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Yakima Air Terminal.  Project Overview  Project Schedule  Impacts  Project Status  Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Yakima Air Terminal.  Project Overview  Project Schedule  Impacts  Project Status  Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yakima Air Terminal

2  Project Overview  Project Schedule  Impacts  Project Status  Questions

3  The Yakima Air Terminal has received an $11,000,000 grant. The grant is to:  Resurface and widen Alpha Taxiway, Taxiway Connectors A1-A5, and portions of Bravo and Charlie Taxiways;  Resurface airfield pavement between the north taxiway edge line to the non-movement line;  Replace the existing MITL system with LED MITL, including new conduit, fixtures, and regulator;  Replace all existing directional and hold short signs; and  Correct several markings not meeting FAA standards.



6  Expected construction START DATE October 27, 2014:  October 27, 2014 – November 14, 2014  Preliminary electrical work outside regular Phases 1-7  Inclement Weather Shutdown  Phase 1: April 20, 2015 – May 15, 2015  Phase 2: May 16, 2015 – May 29, 2015  Phase 3: May 30, 2015 – June 12, 2015  Phase 4: June 13, 2015 – July 3, 2015  Phase 5: July 4, 2015 – July 24, 2015  Phase 6 / 7: July 25, 2015 – August 25, 2015


8  Phase 1: April 20, 2015 – May 15, 2015  Ramp Closures.  McCormick West, and Plath Hangar.  Partial Ramp Closures.  Fuel Tank/House and McCormick Air Center.  Temporary Runway 9/27 Closure for work within the Runway Safety Area.  On-going construction activities and vehicle traffic on service roads and ramps.


10  Phase 2: May 16, 2015 – May 29, 2015  Ramp Closures.  Airlift Northwest, FedEx Air Cargo and Airport Maintenance Building.  Partial Ramp Closures.  McCormick Air Center and Private Hangars (formerly Noland-Decoto).  Temporary Runway 9/27 Closure for work within the Runway Safety Area.  On-going construction activities and vehicle traffic on service roads and ramps.


12  Phase 3: May 30, 2015 – June 12, 2015  Ramp Closures.  GE Aviation, West Itinerant Ramp, Med Assets, and West Terminal Apron Ramp.  Partial Ramp Closures.  Private Hangars (formerly Noland-Decoto).  Temporary Runway 9/27 Closure for work within the Runway Safety Area.  On-going construction activities and vehicle traffic on service roads and ramps.


14  Phase 4: June 13, 2015 – July 3, 2015  Ramp Closures.  East Terminal Apron Ramp.  Partial Ramp Closures.  East Itinerant Ramp.  Runway 4/22 and Bravo Taxiway Closed.  Temporary Runway 9/27 Closure for work within the Runway Safety Area.  On-going construction activities and vehicle traffic on service roads and ramps.


16  Phase 5: July 4, 2015 – July 24, 2015  Ramp Closures.  No Ramps Closed.  Alternate routes required for: Cub Crafters, McAllister Museum, Advanced Medical Systems, and South Air Park.  Temporary Runway 9/27 Closure for work within the Runway Safety Area.  On-going construction activities and vehicle traffic on service roads and ramps.


18  Phase 6: July 25, 2015 – August 25, 2015  Partial Ramp closures denoted by barricades.  Runway 4/22 closed intermittently.  On-going construction activity and vehicle traffic on service roads and taxiways.


20  Phase 7: July 25, 2015 – August 25, 2015  Not expecting any closures, however a schedule will be provided of the impacted areas to minimize air traffic and vehicle operations within the work areas.  On-going construction activities and vehicle traffic on service roads and ramps.

21  If at all possible, avoid construction areas.  Please plan all operations around construction to the maximum extent possible.  If there are known operations that will be impacted by the proposed schedule, please let us know.  The Airport Management will provide NOTAMs.  Do not travel (plane or car) across barricades delineating closed pavement.  Do not provide direction to the contractor unless there is an emergency.

22  Robert Peterson Office: (509) 575-6149 (#7) Cell: (509) 833-0898  Kris Yalovich Office: (509) 575-6149 (#7)  Stephanie Ray, PE (509) 966-7000  Michael Battle, PE (509) 966-7000

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