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Managing Phosphorus with Distillers Grains Diets Allen Trenkle Iowa State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Phosphorus with Distillers Grains Diets Allen Trenkle Iowa State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Phosphorus with Distillers Grains Diets Allen Trenkle Iowa State University

2 Managing Phosphorus in Cattle Diets Establish requirements Use nutrient requirement tables – NRC Formulate diets to supply requirement - Preferably analyze feeds - Tables of nutrient composition of feedstuffs Can estimate excretion using available spreadsheets Input for manure management planning Corn contains more than adequate phosphorus for cattle

3 Nutrient Requirements of Growing Cattle Body Weight g/day N P 800 lb steer 3.5 lb/d

4 Phosphorus Requirement of Growing and Finishing Cattle – University of Nebraska Dietary phosphorus, % dry matter (Yearlings – Calves) Corn Gain, lbs/d Feed/gain

5 Composition of Co-products DGCDSCorn Protein3018.58.5 N4.83.01.4 Oil10204 NDF304.510.5 Starch1.33.869 Ca0.060.070.02 P0.851.20.32 K1.02.20.44 S0.4- DGS = about 65% DG + 35% CDS Nutrients in corn concentrated about 3 times in DGS Replacing corn grain with distillers grains increases phosphorus intake

6 Phosphorus Metabolism Digestion Trial - ISU Cattle Experiment

7 Phosphorus Excretion Steers fed control, distillers soluble or wet DG Feeding distillers co-products: Did not change P metabolism Increased P excretion Feeding DGS is a manure management issue

8 Use of DGS in Feedlot Diets Diet Composition DGS % DM Protein % Phosphorus % 012.60.35 1512.60.42 2514.60.47 4017.80.55

9 Land Area Required for Manure Disposal Corn - Nitrogen Balance Assumptions: Manure added based on crop removal – corn yield 150 bu/acre 50% of manure N lost as ammonia 1000-head feedlot occupied 304 days/year

10 Land Area Required Corn Production Manure Disposal - P

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