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St. Christine Church Results from the Mass Survey in January 2007.

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1 St. Christine Church Results from the Mass Survey in January 2007

2 Parish Alive! Process Summary 1. Assemble Core Group to lead an assessment of things, inside and out 2. Identify top items for Parish to address 3. Make plans to address these items (work with what exists and propose new ideas) 4. Announce these plans in a Convocation (open forum) and tweak/revise if need be 5. Implement the plans to address top items

3 Purposes of the Surveys  Voice: allow folks to express themselves  Check: tap into our strengths and challenges (pulse/BP)  Suggest: provide insight as to where we might focus our efforts

4 Survey Reinforcement  Leadership surveys done in October 2006 echo the findings of the Mass surveys (strengths in Liturgy and Parish leadership, challenges in involvement and youth appeal)  Focus Groups done in January 2007 also reflect the findings of the Mass surveys (strengths on the Mass and what the Parish has to offer; challenges in reaching out to those not involved and being appealing to young folks)

5 Tallies from the Masses Mass/GroupSurveys Percent of All Saturday 4:00 38521% Saturday 7:00 1378% Sunday 7:00 1569% Sunday 9:00 36720% Sunday 10:30 33719% Sunday 12:00 29316% CCD / Teachers / Aides 623% 8 th Graders SC/CCD 694% Overall Total 1,806100%

6 Survey Overview  Completed at all 6 Masses on Jan 27 & 28  One-sheet survey, both sides, like IPSD  Finished in 10 minutes—23 questions  Allows for many probes about our Parish

7 Q1: Our weekly celebration of Mass enriches my life as a Catholic Christian  95% agreement  Only 2% disagree  4% don’t know

8 Q2: St. Christine leadership does an excellent job of communicating  83% agreement  7% disagree  10% don’t know

9 Q3: I am aware that there are opportunities for me to grow spiritually at St. Christine  93% agreement  0nly 2% disagree  5% don’t know

10 Q4: The Parish addresses injustice and outreach to those in need  79% agreement  0nly 6% disagree  14% don’t know

11 Q5: The Parish appeals to our young people  62% agreement  19% disagree  19% don’t know

12 Q6: I am personally involved in the life of the Parish  59% agreement  27% disagree  15% don’t know

13 Q7: St. Christine is a warm and welcoming Parish that reaches out to all families  83% agreement  10% disagree  7% don’t know

14 Q8: The Parish successfully meets my and my family’s religious education needs  85% agreement  Only 5% disagree  10% don’t know

15 Q9: The weekly Mass homily is inspirational and educational  89% agreement  Only 6% disagree  5% don’t know

16 Q10: Many of my church-related needs have been addressed through St. Christine Parish  80% agreement  7% disagree  13% don’t know

17 Q11: Our Parish offers opportunities for all groups of persons  82% agreement  8% disagree  10% don’t know

18 Mass Survey Results, Part 1 ItemAgreeDisagreeUnsure Mass is enriching 95%2%4% Leaders communicate 83%7%10% Aware of opportunities 93%2%5% Outreach is effective 79%6%14% Appealing to youth 62%19%19% Personally involved 59%27%15% Warm/welcoming83%10%7% Relig educ needs met 85%5%10% Homily inspiring/educ 89%6%5% Church-needs met 80%7%13% Opportunities for all 82%8%10%

19 Q12: How often do you access our website?  58% never accessed it  14% monthly or more

20 Q13: Selected as Top 3 Areas You Feel are the Most Important for Our Parish to Address Childrens Choir 9% Marriage Enrichment Programs 8% Promote a warm welcoming Parish 43% Renovations 17% Music 11% Promote our School 24% Newsletter 15% Outreach for the disabled 14% Small Faith Communities 5% Teachings 29% Outreach to the poor 27% Singles 13% Parking 13% Perpetual adoration 7% Endowment Fund 5% Family Faith 21% Planned giving 3% Bible school 7%

21 Q14: What is your St. Christine Parish member status?

22 Profile of Those Who Responded:  Been a member for 25 years  57% female, 42% male  62% married, 21% single, 9% widowed, 6% divorced  89% have no kids in our school  86% have no kids in CCD  Average age is 51 (93 year old is oldest; only 27% below 40; 26% age 65 or more)

23 Age of Responders Age Group Percent of All Surveys 13-19 years 12% 20-29 years 4% 30-39 years 9% 40-49 years 19% 50-64 years 27% 65-79 years 18% 80 years and older 8%

24 How active are you? Attend Mass:  Daily 4%  Weekly 86%  Monthly 5%  Rarely 2%  Blank 2% Ministries/Activities:  “None” 63%  Average is less than 1

25 Q23: Any Other Comments?

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