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Togus Pond Development Surveys Lauren Wolpin. Development Overview Shoreland Zoning Regulations Wastewater Disposal Development Survey Buffer Strip Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Togus Pond Development Surveys Lauren Wolpin. Development Overview Shoreland Zoning Regulations Wastewater Disposal Development Survey Buffer Strip Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Togus Pond Development Surveys Lauren Wolpin

2 Development Overview Shoreland Zoning Regulations Wastewater Disposal Development Survey Buffer Strip Survey Roads Future Development

3 Mandatory Shoreland Zoning Act Rural Ponds District Municipal Ordinances –Setback –Shore frontage –Lot size –Area of impervious surface Non-conformance

4 Togus Pond Septic Systems Shoreland challenges –Water table –Shoreline erosion –Winterization of camps –Grandfathered systems

5 Togus Pond Septic Systems Remediation –Water conservation –Regular pumping –Landscape improvements –New construction

6 Development Survey Location Number of Houses

7 Buffer Strips

8 Well-buffered home Almost full lakeshore coverage Mix of trees and shrubs Rip rap Could be better Poorly-buffered home House very close to water Exposed soil No shrubs, few trees Rip rap incomplete

9 Togus Pond Buffer Strips Inadequate buffer strips are a problem Buffer Rating Fail Poor Fair Good

10 Camp Roads Soil erosion is a major contributor of phosphorus Proximity to lake is a concern

11 Well-maintained culvertPoorly-maintained culvert Maintenance Matters!

12 Berms prevent water from leaving the roadbed

13 Erosion on Ingraham Mountain Road

14 Road Survey Results Poor roads in Northwest corner Most roads acceptable or good Culverts most common problem

15 Steep Driveways Identified problem driveways Many lead straight into the lake Steep slopes lead to erosion Tasker Road, Hayes Road, Albee Road

16 Future Development Land clearing on Young Road Commercial areas Golf course Pipeline and Gerabro Acre Roads

17 Phosphorus Budget Kara Lanahan

18 Background and history Current nutrient status Phosphorus budget Phosphorus Overview

19 Cultural eutrophication Secchi disk transparency < 2 m Phosphorus concentration > 15 ppb Phosphorus Background

20 Historical Phosphorus

21 Phosphorus: Results Mean phosphorus: 28 ppb Trophic State Index (TSI): 67 – East Pond TSI = 64 – Great Pond TSI = 39

22 Summer Phosphorus Levels

23 401 ppb

24 What is it? How is it calculated? What does it mean in terms of lake health? Phosphorus Budget

25 Togus flushing rate = 0.81 Diagram of a phosphorus budget

26 W = external P load + internal P load W is the annual P load (kg/yr) Calculating the budget

27 Components of the phosphorus budget Watershed land use –Coefficient –Land area Septic systems –Soil retention –Occupancy rates Internal recycling and sediment release –Anoxia –Water quality

28 Sediment Release

29 Phosphorus Model Results Total Phosphorus load Best 794 kg P/ year High 1169 kg P/year Low 392 kg P/year Total concentration Best 19 ppb High 28 ppb Low 9 ppb

30 Percent contribution of all land use types

31 Total external load (direct watershed): 410 kg/yr 1.Forest: 107 kg/yr or 25-26% of total P load 2.Shoreline septic tanks: 96 kg/yr or 23% 3.Shoreline development: 56 kg/yr or 14% Sediment release contributed the most phosphorus: 328 kg/yr Total Phosphorus Loading Results

32 P sourceTogus PondThreemile PondWebber Pond 1 Sediment Release Reverting landSediment Release 2 ForestSediment Release Agriculture/ Golf course 3 Shoreline septic tanks Transitional Forest Threemile Pond What about phosphorus in other Central Maine lakes?

33 Decrease inputs from watershed Decrease internal loading through remediation What needs to change to improve lake health?

34 Shoreline septic tanks Minimize shoreline development Where will this reduction come from?

35 Most of Togus Pond’s phosphorus comes from internal recycling and sediment release The external load must be reduced first Phosphorus Model Conclusions

36 In Lake Remediation Wendy Sicard

37 Nutrient Control Techniques Possible for Togus Pond Alum Treatment Water Drawdown Biomanipulation Vegetative Mats

38 Alum Treatment Aluminum sulfate binds with P Effective for internal P loading

39 Alum Treatment Can last <1 year to 20 years Costly: average $450 per acre Testing and monitoring

40 Manipulation of Fish Stocks Lower algae by increasing algae- consuming zooplankton Reduce planktivorous fish or restock piscivorous fish Comparatively inexpensive

41 Water Drawdown Removal of nutrient-rich water Modification of culvert and dam

42 Vegetative Mats Absorb nutrients in contained rafts Provide cover for zooplankton Harvest and compost

43 Solutions for Togus Pond Stop inflow Funding Research of effects Multi-step approaches

44 Recommendations Rob Mehlich

45 Recommendations overview Watershed management In-lake management Monitoring and regulations Community awareness and education Grants and funding

46 Watershed Management Buffer strips and erosion –Impervious surfaces –Coverage and depth –Rip rap Roads –Maintenance –Limited and monitored construction

47 Watershed Management Septic systems –Old systems –Pump outs –Upgrades Land use –Enforcement –Deforestation

48 In-Lake Management Implementation of applicable remediation techniques Continued watershed management Studies and monitoring of remediation

49 Monitoring and Regulations Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program Worromontogus Lake Association Wetlands protection

50 Grants and Funding Maine Department of Environmental Protection –Nonpoint source water pollution control grants –Small community grant programs Maine Department of Transportation –Surface Water Quality Protection Program

51 Community Awareness Phosphorus free fertilizers Phosphorus free household detergents

52 Summary

53 Eutrophication Phosphorus is entering the lake from soil runoff and human uses of the land and from sediment in the lake. This leads to algal blooms and a decrease in water quality.

54 Summary Phosphorus that comes from sources outside the lake should be reduced. –Buffer strips –Roads –Septic systems –Detergents, and fertilizers

55 Remediation techniques may help reduce the phosphorus that is already stored in the lake sediments. –Alum treatment –Fish stock manipulation –Drawdown –Vegetative mats Summary

56 Acknowledgements We would like to give our thanks to the people and organizations that generously provided their time, knowledge, and support. Thank you. Roy Bouchard, Maine Department of Environmental Protection Russell Cole, Colby College Paul Connolly, Togus Pond Resident Dennis Curtis, Togus Pond Resident Fred Dillon, Maine Association of Conservation Districts Richard Dolby, Director of Code Enforcement David Firmage, Colby College Roger Gagnon, Togus Pond Resident David Halliwell, Maine Department of Environmental Protection Rebecca Manthy, China Lakes Alliance Jeff Norton, Elma’s Tackle and Hunting Supply Store John Pucciarelli, President of the Worromontogus Pond Association George Soucy, Code Enforcement Officer Nate Sylvester, Lakes Program, Kennebec County Soil and Water Conservation District Dan Tierney, Colby College Bill Woodward, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Bobby Van-Riper, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Augusta Town Office Maine Department of Environmental Protection Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Staff Maine Soil and Water Conservation Staff

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