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Spreading the Gospel of Life, One Marriage, One Family at a Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Spreading the Gospel of Life, One Marriage, One Family at a Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spreading the Gospel of Life, One Marriage, One Family at a Time

2 NFP Parish Rep Training Session 1:00 Registration/Introductions 1:15 NFP and the Marriage Prep Policy for the Diocese 1:30 Theology of the Body –Helping Instructors and Reps make the point of successfully living & witnessing to NFP  2:30 15 minute Break 2:45 NFP Parish Rep Ministry 3:00 Developing an effective Couple Witness Talk 4:00-5:00pm Work on Couple Witness/Share in Small groups (5:00pm Mass available at St. Mary’s Basilica)

3 Office of Marriage and Respect Life

4 1998-2009: What is the difference? 1998 Policy 1. Some analysis of current issues, explanation of God’s plan and Pastoral response to crisis 2. Parish/Diocesan programs encouraged 3. Basic trainings for MPM’s and MPL’s 4. Two courses required (approx. 14 hrs.) 5. Introduction to Natural Family Planning 6. Cost of Preparation: $140-300 (Dioc. schol. available) 7. Six-month prep period 2009-10 Policy 1. Analysis, diagnosis, theological understanding, pastoral response deepened 2. Parish/Diocesan/Online programs encouraged 3. More thorough training 4. Three courses required (approx. 26 hrs) 5. Full course in an approved method of NFP 6. Cost of Preparation: $250-$460 (Dioc. Schol. available) 7. Nine month prep period 8. Appendix updating pastoral approach to cohabitation/sexually active couples

5 Marriage Prep Timeline 1. Month 1:A couple meets with Pastor or his delegate, parish starts their Nuptial File. 2. Month 1-3 : FOCCUS inventory 3. Month 1-3: Married Life Skills Course (weekend or 6 evenings)-ex: Love for Life, Engaged Encounter, Unitas or other approved program. 4. Month 3-6: God’s Plan for Joy Filled Marriage (weekend)-this will include an NFP Introduction 5. Month 4-7: Full NFP Course 6. Month 8 Reconciliation 7. Month 9: Final meeting with Pastor or his delegate

6 Fr. Charlie Goraieb “Theology of the Body ”

7 Periodic Abstinence: the Gift to Married Love Fr. Charlie Goraeib

8 Adults 25-34 Married 8

9 What happened? 1960—advent of Pill 1968—Promulgation (and rejection) of Humanae Vitae

10 Paul VI, prophet (HV, 17) 1. Infidelity and lower Standards 2. Women as objects 3. Governmental Manipulation 4. False understanding of the Body 10

11 Catholics On Board 11

12 “Follow your Conscience”—the wolf in sheep’s clothing

13 Was Paul VI right? 13

14 Effects of Contraception Increase in divorce, abortion, out-of- wedlock pregnancy, STD. Extra-marital sex leading to divorce. Physiological and psychological effects of the pill. Objectification of women. Pornography 14

15 Harm done to the spousal relationship. False understanding of the “control” we have over our bodies. Delay marriage Children seen as burden Divorce (50%) 15

16 Population Control 16

17 Church’s repsonse? A New Vocabulary: From the Natural Law to The Personalistic Norm THEOLOGY OF THE BODY 17

18 The Law of the Gift: The “disinterested” gift of self to another for the purpose of Union and Communion. 18

19 Sacrament of Marriage Definition of Sacrament: Visible sign which depicts an invisible reality that imparts God’s grace 19

20 The Vows Free Total Fruitful Faithful 20

21 We hear three Main Objections to using NFP 1. It doesn’t work 2. Hard to learn 3. Very difficult to practice

22 Answers 1. 95%-99.6% effective 2. Designed for simplicity 3. You’re right in terms of abstinence for many couples

23 So Why Bother? No side effects Understand each other better Better Communication New ways of showing affection Fosters chastity

24 The Paschal Mystery “Home Kit” Allows for practice of Responsible Parenthood Protects the Nature of Sexual love by ensuring the Gift Helps you stay married

25 Rate of Divorce 25

26 Be Aware: Can mask a “contraceptive or selfish mentality” in some Periodic Abstinence can be a special burden on the woman

27 Know Your Audience Sex is more than just sex Don’t want to be used God has a plan 27

28 Further Questions to Discuss 28 Is NFP “Catholic Contraception”? Contraception and Homosexuality? NFP--unique challenges for men and women?

29 Promoting NFP Within the Parish

30 Achieving a goal expressed by Bishop Thomas Olmsted: To establish parish NFP liaison couples to assist pastors in promoting NFP and to be NFP point persons for the laity.

31 Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted “I hope you will be able to respond generously to this call for your invaluable service. If so, I know you will enrich your own marriage as well as help to enrich the marriages of those to whom you are called to minister.”

32 NFP Full Series Requirement USCCB-DDP/NFP set a minimal standard of four meetings with each couple. We require four in addition to the introduction to NFP. God’s Plan for Joy Filled Marriage now has the NFP Introduction embedded into it, in the last session. God’s Plan+ three classes + one-month follow-up. This takes about three months to complete. Class Series cost:$100 per couple, $130 for on-line. Couple to Couple League classes: $135 Creighton Model: $150

33 2011 Come & See: NFP Intro for Married Couples 2 hour Power Point Presentation covering:  Theology of the Body  Male/Female Anatomy & Scientific Basis of NFP  Effectiveness Rates  Contraceptive Side Effects/Methods of Action  Couple Witness about Benefits of NFP/Periodic Abstinence  Cost: $15 per couple/pkt of information. Scheduled about once a month in some part of the valley.

34 NFP Parish Rep Ministry “Job Description” “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings…” Isaiah 52:7 Isaiah 52:7 Assist pastors in promotion of NFP in their parish Offer to have your contact information at the reception desk and with the Marriage Prep coordinator for questions couples may have. Read about NFP & Become familiar with the NFP Intro Packet and website.

35 Make sure announcements for classes appear in your parish bulletins. Ask to have NFP posters & schedules placed in the vestibule or brochure rack of your Church. If your parish hosts NFP classes, greet the NFP teaching couple & help make sure room is set up for them Offer to share your witness at various meetings in your parish: RCIA classes, Marriage Prep, Bible Studies, Women’s & Men’s Fellowship Groups, Baptism Classes, Ministry Fairs, after Mass-especially during National NFP Week at end of July ( can share new video!) NFP Parish Rep Ministry “Job Description”

36 Parish Rep Report Form Please keep track of all NFP parish work that you do for the year on the Report Form. At the end of the year please send the form to the Office of NFP, Diocese of Phoenix. Or send an email. Statistics will be reported to the Bishop and to the USCCB-DDP/NFP

37 Office of NFP Diocese of Phoenix NFP Methods Coordinated by Office of NFP:  Northwest Family Services Sympto-Thermal Method (NWFS)  Family of the Americas Ovulation Method (FAF)  BOMA-Billings Ovulation Method Association (BOMA)  Creighton Model- Available throughout the Diocese in over 30 parishes, in both English and Spanish and Vietnamese

38 NFP Only Healthcare Professionals  NaProTechnology- Deirdre Wilson, D.O. –Dr. Clint Leonard, Ob/Gyn, Napro Technology  Dr. Mike Czerkes, Ob/Gyn, Napro Technology  Dr. James Statt, Ob/Gyn- Aid to Women Center  Dr. William Chavira, Ob/Gyn  Dr. Lori Carillo, Ob/Gyn  Lisa Clouse McDaniel, PA, Napro Technology  Dr. John Oertle, NMD

39 Registration Procedures Couples should be directed to our websites: Marriage Prep site: Couples can pay on line by credit card, or by mailing a check or money order. Cash is not accepted. May call for clarification or questions: 602-354-2122

40 NFP Recruits Are Needed! Couples who: Have experienced the blessing of periodic abstinence in their own marriages by living NFP. Would like to grace their marriage with shared lay service. NFP Couple Parish Reps NFP Instructors

41 NFP Instructor Recruitment Office of NFP has a trainer for: NWFS S-T method(English) and for FAF Ovulation Method(Spanish). Special need for bilingual Sympto-Thermal instructors. CCL -on-line teacher training ( English only).

42 Getting Started as NFP Parish Rep Couples: Your pastor will be receiving a letter from the Office of NFP with your name and contact information. Please call your pastor, introduce yourselves and set up a meeting to offer specific services in the parish. He will be happy to have this position filled! ( On the parish checklists now!) Please don’t say: “What do you want us to do?” Bring a gift: “Married Love and the Gift of Life,” and know that you are beautiful to him and to Bishop Olmsted, because you bring Good News!!

43 Jenelle and Mark Van Brunt Sharing your story by Writing your NFP Couple Witness

44 Couple Witness- Take 20 minutes to reflect, write notes, and then come together to share an outline containing: Conversion to using NFP Challenges while using NFP Fruit since making the change to NFP Share with group now, develop more fully at home.

45 Tips for Preparing Your Couple Witness Pray for God’s inspiration. Read examples of witness talks ( on USCCB site). Both Husband and Wife share equally in time. Write in down. Get feedback. Practice it! Try not to read it when presenting. Use humor, pathos, regrets, joy. Make it very personal.

46 Questions? Thank you so very much!

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