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The feasibility of Microwave- to-Optical Photon Efficient Conversion By Omar Alshehri Waterloo, ON Fall 2014

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Presentation on theme: "The feasibility of Microwave- to-Optical Photon Efficient Conversion By Omar Alshehri Waterloo, ON Fall 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 The feasibility of Microwave- to-Optical Photon Efficient Conversion By Omar Alshehri Waterloo, ON Fall 2014

2 Outlines The device mechanism. Applications (potential). Advantages. Limitations. Improvements. The grand device!

3 Advantages of both Regimes separately MW photon Optical photon Linking quantum processors through low- loss optical fiber. Long-lived quantum- compatible storage [3,4]. Low-loss transmission [2]. Can be easily distributed [1]. Can be easily manipulated [1]

4 Advantages of converting Strengthens optical fiber transmission. Enables quantum systems to grow in bigger, more complex networks [5,6]. Linking quantum processors through low-loss optical fiber. MW easily manipulate d photon Optical easily distributed photon

5 Limitations The efficiency might be greater that unity which means that noise was added to the signal [1].

6 Previous potential conversion technology The only know potential device is the electro-optics modulators which is expected to act as converters [7-9]. However, some models have predicted photon number efficiencies of only few 10 -4 [10,11,8].

7 Mechanisms of potential devices The photon must enter a nonlinear medium before it can be converted [itself]. Proposed nonlinear intermediate mediums: 1- Clouds of ultracold atoms [12,13]. 2- Ensembles of spins [14,15]. 3- Nanomechanical resonators [16-18].

8 Current technology: nanomechanical resonator Both MW and optical lights have been used for cooling mechanical resonators to its ground state of motion [19,20]. Utilizing this common ground will enable combining optomechanics (optical photon related) and electromechanics (MW photon related). This combination is by simultaneously a mech. Resonator to both MW circuit and optical cavity [1]. The resonator components are as follows:

9 Detector MW circuit Optical photon Nano resonator Current technology: nanomechanical resonator (cont.) The device is composed of one mechanical resonator and two electromagnetic resonators: one optical and one MW. The optical resonator = Fabry-Perot cavity @ 282 THz. The MW resonator = LC circuit @ 7 GHz. The mechanical resonator system: LC circuit substrate + niobium coated membrane + the gap sandwiched between both of them.

10 Ref [1] 0- Maintain the cryogenics. 1- Inject a MW or optical field. 2- Measure the transmitted signals (seems random).

11 Current technology: nanomechanical resonator The best device fabricated today by Andrews et al [1] has conversion efficiency of 10%. This is the challenging part: integrating optical light with cryogenic temperatures. The cryogenics is needed for having 1- low noise, and 2- superconductivity. The ideal device should be 1- Coherent, 2- Lossless, and 3- Noiseless.

12 Future Improvements No technology nowadays can convert MW signal (low frequency) to optical (high frequency) while preserving the MW signal’s fragile quantum state [1]. The 10% efficiency device can improve in efficiency as proposed by [1] by precooling the device further lower than 4 K  below 40 mK. This is the challenging part: integrating optical light with cryogenic temperatures. The cryogenics is needed for having 1- low noise, and 2- superconductivity. The ideal device should be 1- Coherent, 2- Lossless, and 3- Noiseless.

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