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AT meal Welcome to the … an introduction to the Outcomes Assessment Toolbox (with cookies!) 12/10/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "AT meal Welcome to the … an introduction to the Outcomes Assessment Toolbox (with cookies!) 12/10/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 AT meal Welcome to the … an introduction to the Outcomes Assessment Toolbox (with cookies!) 12/10/2013

2 Workshop Agenda 1.Welcome - Janette Clay, Program Specialist 2.OA Website - Ann Fillmore, Faculty OA Liaison, CTE 3.Using the OAT - Kanna Hudson, Research & Assessment Professional 4.OA Funding Opportunities - Toby Peterson, Faculty OA Liaison, Academic Transfer

3 Today’s learning outcomes As a result of today’s workshop, participants will be able to… 1.Briefly explain to a colleague what the OAT is 2.List at least three tools available in the OAT 3.Independently access the OA website and the OAT 4.Know how to apply for funding for OA projects

4 What is the OAT? Outcomes Assessment Toolbox Developed by Eriko Otsuka, ITS Funded by Title III, launched last year What you can do: – Manage course learning outcomes and program learning outcomes – Report on outcomes assessment projects – Request funding for outcomes assessment projects – And more (new tools in development)!

5 What is the OAT’s purpose? To make outcomes assessment easier and more meaningful for faculty To continuously be improved based on faculty needs and interests

6 Getting to the OA Website and OAT

7 Links Teaching and Learning Center > Outcomes Assessment > Forms and Applications > OAT (Outcomes Assessment Toolbox) >

8 Outcomes Assessment Project Funding Rubric Project assesses program-level learning outcomes (i.e. degree- and/or certificate-level learning outcomes) 2 pts1 pt0 pts Project addresses at least one component of the 2013-2013 IPT Charge to FT Faculty 2 pts1 pt0 pts Project proposal is clear about goals, faculty roles, timeline 2 pts1 pt0 pts Dollar amount of request is reasonable given the scope and scale of the project 2 pts1 pt0 pts Funds requested would directly support outcomes assessment work 2 pts1 pt0 pts Project proposal clearly establishes that the work proposed is “above and beyond” contractual obligations of faculty 2 pts1 pt0 pts Dollar amount of request is reasonable given the amount of funding available 2 pts1 pt0 pts

9 Pop Quiz! List at least three tools available in the OAT.

10 Your OA team is here to help! Ann Fillmore: Faculty OA Liaison, CTE Toby Peterson: Faculty OA Liaison, Academic Transfer Janette Clay: Program Specialist Kanna Hudson: Research & Assessment Professional

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