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Shetland Stroke Support Group Annual General Meeting 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Shetland Stroke Support Group Annual General Meeting 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shetland Stroke Support Group Annual General Meeting 2005

2 Starting up  Lottery Application  Funding granted by NOF (New Opportunities Fund)  Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland provided information in a start up pack  Public Meeting held in Islesburgh House to gauge interest  Steering group established  Questionnaire sent out

3 Constitution  Constitution adapted for local use from one in the pack provided by Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland  Adopted in October 2004 at a steering group meeting in Islesburgh House, and group name chosen  Copies of Constitution available to all members

4 Election of Committee  Office bearers and Committee elected at Christmas party held in Congregational Church Hall on 16 th December 2004  Chairperson – Alan Catterall  Treasurer – Kathleen Carolan  Secretary – Dorothy Storey

5 Committee Members  Jane Astles  Rhona Summers  George Peterson  Hilda Peterson  Brian Moulder  Helen Wilson  Ruth Catterall

6 Changes to Committee  Glyn Roberts co-opted onto Committee when Hilda Peterson was unwell in hospital in April  Glyn became a full committee member after Ruth Catterall stood down from the Committee in May

7 Volunteers  Volunteers recruited  Disclosure Scotland forms completed  Joy Goodlad  Angela Cutt

8 Membership  Cost of membership £5  Currently stands at 21 members  Minutes /newsletters sent out monthly after each committee meeting to all group members  New stroke patients given information about stroke support group

9 Voluntary & Independent Sector Partnership Forum (VISP)  SSSG joined VISP in March 2005 so that we can access training and updates on legal issues, Disclosure Scotland, or other relevant information sent out to voluntary groups by VISP  Membership of VISP is free

10 Activities Diary 2005  February - Slide show, Douglas Sinclair  March - Da Haaf Restaurant Scalloway  April – Stained Glass, Harry Tait  May – 50’s & 60’s Music night, Hank Smith  May – Campbell Chalmers from CHSS  June – Coffee Morning Freefield  June – Daytrip to Whalsay

11 Activities Diary 2005(continued)  July – Wind Dog Café Yell  August – BBQ in Aith  September – Storytelling with Davy Cooper  October – AGM  October – Maryfield Bressay  November – Calamity Jane Musical  December – Christmas Party

12 Stroke Information Booklet  To be paid for by SSSG  Money raised from Marathon run in June by Helen Anderson and Owen Johnson to be used to fund printing costs  Estimated cost so far £500 plus VAT for 50 copies  Quality Improvement Scotland meeting in Edinburgh in November

13 Advertising  Local press, weekly advert, what’s on column, plus press releases  Local Radio  Website – under construction  SIC website under local support groups  Posters in shops, hospital etc

14 Future Plans  Events diary for 2006  Visiting Service for new stroke patients, or those unable to travel to group activities  VSS Group for people with communication difficulties  Holiday trip for SSSG members  Fundraising

15 Thank you  To all committee members, volunteers and group members who give up their time to join in the activities of the stroke support group – there wouldn’t be a group without all your help!

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