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Crop Specific Foliars Tank Mix with Liquid Urea, Flexi, Easy N (UAN) For Maximum Yield, Protein and Profit.

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Presentation on theme: "Crop Specific Foliars Tank Mix with Liquid Urea, Flexi, Easy N (UAN) For Maximum Yield, Protein and Profit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crop Specific Foliars Tank Mix with Liquid Urea, Flexi, Easy N (UAN) For Maximum Yield, Protein and Profit

2 Gents, Please find attached the pictures of my mixing tank and the crops that we are spraying now with 2L of Cereal Plus and 10kg of Urea in 60L of water with 800mls of Ester and a 20% of normal wetter rate. Conditions are excellent and there is no leaf burn. Please note the Urea mixing tank was a quick fix and only temporary to get us going but very effective, we are dissolving 1500kg of Urea in 8000L of water in 20-30 minutes and at 60L of total water rate we are applying 10kg of Urea per hectare which is 4.6 kg of N per hectare. So far this crop has had 60kg of Agstar and 25kg of Urea spread on two weeks ago before a 6mm rain event. I spoke to Hooshang about my N rate from here on, deciding between 10 or 20kg through the leaf and he advised to just apply 10kg. He said if we push N to high in the foliar we will encourage more weak tillers which most likely won’t finish, instead go with a moderate rate of N with the Cereal Plus to balance up the Phosphorus and trace elements and that will make the tillers stronger and more viable, we call it “tiller maintenance” we want to encourage big heads and grain fill not excessive vegetative growth. We are growing grain crops not hay crops the golden rule is be economical with Nitrogen and back it up with the other essential nutrients which are found in Cereal Plus. Grant Borgward RLF 2

3 Note good tillering Do not make the tillers weak by applying too much Nitrogen 3

4 Crop has good potential but we want to keep the tillers strong and viable so they will make grain. That is why every time we apply Nitrogen, we also apply Cereal Plus with Phosphorus and Trace Elements. 4

5 TECHNICAL INFORMATION BULLETIN Foliar Spraying Nitrogen Urea is a preferred form of nitrogen for foliar application. As urea and UAN prices are generally comparable, the agronomic advantages of urea over UAN should be remembered when foliar nitrogen is applied. These advantages are as follows: 1.Per unit nitrogen supplied, urea has a lower osmotic pressure (higher water potential) than UAN; it therefore has less danger of causing plasmolysis when used at high concentrations or in dry conditions. 2.One quarter of UAN nitrogen is nitrate; nitrate needs to be reduced in the plant to ammonia in order to be incorporated into amino acids and proteins. The reduction of nitrate to ammonia uses photosynthetic or respiratory energy thus slowing down other metabolic pathways. 3.Urea converts to ammonia once absorbed. It saves the plant energy which is otherwise used in reduction of nitrate. 4.One quarter of UAN nitrogen is as ammonium ion (NH4+). Ammonium ion being a cation competes for entry into free space and uptake sites with cations like trace elements that are often used in tank mixes to correct trace element deficiencies. Thus urea not having a charge has no such suppressive action on uptake of zinc, copper, manganese etc. unlike UAN or ammonium nitrate. 5.Ammonium ion of UAN at high concentrations could replace calcium in the cell membrane and thus increase membrane permeability, the result of which is to reduce net uptake of nutrients (due to increased efflux). Urea does not have a charge to interfere with calcium status of the cell membrane or cell wall. For the above reasons, when there is a need to apply high rates of nitrogen, the choice of product is urea rather than UAN. Dr. Hooshang Nassery (Ph.D.) Phone: (08) 8367 9842 Mobile: 0403 016 369 5

6 Equipment Setup 6 Urea Hopper 2000 Kg Cereal Plus 1-2 L/Ha Mixing Tank 9000 Litres

7 Two inch (2”) Poly Pump for Agitation 7

8 Dissolving Urea It takes approximately 20 minutes for 1500kg of Urea to dissolve in 9000 L of total water volume 8

9 Nurse Truck for Fast Filling 9

10 Spraying recommendation: Start spraying your crop from the 3-5 leaf stage. 10

11 Spraying recommendation: Spray twice if possible for maximum yield and protein, as well as reduced screenings. 11

12 My aim is to grow healthy crops from the base to the tip. We like to split apply nutrients as much as possible. The more we foliar spray, the better the root systems and they are the key to accessing the soil reserves of nutrients and moisture for extra profit. 12

13 ProductAnalysisG/L%W/VCrop Litres/t of target yieldBest timingProgram Analysis and Rate matched to target yield Nitrogen57.505.75 Wheat, Oats1.00 to 2.25Early to mid-tillering Example: Wheat crop target yield of 2.5 t/ha Seed primed with 5L/tn of BSNSS Seeding rate 75kg/ha Foliar sprayed with 2.5L/ha Cereal Plus Phosphorus116.2011.62 Potassium35.003.50 Barley, Triticale & Rye 0.75 to 1.0Early to mid-tillering Sulphur28.002.80 Magnesium20.602.06 Maize, Sweet Corn, Popcorn 0.75 to 1.04 to 8 leaf Iron2.900.29 Copper3.200.32 Zinc18.401.84 Sorghum & Millets 1.0 to 1.5 4 leaf stage to flowering Manganese28.202.82 Boron3.000.30 Rice0.5 to 0.75 Mid-tillering to panicle Initiation Molybdenum0.200.02 Cobalt0.100.01 Nitrogen108.6010.86 Canola & Linola 1.0 to 2.0 Good canopy formation Example: Canola crop target yield of 1.8 t/ha Seed primed with 10L/tn of BSNSS Seeding rate 5kg/ha Foliar sprayed with 4.0 L/ha Canola Plus Phosphorus124.4012.44 Potassium33.003.30 Sulphur21.002.10 Safflower1.0 to 2.0 Magnesium19.201.92 Iron2.800.38 Copper3.000.30 Linseed1.0 to 2.0 Zinc20.002.00 Manganese13.301.33 Boron7.000.70 Sunflower1.0 to 2.0 Molybdenum0.400.04 Cobalt0.100.01 Crop Specific Foliars Source: RLF Pty Ltd Notes: 13

14 Crop Specific Foliars ProductAnalysisG/L%W/VCrop Litres/t of target yieldBest timingProgram Analysis and Rate matched to target yield Nitrogen57.005.70 Lupine, Faba Bean, Lentil, Vetches 1.0 to 2.0 Good canopy formation Example: Lupin crop target yield of 1.5 t/ha Seed primed with 5L/tn of BSN12 Seeding rate 100kg/ha Foliar sprayed with 2.5 L/ha Legume Plus Phosphorus124.4012.44 Potassium34.503.45 Sulphur30.003.00 Field Peas, Chickpea & Cowpea 1.0 to 2.0 Magnesium20.002.00 Iron2.900.29 Copper3.100.31 Peanut1.0 to 1.5 Zinc21.302.13 Manganese28.002.80 Boron7.400.74 Soybean1.0 to 1.5 Molybdenum0.400.04 Cobalt0.600.06 Nitrogen90.509.05 Lucene, Forage & Silage 4L/Ha From 2 weeks after emergence and/or after each cut Phosphorus103.7010.37 Potassium27.502.75 Sulphur29.402.94 All cereals2L/Ha Between emergence and mid-tillering Magnesium16.501.65 Iron2.300.23 Copper2.500.25 Legumes, Lupins, Peas, Beans 4L/Ha 4 to 10 weeks after emergence Zinc41.004.10 Manganese11.101.11 Boron5.800.58 Canola4L/Ha From emergence to 9 leaf stage Molybdenum0.330.033 Cobalt0.080.008 Source: RLF Pty Ltd Notes: 14

15 What is Fertiliser Integration? Fertiliser integration is a process in which seed, soil and foliage are employed to synergistically improve nutrient & water use efficiencies “ Fertiliser integration starts when metabolic events following seed and foliage treatment are translated to the root. ” “ Increased root efficiency results in changes in metabolism and hormones interacting with rhizosphere and plant top. ” “ Plant growth, stress resistance and yield is improved. ” “ The nature and mechanism of this translation is complex and is generally little known in the agriculture industry. ” Dr Hooshang Nassery 15

16 The success of Fertiliser Integration depends on; Treating seeds with penetrating solution to raise nutrient levels to optimum/above optimum. This enables seedlings to set a higher yield potential, form greater root exploring ability and better stress resistance. Applying fertiliser to soils at optimum but not excessive levels. This is determined by fertiliser history, soil test and potential/expected yield. Using foliar fertilisers to avoid ‘hidden hunger’& ‘hidden yield loss’. This is achieved by using especially formulated foliar fertiliser that could sustain the momentum of root efficiency/ exploration. The success of fertiliser integration is jeopardized when soil input exceeds crop demand, thus moderate fertiliser input and stepwise nitrogen applications should be practiced. 16

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