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Annual Review of Catholic Education in the Parish 2008 The Catechetical Formation of a parish involves everyone from birth till death.The Catechetical.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Review of Catholic Education in the Parish 2008 The Catechetical Formation of a parish involves everyone from birth till death.The Catechetical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Review of Catholic Education in the Parish 2008 The Catechetical Formation of a parish involves everyone from birth till death.The Catechetical Formation of a parish involves everyone from birth till death. Catholic Schools remain the most effective way to educate young people in the faith.Catholic Schools remain the most effective way to educate young people in the faith. It is important that we keep in mind both the mission of educating our parishioners and the stewardship of our limited resources in order to be a winning parish.It is important that we keep in mind both the mission of educating our parishioners and the stewardship of our limited resources in order to be a winning parish. These are hard times, and they will get more difficult before they get better. We need to look at the overall picture of committed Catholics today and how that picture impacts us here at St. John Bosco.These are hard times, and they will get more difficult before they get better. We need to look at the overall picture of committed Catholics today and how that picture impacts us here at St. John Bosco. We remain as ever a people filled with hope. “Love hopes all things. Those who love Jesus Christ hope for everything from Him.” (A. Ligouri)We remain as ever a people filled with hope. “Love hopes all things. Those who love Jesus Christ hope for everything from Him.” (A. Ligouri)

2 Church Documents As a faith community, committed to the Church, we are rightly concerned about the education of our children. The philosophy of our education needs to be rooted in God as does all our actions in the marketplace.As a faith community, committed to the Church, we are rightly concerned about the education of our children. The philosophy of our education needs to be rooted in God as does all our actions in the marketplace. Education needs to proclaim the way of salvation to all, by offering a moral code based on the Gospels of Jesus.Education needs to proclaim the way of salvation to all, by offering a moral code based on the Gospels of Jesus. The crisis in education today is based on an amoral approach to relevant human issues.The crisis in education today is based on an amoral approach to relevant human issues. Vatican Council II ~ Gravissimum Educationis

3 Characteristics Found in Vital Parishes All persons need to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached and presented in an effective and persuasive manner, so that they may grow in the gift of faith. The rich Tradition of the Church also needs to be shared in a way that people can understand and encounter Christ more effectively. (CFVP, 16)

4 Education/Faith Formation Mission of Saint John Bosco Parish No where else in our parish but in the education of young people do we find hope for our future. We have committed ourselves to “be especially attentive to the spiritual growth of our youth.” Education in Saint John Bosco Parish involves exposure to examples of love, holiness, faith and service as well as the Teachings, Traditions and Sacraments of the Catholic Church. As a parish, we have committed ourselves to live a life of virtue devoted to Christ and so encounter Him in the world where He can be found. We remain committed to a Quality Catholic Education for the Children of Saint John Bosco Parish that will continue to be excellent, accessible & affordable

5 Part I - Participation in Sacramental Preparation Family Formation  Pre-CanaYoung adults 54  Pre-JordanParents/Sponsors376  ReconciliationParent program 164  First EucharistParent program 164  ConfirmationParent program 148

6 Part II – Elementary School Age Parishioners - How Many Are There in our Parish This Year? 1. Total Parish Elementary School Aged Children941 2. In Parish School155 3. In Other Catholic School 0 4. In Public or Non Catholic Private School786 – Receiving Religious Education: a)in PREP Program368 b) in Home School setting 2 c) receiving no Catholic Education416 (potential enrollment in our formation programs)

7 Children Enrolled in our Parish School 1.Parish Children enrolled 155 2.Other Catholic Children enrolled 0 3.Non Catholic Children enrolled 7 (pre-K)

8 Future Elementary School Age Parishioners Year of Birth Infants Baptized in Parish Pre school children who moved in 200299 Not available 200392 200484 200553 200694

9 Standards for Quality Catholic Elementary Schools Our School has a strong Catholic Identity Our school has a Principal and Faculty who are practicing Catholics with religion and state certification Our school is Middle States accredited Our school has adequate facilities to provide a quality program –Religion instruction (5 days) –Mathematics –Integrated Language Arts –Social Studies –Science –Fine Arts (Music and Art) –Physical Education –Technology **Integration of Religion and Technology across all curriculum areas

10 Other School Resources Our School has Computer labs with Internet access All classrooms have Internet access Music area with 12 keyboards Library Physical Education Science Lab Cafeteria Classroom for Intermediate Unit services 2 laptop Mobile carts, 3 Smart boards, 6 LCD projectors

11 Costs of School 1. Total School Operating Expense 853,313.001. Total School Operating Expense 853,313.00 Who pays for the school? Where does the money come from?Who pays for the school? Where does the money come from? 2. Tuition Income 355,523.00 3. Subsidy (or scholarships) provided by the parishioners 365,775.00 4. School Fund Raisers (socials and donations)120,415.00 5. Other school income 11,600.00 How does this break down for each student?How does this break down for each student? 6. Tuition income per student 2,294.00 7. Scholarship (or subsidy) from parishioners for each student 2,360.00 8. Other income per student (including fund raisers) 852.00

12 Other Sources of Tuition Income Other Sources of Tuition Income (Tuition Grants received by the Parish) B.L.O.C.S. /EITC 500.00B.L.O.C.S. /EITC 500.00 Other FundsOther Funds –Children’s Scholarship Fund city centered –Sullivan Grant city centered –Kremer Foundation city centered –SJB Educational Fund & Alumni Gifts (accounted in the 2008-2009 budget) $ 15,015.00

13 Standards for Quality Parish Religious Education Programs Our Parish has a Strong Catholic Identity DRE/CRE and catechists who are practicing Catholics with commensurate training for the task of providing religious instruction to the children Approved program through the Office of Catechetical Formation Adequate facilities to provide a quality program Curriculum as prescribed by the Office of Catechetical Formation including: Archdiocesan Religion guidelines, approved text, sacramental Preparation. Max class size 15-20

14 Other P.R.E.P. Resources Our Program has  Well qualified catechists  Adequate classroom space  Worship site  Personalized assistance  Sound Administration  Learning resources -Technology with Internet access -Library  Text/materials

15 Overall P.R.E.P. Budget Income: Grants 0.00 Fees43,295.00 Sacramental Fees 2069.00 Other Income 493.00 Subsidy 7870.00 Total Income53,727.00 Expenses: Insurance and Tax 800.00 Administration 34,789.00 Instructional Programs 14,932.00 Facility Costs 800.00 Maintenance 800.00 Utilities 1,600.00 Total Expense 53,721.00

16 Part III- Adolescent Youth Ministry Our parish is restructuring its adolescent program in order to educate more leadership potential among the young themselves and enable them to evangelize the estimated 604 adolescent youth in our parish. These teens need to encounter Christ as we live Him everyday.

17 Youth Ministry Providing opportunities to encounter Christ through private, group and liturgical prayer.Providing opportunities to encounter Christ through private, group and liturgical prayer. Providing opportunities to find Christ through charitable works of mercy.Providing opportunities to find Christ through charitable works of mercy. Providing opportunities to share what we believe with others and not to be afraid of being a disciple of Christ.Providing opportunities to share what we believe with others and not to be afraid of being a disciple of Christ.

18 Adolescent Youth Ministry & CYO To provide opportunities to learn good sportsmanship, good citizenship and ways to find Christ in the marketplace of our schools and neighborhoods.

19 To seek out the estimated 1121 young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 in our parish. To give them the opportunity to find their way to Christ through the Church who welcomes them and calls them to charity and to holiness of life Part IV - Young Adults

20 Part V - Adult Faith Formation We offer a solid and profound liturgical life in a consecrated sanctuary where one can meet God face to face.We offer a solid and profound liturgical life in a consecrated sanctuary where one can meet God face to face. We strive to be welcoming by exercising our duty to hospitality as a means to grace.We strive to be welcoming by exercising our duty to hospitality as a means to grace. We seek out ways to be charitable by being mindful of those less fortunate than ourselves.We seek out ways to be charitable by being mindful of those less fortunate than ourselves.

21 Parish Financial Report ChurchChurch Total Operating Income 1,115,465.00Total Operating Income 1,115,465.00 Total Operating Expenses 852,548.00Total Operating Expenses 852,548.00 Excess Income or (deficit) 262,917.00Excess Income or (deficit) 262,917.00 School Total Operating Income 487,538.00 Total Operating Expenses 853,313.00 Excess Income or (deficit) (365,775.00) Total Parish OperatingTotal Parish Operating IncomeIncome –1,603,003.00 ExpensesExpenses –1,705,861.00 Parish Surplus or (deficit)Parish Surplus or (deficit) (102,858.00) (102,858.00)

22 Cash and Investment/Debt Summary Cash and investments, last year377.006.00Cash and investments, last year377.006.00 Cash and investments, this year294,675.00Cash and investments, this year294,675.00 Total debt, last year 716,255.00Total debt, last year 716,255.00 Total debt, this year 580,067.00Total debt, this year 580,067.00

23 Our Emerging Issue(s) for the Next Year  To determine the number of young Catholics in St. John Bosco Parish and begin a campaign of evangelization that will invite them to be active and involved members of our parish  To strengthen already existing formational programs that will enable the committed to deepen their faith  Make difficult decisions as to the priorities of our resources in order to balance our mission and our efforts to “be especially attentive to the spiritual growth of our youth”  Ask our committed parishioners to pledge to support an immediate and full study of our Youth Formation Program to be completed before December 30, 2009  Pursue the process of Study according to the following four stages

24 Four Stage Process STAGE ONE - Information gathering about the strengths, limitations, opportunities and challenges of our youth formation programsSTAGE ONE - Information gathering about the strengths, limitations, opportunities and challenges of our youth formation programs STAGE TWO – Review the issues identified in stage one and develop a list of options to address themSTAGE TWO – Review the issues identified in stage one and develop a list of options to address them STAGE THREE -Develop Criteria and Evaluate OptionsSTAGE THREE -Develop Criteria and Evaluate Options STAGE FOUR - Review results and make recommendationsSTAGE FOUR - Review results and make recommendations

25 Keeping you informed It will be important to keep parishioners & parents informedIt will be important to keep parishioners & parents informed –Bulletin (on our website) & Parent Newsletters We remain committed to a Quality Catholic Education for the Children of Saint John Bosco Parish that will continue to be excellent, accessible & affordableWe remain committed to a Quality Catholic Education for the Children of Saint John Bosco Parish that will continue to be excellent, accessible & affordable

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