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Charley Peterson Resource Monitoring and Assessment Program Pacific Northwest Station, Portland, Oregon Progress on achieving consistency and compatibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Charley Peterson Resource Monitoring and Assessment Program Pacific Northwest Station, Portland, Oregon Progress on achieving consistency and compatibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charley Peterson Resource Monitoring and Assessment Program Pacific Northwest Station, Portland, Oregon Progress on achieving consistency and compatibility across all regions FIA User Group Meeting Houston, Texas March 23, 2010 1

2 New Sheriff in the West 2

3 Old Sheriff in the West Sue Willits Administrative Director PNW Research Station Portland, Oregon 3

4 Recommendation #5 to FIA from the second Blue Ribbon P anel Consistent plot design & installation procedures Compatible field procedures and national manual Compatible analytical procedures Compatible database system Documentation of all of the above 4

5 Consistent plot design and installation procedures Plot design stable, integrated designs with NFS ~2001 and provided for additional NFS measurements National standards allow for regional options such as increased plot density, macro-plots or even hectare-sized plots (paid for by regional partners) 5

6 Consistent plot design and installation procedures National protocols for Urban forest inventory, developed with FHM, piloted in TN and CO for 5 years, and recently being implemented in PNW (more on this later) National protocols for Range, developed by RMRS with PNW and piloted with a joint USFS/BLM/NRCS project, currently under review by RMRS and PNW 6

7 Compatible field procedures and national manual Version 5.0 is out and used for quite some time Core measurements have been stable National Core Field Guide and additional work done to establish consistency for some regional add-ons The change proposal and updating process is transparent and well documented 7

8 Compatible field procedures and national manual Regional protocols consolidated into core-optional procedures in the national manual (e.g., tree damage, invasive plants, down wood, nonforest measurements); “Tropical field guide" developed as companion to the temperate field guide; National Data Recorder implemented in 3 regions in 2009, and in PNW 2010; National Field Data collections system (MIDAS) - All data will be collected with the same system for all on-grid plots, and for all off-grid intensified plots. 8

9 Compatible analytical procedures National "Bands" and "task teams" to develop one set of data/analysis; –Task teams created for Carbon, Understory Vegetation, administratively withdrawn lands, Down Woody Material, etc. National data processing system (NIMS) algorithms and procedures all in one place –Forest Typing algorithms, species lists, volume equations, Biomass calculations, core tables created etc... 9

10 Compatible database system National processing system (NIMS-CS) to reduce regional redundancy and streamline processing and IT resources ; National Website: established to provide public access to all non-confidential data for all FIA units; FIADB is publicly accessible and has a variety of tools; Tools - Data distribution tools (and data) have been more readily available to our clients 10

11 Documentation of all of the above FIADB documentation has been written and made available Change procedures, meeting notes, and organization are all made available on the web Publications and on-line resources have been developed –core analytical procedures behind the design (the “green book” Bechtold and Patterson 2005) –publications for each of the P3 indicators, and – reports on QA results. 11

12 And from Blue Ribbon Panel 2. 5 Establish guideline for posting data to FIADB Contract out field data collection to make it cheaper Develop analysis partnerships with agencies, universities, and private companies Re-evaluate core data list Data management: increase emphasis and centralize it Panel creep is a problem Formal agreements with states on data collection and analysis Finally - fully fund all states 12

13 What other things we need More partnership visibility at the national forest level Lots of requests for maps and they’re popular although they really represent another model or picture of a system but not reality. Need to make better use of the dataset itself with estimates that have confidence levels More use made of tools like DATIM (queries of FIADB) True potential for FIA is at some point adding user-friendly queries (like USGS, NPS, and wilderness institute offer) that can provide some local options (i.e. maintain relevance ) 13

14 Why macro plots out west? 14

15 15 Proportion of tree density and net volume by diameter class, for live and dead trees in CA,OR and WA

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