devine Builder, who calls us to build a community of faith, worship and service, to nourish generations of believers; therefore, through consensus and in peace, with reverence and respect for all, we commit the work of our hands to build a church that honors God by welcoming all people.

3 On January 27, 2013, we dedicated the new Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. In the spirit of Pope Francis, through a whole host of activities, such as our Catholic Revival, spiritual concerts and our monthly fellowship gatherings, our new church building provides us with new opportunities to become a more vibrant, joyful and welcoming community of faith. Now is the time to look to our future; complete our building plan, including an educational facility. Build the Church of our future. Our Children are the Church of our future.

4 BCOTF Building Church of the Future Facilities & Property Task Force Capital Campaign Phase II

5 Many hands make light work. Capital Campaign Phase II Enhance collection of current pledges through January 2017 Solicit new pledges and contributions Plan future campaign Facilities & Property Task Force Explore all possibilities for increasing our revenue through the sale of some of our present assets on the Main Street campus and some of the excess acreage on our new campus. BCOTF - Building the Church of the Future Committee Plan and create our future educational and activities center. When we work together, we work stronger.

6 Mission: To create a new space for our  Parish Catholic School (ICS),  Parish School of Religion (PSR),  Sunday School program for pre-school children (“Little Church”),  Youth Ministry program (ICY)  and a wide variety of other parish ministries, events and activities. The Catholic Education and Activities Center will enable us to continue to share the gift of our faith with our children, who are the Church of the Future!

7 Who will be on the committee? 12 Parishioners who have completed a discernment process and are called to serve 4 Ex-officio members Father Carl Scherrer Russ Peterson Mike Kish Parish Council Chair

8 Discernment is a prayerful process intended to help parishioners gain the insight of the Holy Spirit when making a serious decision involving significant commitment. Candidates will have 2 weeks to prayerfully consider giving their Time, Talent & Treasure to the building to our new space. On March 21 st at the end of 5 PM Mass, we as a parish will pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and we will choose 12 parishioners from the box of discerned candidates. To be considered, please complete a candidate form and place in the discernment box (in the gathering space of church) before the beginning of 5 PM Mass on March 21 st.

9 Andrea Biske Committee Chair Building Church While Building Church Committee (Est. 2004)

10 First meeting will be April 9, 2015 @ 7 PM. The committee will decide on date, time and frequency of future meetings. Plan on meetings that may be monthly or weekly (depending on the need). Officers will be chosen by the committee at the second meeting (Committee Chair, Vice-Chair & Secretary). Plan on being a committee officer or sub-committee chair.

11 To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Building an Education Center will require more than a group of 12 parishioners. There will be many more opportunities to serve. There will be a time and purpose for anyone who wishes to be part of this building process and to actively participate.

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