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Chetek Lakes Diagnostic and Feasibility Study Barr Engineering Company August 2, 2009 Annual Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Chetek Lakes Diagnostic and Feasibility Study Barr Engineering Company August 2, 2009 Annual Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chetek Lakes Diagnostic and Feasibility Study Barr Engineering Company August 2, 2009 Annual Meeting

2 Overview Lake Water Quality Basics Why Study? Study Details CLPA Volunteers Needed

3 How Does Phosphorus Affect WQ? Increase in Phosphorus Increase in Algae Lake gets Greener Secchi Disc reading Decreases

4 Phosphorus Sources Watershed Sediment Rainfall Groundwater

5 How Do Sediments Add Phosphorus to Lakes? Really low oxygen at bottom Phosphorus released from sediments Phosphorus mixed throughout lake from BoatsWind Fall Temperature Change

6 Watershed Phosphorus Loading Rain Runoff Phosphorus to Lake

7 Why Study? Secchi Disc readings Decreased Since 1996 – Why? Lake Sediment Study Needed Lake on 303d list of impaired waters

8 Study Details Phase 1 Habitat Study Monitoring Phase 2 Internal Load Study Modeling Management Plan

9 Phase 1

10 DNR Habitat Maps Aquatic Plant Sensitive Areas Coarse Rock Rubble Habitat Areas for Walleyes Coarse woody debris habitat Shoreline buffers/restoration areas

11 Sediment Monitoring - Barr Mud - 7 cores Prairie – 18 cores Pokegama – 7 cores Chetek – 8 cores Ten Mile – 6 cores Total of 46 cores

12 Sediment Monitoring - Barr Discover exactly how much phosphorus is in the lake sediments by measuring it

13 Tributary Monitoring - USGS Flow – 2 years Phosphorus – 1 year

14 Lake Monitoring 7 Times Per Year – USGS Volunteers – Weekly – June- Sept. Chetek – 2 years Other Lakes – 1 year

15 Other Monitoring - USGS Recording Stage Gage Recording Precipitation Gages 10 Groundwater Piezometers

16 Phase 2

17 Phase 2 – Internal Phosphorus Load Study Phosphorus release rates – low oxygen or high pH Boat propellor resuspension

18 Modeling Components How much Water enters the lake? How much Phosphorus enters the lake? Where does the Phosphorus come from? How much can Water Quality improve?

19 Management Plan Set Goals Watershed Management Internal Load Management Habitat Management Committee & Public Meetings CLPA Approval, WDNR Approval

20 What comes next? Projects from the management plan Projects that improve water quality

21 Schedule Phase 1 - 2010 to 2013 Phase 2 - 2011 to 2013

22 Study Cost About $290,000 for Phase 1 Estimate Similar Cost for Phase 2 About $580,000 for Study About $116,000 per lake

23 Funding Sources Two DNR Lake Protection Grants of $200,000 Each USGS Funds 35% of USGS Project CLPA $10,000 for Each Phase

24 CLPA Cost About $10,000 for Phase 1 About $10,000 for Phase 2

25 Volunteers Needed Lake Sampling Stream Sampling Sediment Sampling

26 Support Contact CLPA President John Plaza Support? Feedback?

27 Next Steps Meet With DNR Apply for Lake Protection Grant Funds Find Volunteers


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