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Team of Scientists from UAS, Dharwad 1. Dr. P.L.Patil; Nodal Officer & Professor & Head Soil Science 2. Dr. G.S.Dasog; Dean (Agri.), AC, Dharwad 3. Dr. B.I.Bidari; Professor, Soil Science, 4. Dr. M. Hebbara; Assoc. Professor, Soil Science, 5. Dr. V.B.Kuligod; Assoc. Professor, Soil Science, 6. Dr. S.S.Gundlur; Soil Physicist, Belvatagi 7. Dr. C.B. Meti; Assoc. Professor Agril. Engg,. 8. Dr. G.N.Kulkarni; Assoc. Professor, Agril. Econ, 9. Dr. S.G.Angadi: Assoc. Professor of Horticulture 10.Dr. G.Somanagoudar: Assoc. Professor, Agron, ARS, Annigeri 11. Ms. Geeta Channal; SMS, EEU, Gadag
Total Geographical areas
Gadag-4656 Koppal Gadag Koppal Taluk Area in ha 1 109751 (23.52) Gangavathi 132,131 (23.91) 2 Mundaragi 88398 (18.98) 136,755 (24.75) 3 Naragund 43562 (9.3) Kushtagi 135,779 (24.57) 4 Ron 129091 (27.71) Yelburga 147,830 (26.75) 5 Shirahatti 94913 (20.3) Total 5,52,495 6 4,65,715
Drainage map
Classification of land and other land details
Gadag Koppal Sl no Particulars Area in Ha % to the Total geographical area Area in ha 1 Total geographical area 4,65,715 - 5,52,495 2 Area under Forest 32614 7.00 29,451 5.33 3 Barren and uncultivable land 11628 2.50 34080 6.13 4 Land put into non-agricultural uses 10481 2.25 39003 7.05 5 Cultivable waste 1010 0.21 2568 0.46 6 Permanent pastures and other grazing lands 2592 0.55 14675 2.65 7 Miscellaneous tree crops and grooves not included in the net area sown 263 0.05 210 0.038 8 Current Fallow 18937 4.06 80104 14.49 9 Other Fallow 3459 0.74 0000 --- 10 Net Area Sown* 384731 82.61 369857 66.94 Gross Cropped Area* 558533 119.93 500442 90.57 Cropping intensity (%) 145.20 135.30
Land degradation Classes Area (ha)
1. Normal 2. Sheet -erosion (Wsh1) 3. Rills (Wri2) 4. Gullies-severe (Wgu3) 947.25 5. Surface ponding-slight (Lsp1) -- 6. Surface ponding-moderate (Lsp2) 7. Saline-slight (ssa1) 153.79 8. Saline-Moderate (ssa2) 360.55 9. Saline-Severe (ssa3) -- 10. Sodic-Slight (Sso1) 312.91 11. Sodic-Moderate (Sso2) 12. Sodic-Severe (Sso3) 13. Saline Sodic-Moderate (sss2) 49.48 14. Saline Sodic-Severe(sss3) 0.00 15. Mining (Hmd) 110.29 16. Barren Rocky/stony waste (Tbs) 17. Miscellaneous (Tms) 8.92 18. Industrial effluent affected area (Hie) 19. Brick kiln area (Hbk) Total Geographical Area (ha) Total Degraded land (ha) Percent Degraded land 34.12
Climate Total ; 613 mm Total ; 572 mm
Irrigation Resources Gadag Koppal Particulars Number
Net sown area, ha Value/details Details 1 Canals 18,987 ha irrigation MRBC 142 km (60 Distributaries) 39,900 112 (km) 2 Tanks 1516 218 62 (nos) 3 wells ---- Open wells 5012 Area under irrigation in ha 887 NA Bore wells 31,028 30,341 Tube wells 72,335 6517 (Nos) 4 Lift irrigation 612 10 (Nos) 5 Total irrigated area 50,215 ha (13.06) 1,13,065 (30.56) 6 Rain fed area 3,34,516 (86.94) 2,56,792 (69.43)
Major soil types Sl.No. Soil type Area ( `000 ha) Gadag 1 Medium black soils 141.2 2 Deep black soils 124.7 3 Shallow black soils 28.3 4 Red and black mixed soils 12.2 5 Red sandy soils 0.1 Koppal Red soil 253.0 Medium deep black soil 131.5
Information on Soils of Gadag District
Taluka Soil type Deficient major nutrients micro nutrients Gadag Deep clay, red gravaley clay Phosphorous Zinc Ron Deep clay Nitrogen, Phosphorous Nargund Mundaragi Red gravaley clay, Deep clay, Shirahatti Phosphorous, Nitrogen,
Fig.1 :Location of the Study area
Karnataka India Bhanapur microwatershed Koppal District Soil resources of a micro watershed in Koppal District
Landscape of Bhanapur microwatershed
P5 Location: 15023'30.77" N , 76001'15.24" E Classification : Coarse loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic, Lithic Haplustepts
P8 Location: 15023'10.28" N, 7601'44.23" E Classification : Coarse loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic, medium, Psammantic Haplustalf
P16 Location: 15023'54.18" N 76001'48.49" E Classification : Fine clayey, montmorillonitic, isohyperthermic, Typic Calciustert
Productivity of important crops (Average of 2007-09)
Sl. No. Crop Productivity (kg/ha) Gadag Koppal 1 Sorghum 890 1353 2 Greengram 704 -- 3 Groundnut 1414 1238 4 Maize 4500 3123 5 Chickpea 710 Paddy 3447 Bajra 1280 6 Sunflower 1014 Horticultural crops t/ha Onion 10.5 7 Greenchilli 17.8 8 Sapota 10.2 14.1 9 Mango 9.8 12.4 10 Banana 28.7 31.4 11 Pomegranate 15.3
Livestock and poultry population (in ‘000) Name of the block Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Poultry pig Total 1 Gadag District 158607 (17.94) 80115 (9.06) 313616 (35.48) 172442 158915 (17.98) NA 883695 2 Koppal District 245296 (43.25) 108787 (19.18) 199671 (35.21) 13275 (2.34) 567029
Soil Productivity and constraints
Table : Average productivity of crops during 2005 and 2006 in Bhanapur Micro-watershed Crops Average yield (kg/ha) 2005 2006 Black soils Maize 3320 2130 Groundnut 700 400 Red gram 250 75 Red soils 2860 1600 650 300 Bajra 800 200 210 50 Total Rainfall (mm) 400.63 264.26
Soil moisture (%) Area (ha) 0-5 249.73 5-10 155.86 10-15 78.66 15-20 38.08 20-25 21.57 > 25 38.06 Total 581.96 Fig. : Volumetric soil moisture percentage of Bhanapur microwatershed on 14th July 2006 Fig. : Volumetric soil moisture percentage of Bhanapur microwatershed on 28th June 2006 Soil moisture (%) Area (ha) 0-5 432.05 5-10 125.45 10-15 24.28 15-20 0.18 Total 581.96
Soil moisture (%) Area (ha) 0-5 297.55 5-10 110.72 10-15 42.03 15-20 33.06 20-25 26.88 > 25 71.72 Total 581.96 Fig. : Volumetric soil moisture percentage of Bhanapur microwatershed on 18th August 2006 Fig. : Volumetric soil moisture percentage of Bhanapur microwatershed on 02nd August 2006 Soil moisture (%) Area (ha) 0-5 416.82 5-10 71.79 10-15 39.39 15-20 24.22 20-25 10.29 > 25 19.45 Total 581.96
Soil moisture (%) Area (ha) 0-5 458.17 5-10 105.71 10-15 18.08 Total 581.96 Fig. : Volumetric soil moisture percentage of Bhanapur microwatershed on 22nd September 2006 Fig. : Volumetric soil moisture percentage of Bhanapur microwatershed on 06th September 2006 Soil moisture (%) Area (ha) 0-5 411.44 5-10 110.07 10-15 40.14 15-20 13.77 20-25 5.02 > 25 1.52 Total 581.96
Physical and fertility constraints
Fig. : Soil texture of Bhanapur microwatershed
Gravel % Area (ha) Non gravely 247.38 Gravelly 280.53 Very gravelly 40.36 Extremely gravelly 13.69 Total 581.96 Fig. : Soil texture of Bhanapur microwatershed 119.16 87.18 Fine sand Fine clay 171.08 Medium coarse 581.96 Total Very coarse Area (ha) Soil texture 154.95 Medium sand 49.59 Fig. : Gravel % of soils of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. Soil Depth of Bhanapur microwatershed
96.49 Deep (110+) 232.79 Moderate deep (50-100) 581.96 Total 252.68 Shallow (25-50) Area (ha) Soil depth (cm) Fig. Soil Depth of Bhanapur microwatershed 106.78 High water retention (>50%) 166.74 Medium water retention (31-50%) 581.96 Total 308.44 Low water retention (0-30%) Area (ha) Maximum water holding capacity Fig. Maximum water holding capacity of soils of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. : Soil reaction status of Bhanapur microwatershed
pH range Area (ha) Slightly acidic (<6.5) 06.28 Neutral (6.5 – 7.5) 535.36 Alkaline (7.5 – 8.5) 40..32 Total 581.96 Fig. : Soil reaction status of Bhanapur microwatershed EC (dS/m) Area (ha) Non-saline 571.01 Saline 10.95 Total 581.96 Fig. : Salinity status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. : Organic carbon status of Bhanapur microwatershed
O.C (%) Area (ha) Low 454.13 Medium 126.83 Total 581.96 Fig. : Organic carbon status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. : Available nitrogen status of Bhanapur microwatershed
N (kg/ha) Area (ha) Low 580.42 Medium 1.54 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available nitrogen status of Bhanapur microwatershed P2O5 (kg/ha) Area (ha) Low 26.71 Medium 555.25 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available phosphorus status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. : Available potassium status of Bhanapur microwatershed
K2O (kg/ha) Area (ha) Low 66.00 Medium 365.65 High 150.31 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available potassium status of Bhanapur microwatershed S (mg/kg) Area (ha) Low 417.32 Medium 164.64 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available sulphur status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. : Available iron status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fe (mg/kg) Area (ha) Deficient 85.46 Sufficient 61.06 Excess 435.44 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available iron status of Bhanapur microwatershed Mn (mg/kg) Area (ha) Excess 581.96 Total Fig. : Available manganese status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Fig. : Available zinc status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Zn (mg/kg) Area (ha) Deficient 232.02 Sufficient 349.94 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available zinc status of Bhanapur microwatershed Cu (mg/kg) Area (ha) Deficient 232.02 Sufficient 349.94 Total 581.96 Fig. : Available copper status of Bhanapur microwatershed
Generally, soil productivity of the watershed was low.
Important productivity constraints identified are; Low soil moisture, Low soil depth, Gravelly coarse texture Low organic matter and Deficiency of N, P, S, Zn and Cu.
Demographic details: Population : Gadag Koppal Sl no Population Values
% 1 Male 493533 50.78 701479 50.40 2 Female 478302 49.21 689813 49.58 3 Total Population 971835 100.00 4 Rural 629652 64.79 83.20 5 Urban 342183 35.21 233633 16.80
literacy status Gadag koppal Sl no Population % 1 Male 79.3 74.26 2
Female 52.5 55.78 3 Total 66.1 67.28
1.3 Land Resource Inventory and GIS Database for Watershed Planning Study of natural resources, evaluating soil resources for prioritization of soil and water conservation and assessing suitability of crops. Identification of various constraints affecting crops productivity and planning for addressing constraints to enhance the productivity of crops.
Priority Research Projects in different components
2.1.1 Development and Piloting of Improved Approaches, Tools and Knowledge for Integrated Watershed Management 2.1.2 Adaption of Genomics Derived Drought and Charcoal Rot Resistant rabi Sorghum Varieties and Characterisation of Niche Specific Landraces of Sorghum, Chilli and Chickpea of Gadag and Koppal Districts. 2.1.3 Development of Decision Support Tools for Site Selection and for Design of Soil and Water Conservation measures Enhancing crop productivity through Site Specific Management of N,P,S and Micronutrients in micro catchments of Gadag and Koppal districts. 2.2. DEVELOPING BEST PRACTICE MODELS FOR IMPROVED HYDROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING In situ meteorological monitoring at sub-watershed scale in Gadag District Hydrological studies and water budgeting of the selected watersheds in Gadag and Koppal districts Impact of soil and water conservation structures on the groundwater regime of the sub watersheds in Gadag and Koppal districts
Research priorities in terms of Horticulture component
Perennial Horticultural components such as fruit crops (Mango, Sapota, Tamarind, Custard apple, amla etc) vegetable crops (curry leaf, drumstick) and perennial species may be introduced for utilizing soil moisture from deeper soil horizons apart from conserving soil and rain water Mixed dryland orchard systems such as mango/sapota + lime/papaya/custard apple has ample scope in getting early returns with minimum expenditure towards inputs specially labour Short duration and intensive horticultural activities such as nurseries, cultivation of short duration vegetables such as green leafy and leguminous vegetables can be adopted under watershed areas through which soil physical and chemical properties will be improved. Drought hardy annual (e.g. Gailardia) and perennial (e.g.Jasmine, chrysanthemum) flower crops and medicinal and aromatic can also be adopted.
2.3.1 Value Addition of Economically Important Crops of Gadag District Establishing of agro-processing units and value addition for Agricultural, Horticultural, livestock and Non-Timber forest produce A.Market information and intelligence – Analysis and dissemination 2.4 STRENGTHENING MARKET LINKAGES AND HORTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Identification of Post Harvest Losses, approaches for improving post harvest losses and addressing agro-processing potentials and constraints Assessment of Status on Socio-Economic and Agro-Technological Dimensions of Agricultural Systems in Watershed Areas of Gadag and Koppal districts Strengthening Horticultural Producers Cooperative Marketing and Processing Societies
2.5.1 Comprehensive synthesis report on climate variability and agriculture production, including monsoon events 2.5.2 Adaptive research, development, and field implementation of agro-climate advisory system for farmers, building on ISRO pilot work - research, demonstration in project areas, ICT links 2.5.2 Synthesis And Demonstration of Best Farming Practices For Conservation Agriculture 2.5.3 Potential for soil carbon sequestration under field and agro-forestry systems to enhance productivity and income through Carbon trade in watershed areas of Gadag and Koppal districts 2.5.4 Establishment of Extensive Agroforestry-based Carbon Sinks by Integrating Geo-spatial Information Systems and Participatory Approach to Enhance Productivity and Livelihood in watershed areas of Gadag and Koppal districts 2.5.5 Assessment of climate sensitive crop and animal disease/pest risks in Gadag and Koppal districts
Sub-component 3.1 AGRICULTURE INTENSIFICATION AND WATER USE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3.1.1 Production of communication materials, field notes, toolkits, videos, etc for dissemination of information on water use information Sub-component 3.2: Training programs to strengthen extension and watershed management, integration with agriculture and broader program convergence 3.2.1 Technical support to prepare training modules 3.2.2: Training and support to village level extension agents (Jala Mitras Gopal Mitras, farming facilitators) 3.2.3 Training and support to community institutions and farmers on natural resource management, agricultural intensification, soil management, nutrient management, water management and micro-irrigation, conservation agriculture, etc, (through farmer field schools, outreach programs, etc). 3.1 Designing and developing need based e- resources to build pro-climate change mitigation understanding among the local communities in the watershed areas of Gadag and Koppal districts
COMPONENT 3: INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING TRAINING PROGRAMMES TO STRENGTHEN EXTENSION AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, INTEGRATION WITH AGRICULTURE AND BROADER PROGRAM CONVERGENCE. Empowerment of SHG members through Micro-enterprises in Watershed areas to achieve livelihood security 3.2 Survey and reporting of Indigenous Technical Knowledge related to soil and water conservation, agriculture and drought adaptation
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