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Norton in Hales and Betton Parish Plan Progress Report Including Summary of Responses to 2008 Questionnaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Norton in Hales and Betton Parish Plan Progress Report Including Summary of Responses to 2008 Questionnaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norton in Hales and Betton Parish Plan Progress Report Including Summary of Responses to 2008 Questionnaire

2 About tonight – why are we here?  Provide you with an update on progress with the development of the Parish Plan  Share the findings of the 2008 questionnaire  Advise you of next steps for the production of the Parish Plan

3 What a response…..!  Greater than 60% response rate - 45% is considered an excellent, which must make ours outstanding, and is a measure of the importance that parishioners place in their community  A fabulous effort across the whole of the community. Thanks for taking the time……..

4 About us…….  Where do we Live? –73% live in Norton in Hales –The remainder live in Betton, Ridgwardine and Tunstall –except for two respondents who claimed to live outside the parish!  How long have we lived here? –We have a relatively stable, static population –67% have lived in the parish for more than 10 years –outside Norton, this figure goes up to 83%! –over 80% have lived in the parish for more than 5 years  How old are we? –20% are under the age of 18 –51% are in the age range 18-60 –29% are over the age of 60

5 What’s important to us…?  Services  Community  Housing  Wildlife and Landscape  Community Buildings  Education  Transport

6 What’s important to us? - Services IssueAction For the people who rely on it, public transport in the Parish is simply inadequate. Contact: Bus Coordinator at Shropshire Council Self Help: Community Car Scheme North Shropshire Voluntary Action Unpaved footpaths and bridle ways are well used and there is a demand for additional paths to be made available. Contact: Kevin Jones Countryside Access Officer Paul Daly Countryside Access Project Mgm. Paul Daly Countryside Access Project Mgm. Self Help: Work with Parish Council Project Councillor Consider erection of maps showing footpath Contact Land owners Consider erection of maps showing footpath Contact Land owners Identify grants which may be available There are highly localised fly tipping issues at Betton and Tunstall Hall. Contact: Shropshire Council Shropshire Waste Partnership Self Help: Public Awareness Investigate volunteer group Investigate volunteer group Parking in Norton is perceived to be a significant problem, particularly parking concerned with the school Contact: David Gradwell at Shropshire Highways Education Authority/ School Education Authority/ School Parish Council Parish Council Safer Routes to School Safer Routes to School

7 What’s important to us? - Community IssueAction Sports facilities are important to the community. Many parishioners want them extended, with football the most wished for facility. Investigate: Grass Roots Grants Self Help: Seek volunteer to run football team Vandalism is limited - but perhaps increasing Contact: Parish Council Police/Neighbourhood Watch Police/Neighbourhood Watch Self Help: Seek to involve the youth more in village activities to develop a sense of ownership and social responsibility There is strong opposition in the Parish to the creation of a wind farm at Dorrington Parishioners with strong feelings can oppose the wind farm as individuals via the planning process or via support of Vortex There seems to be a reasonably strong body of volunteers to assist in a variety of different ways. Self Help: Harness the enthusiasm of parishioners to make a positive contribution to improving our community

8 What’s important to us? - Housing IssueAction Parishioners have strong views on housing and seem keen to preserve the character of the villages which make up the Parish. A significant majority were against any further residential development in the Parish. The views of the parish will be advised to Shropshire Council so that these can be reflected in the emerging Local Development Framework To the extent that there is any development, a large majority consider that it should be limited to infill, so as not to extend the building line. As above The conservation area status for the centre of Norton is popular but there is no apparent mandate to extend it. There is a very widely held view that parishioners should be given priority in the allocation of “social housing”. Raise awareness of how to apply for social housing

9 What’s important to us? Wildlife and Landscape IssueAction Almost all respondents confirmed the importance of the attractive rural setting of the Parish Self Help: Work with the In Bloom Committee A very large majority think that the preservation of historical features is important Self Help: Preservation work undertaken by volunteers Attract funds/grants to support work Attract funds/grants to support work There is a mandate for additional tree planting - although careful consideration will need to be given to the location of such planting. Self Help: Form Tree Planting Action Group (TPAAG) Volunteers needed to investigate the options and possibilities. and possibilities. Contact land owners Contact land owners Work with In Bloom Committee Work with In Bloom Committee

10 What’s important to us? Community Buildings IssueAction The Village Hall is arguably underused and a significant minority of parishioners consider it to be inadequate in some way, most of them think it is too small. Contact: Village Hall Committee and Sports Field Committee Jill Porter, Community Buildings Officer A large majority of parishioners consider the pub to be an important part of the community. Possibly that is not reflected in the pub’s trade. Contact: “Pub is the Hub” There is also very significant support for the possibility for a village shop - although whether the actual support would be sufficient to make it viable may be another matter altogether Contact: VIRSA – community shops

11 What’s important to us? - Education IssueAction Despite parking issues and the fact that a large majority of households in the Parish have no children at Norton in Hales school, there is very strong support for the school as part of the Parish Community, and a belief that it should be retained and supported. Clearly the school would not survive if it only admitted the children of parishioners. There is a surprisingly high level of support for adult education classes. Contact:Education Authority to identify potential course leaders Self Help:Seek volunteers to run courses Publicise courses and activities

12 What’s important to us? - Transport IssueAction There is a widespread perception that speeding is a problem on roads in the Parish, particularly between Market Drayton and Norton in Hales Parish Council to discuss issue with responsible Agencies: - Police - Highways Authority, Shropshire Council There is also widespread concern about the number and size of large vehicles using the (mostly very narrow) lanes in the Parish. Contact: David Gradwell Shropshire Highways Self Help: Develop a responsible dialogue with large vehicle users vehicle users There is widely held concern about the road surfaces in the Parish, including uncleared mud and hedge clippings. Parish Council should lobby Agencies to take action : - Highways Authority, Shropshire Council - Police - Landowners - Contractors

13 What happens next……?  Production of Action plan  Timetable – the next few months…  Identify volunteers for “self help” groups

14 Lovely isn’t it?..and worth looking after!!..and worth looking after!!

15 Thank you and goodnight………

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