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Nutrient Loading in the Klamath Basin K.A. Rykbost B.A. Charlton Oregon State University Klamath Experiment Station.

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1 Nutrient Loading in the Klamath Basin K.A. Rykbost B.A. Charlton Oregon State University Klamath Experiment Station

2 Source: USGS --- Snyder & Morace


4 U.S. Department of Interior --- Bureau of Reclamation

5 Environmental Issues are Driven by Political/Regulatory Forces Federal Clean Water Act °303D Lists of Water Quality Impairments °TMDL Process --- Oregon DEQ Oregon Senate Bill 1010 °Private Property Agriculture Management Plans °Local Advisory Committees --- Oregon D.A. Endangered Species Act °Listed Species --- Suckers and Salmon

6 Water Quality Concerns in Upper Klamath Lake Phosphorous Enrichment supporting Blue-Green Algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aqaue) pH > 9.0 (following algae bloom crashes) Dissolved Oxygen below 4.0 mg/l High Ammonia concentration (up to 0.9 ppm) High chlorophyll – a High temperature (up to 23C)

7 Sucker Springs, Upper Klamath Lake --- USGS BRD Klamath


9 Source: USGS --- Snyder & Morace

10 Lake-Wide Mean Nutrient Concentrations in Upper Klamath Lake 1991-1998 Source: Klamath Tribes --- Kann & Walker

11 Major Studies of Nutrient Loading of Klamath/Agency Lakes Miller & Tash: USGS 1965-66 °Ag. Drainage contributes 26% of TP Inflow °Top 1” of sediment = 60 years of Inflow P °Springs in lake contribute 25% of TP Inflow °Canals contribute 5% of TP Inflow °Major rivers contribute 43% of TP Inflow

12 Major Studies of Nutrient Loading of Klamath/Agency Lakes Snyder & Morace: USGS 1993-95 °Estimated 80 tons N/year, 15 tons P/year °Monitored drainage from Ag. Lands °Noted potential for natural sources °Reported high P in artesian wells °Suggested conversions to wetlands based on loading data

13 Major Studies of Nutrient Loading of Klamath/Agency Lakes Kann & Walker: Klamath Tribes 1991-98 °Modeled Loading Data from: °Miller and Tash; Snyder and Morace °Monitored Lake-wide Nutrient Concentrations °Reported Sediment P = 61% of Load °Suggested data used as basis for retiring Ag. Land to Wetlands

14 Source: Klamath Tribes --- Kann & Walker


16 Objectives of Klamath Experiment Station Studies Determine nutrient content in background sources °Major Springs and Artesian Wells Determine nutrient content in water flooded onto and drained from Ag. Lands Determine nutrient loading to Klamath Irrigation Project from Klamath Lake and Klamath River

17 KES Water Quality Analysis Methods All samples were grab samples -- duplicate Samples frozen & stored for batch delivery Kjeldahl digestion -- analyzed for: °Total P and Total Kjeldahl N OSU Dept. of Crop and Soil Science °Central Analytical Laboratory

18 Phosphorus Concentration in Major Springs Wood River Source [P] = 0.06 and 0.07 ppm Spring Creek Source [P] = 0.08, 0.09, and 0.09 ppm Fort Creek Source [P] = 0.06 and 0.09 ppm Crystal Creek Source [P] = 0.07 and 0.11 ppm Barkley Spring [P] = 0.08 ppm Malone Spring [P] = 0.06 ppm

19 P and N Concentration Artesian Wells Wood River Ranch Well #1 Snyder & Morace 3 samples 1993-95 °Total P = 6.7 ppm °Total N = 6.2 ppm Klamath Experiment Station 4 samples 1998-2000 °Total P = 5.3 ppm °Total N = 6.2 ppm Well #2 Snyder & Morace 1 sample 1995 °Total P = 2.0 ppm °Total N = 8.7 ppm Klamath Experiment Station 4 samples 1998-2000 °Total P = 2.4 ppm °Total N = 8.1 ppm

20 P and N Concentration Artesian Wells Fort Klamath Area -- 230 foot aquifer °#1 (2 samples) [P] = 0.31 ppm, [TKN] = 0.25 ppm °#2 (2 samples) [P] = 0.70 ppm, [TKN] = 0.50 ppm °#3 (2 samples) [P] = 0.74 ppm, [TKN] = 0.55 ppm °#4 (3 samples) [P] = 0.75 ppm, [TKN] = 0.50 ppm °#5 (2 samples) [P] = 1.17 ppm, [TKN] = 1.13 ppm °#6 (1 samples) [P] = 1.56 ppm, [TKN] = 1.90 ppm

21 Source: USGS --- Snyder & Morace

22 Nutrient Content of Inflow and Drainage from Agricultural Lands Wocus Snyder & Morace - 1993-95 (9 samples) °Drainage: TP = 0.21 ppm and TN = 4.2 ppm KES - 1998-2000 (19 inflow, 24 drainage) °Drainage: TP = 0.18 ppm and TKN = 3.8 ppm °Inflow: TP = 0.13 ppm and TKN = 2.8 ppm

23 Nutrient Content of Inflow and Drainage from Agricultural Lands Caledonia Snyder & Morace - 1993-95 (3 samples) °Drainage: TP = 0.24 ppm and TN = 4.2 ppm KES - 1998-2000 (10 inflow, 16 drainage) °Drainage: TP = 0.24 ppm and TKN = 3.7 ppm °Inflow: TP = 0.06 ppm and TKN = 1.1 ppm

24 Nutrient Content of Inflow and Drainage from Agricultural/Wetlands Wood River Ranch Snyder & Morace - 1993-95 (12 samples) °Drainage: TP = 0.96 ppm and TN = 3.0 ppm KES - 1999-2000 (52 inflow and 32 drainage) °Drainage: TP = 0.78 ppm and TKN = 3.25 ppm °Inflow: TP = 0.17 ppm and TKN = 1.25 ppm * Note: Cattle removed in 1995

25 U.S. Department of Interior --- Bureau of Reclamation

26 Klamath Project Plumbing Diversions into the Klamath Project °A Canal – Out of Klamath Lake °North and ADY Canal – Out of Klamath River °Lost River from Gerber and Clear Lake Reservoirs Klamath Irrigation Project Drain °Straits Drain from Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge

27 Methods for Estimating Nutrient Loading to Klamath Irrigation Project Sample at diversions - 2 week intervals °grab samples - usually duplicate BOR flows for midway between samples Load = volume x concentration

28 Nutrient Concentrations at A Canal Diversion - 1999

29 Nutrient Concentrations at A Canal Diversion - 2000

30 Total Phosphorus Loading at A, North, and ADY Canals - 1999

31 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Loading at A, North, and ADY Canals - 1999

32 Total Phosphorus Loading at A, North, and ADY Canals - 2000

33 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Loading at A, North, and ADY Canals - 2000

34 Seasonal Mean Nutrient Concentrations at A, North, and ADY Diversions A Canal °1999TP = 0.166 ppmTKN = 2.11 ppm °2000TP = 0.184 ppmTKN = 2.23 ppm North Canal °1999TP = 0.175 ppmTKN = 1.72 ppm °2000TP = 0.222 ppmTKN = 1.82 ppm ADY Canal °1999TP = 0.195 ppmTKN = 1.95 ppm °2000TP = 0.220 ppmTKN = 1.93 ppm

35 Nutrient Loading Summary KES data were well within range of observations from previous studies Natural background sources are not limiting in Phosphorus for blue-green algae Loading from Ag. Drainage must consider nutrients in floodwater

36 Nutrient Loading Summary Nutrient concentration in Wood River Ranch drainage 80% of 1993-95 value, 5 years after cattle removed Total nutrient loading in Irrigation Project from Klamath Lake and Klamath River °Approximately 180,000 Total P and 2,000,000 Total N P increases from Klamath Lake to ADY Canal

37 Nutrient Loading Summary Monitoring Nutrient Loading at Straits Drain °UC Davis Study °Preliminary Analysis shows P discharge = 100,000 lb Klamath Irrigation Project °Net sink for Phosphorus including affects of municipalities and wildlife refuges

38 Wetland/Storage Restoration Projects Wood River Ranch – 3,000 Ac - Wetlands Goose Bay Farms – 2,187 Ac - Wetlands Agency Lake Ranch – 7,123 Ac – Storage, Wetland Tulana Farms – 4,600 acres Wetlands Caledonia Marsh – 550 acres - Wetlands Barnes Ranch – 2,700 Ac – Storage – Refuge?

39 Nutrient Loading in The Klamath Basin: Agricultural and Natural Sources Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 1023 K.A. Rykbost and B.A. Charlton Available at:

40 Questions?? Oregon State University Klamath Experiment Station

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