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Severn Vale Deanery Parish Treasurers Meeting November 2013 Welcome.

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1 Severn Vale Deanery Parish Treasurers Meeting November 2013 Welcome

2 This Presentation 2. Where that is 3. What we can do about it 4. Do something different 1. How we got to where we are

3 Middle Ages: Feudal lords built churches and retained priests -Got income from their ‘living’ including Glebe Their wellbeing varied, dependent on their lord - Many lived in considerable poverty 1. How We Got Here Before the Reformation churches paid tax to Rome - After the Reformation that went to the Crown

4 18 th Century: Queen Anne diverted this revenue into - “Queen Anne’s Bounty” Fund applied to improve poor clergy’s income and repair the parsonages of small livings

5 1818 – Church Building Commissioners 19 th Century: Parliament appointed ‘Commissioners’ 1836 – Ecclesiastical Commissioners 1856 – Those Commissioners were combined 20 th Century: 1948 – The Church Commissioners 20 th Century: 1948 – The Church Commissioners Manage those historic assets -Invested in stock market shares and property -At end 2012 = £5.5 billion In 2010: 18% of the Church’s total running costs: c£203m -Total costs = just over £1.2 billion -<£750 million came from us, the parishioners Earlier losses recouped

6 New pension scheme after that date: -Funded by us, the parishioners via the ‘Quota’ General Synod and Parliament agree to: -Cap responsibility to those before 31 Dec 1977 -Clergy pay (Stipend) standardised - Clergy entitled to retire at 65 (Going up to 68) Clergy Pensions: -Until 1997 Church Commissioners met full cost 20 th Century: 1948 – The Church Commissioners

7 Every parish given a ‘Quota’ of the diocesan costs -Complex formulae used to calculate it, eg: -Number of people on the Electoral Roll + Relative wealth of the parish, etc What was the – ‘The Quota’?

8 Since 2004 – ‘Parish Share’ Quota abolished & replaced by Parish Share -Calculated solely on the No. of Priests you have ‘Mutual Support’ Introduced -The diocese no longer tells each parish -They only give a total for each Benefice -Each Benefice to share that between themselves -Each parish asked to offer what they can pay -Those that can, pay more to help those who can’t

9 Using income from their historic funds, the Church Commissioners pay for (£m) 20102012 43 Cathedrals – Dean & 2 Chapter staff89 Bishops – diocesan & suffragan2831 Clergy pensions up to 1997114120 Grants to poorest dioceses & to mission 4742 Misc (Including Governance £2m) 6 8 203210 +3.5%

10 Priests’ Stipends (Both parishes & ‘centre’) Priests’ Costs (Housing, NI & pension contributions) Training & Support (For all ministers) ‘Centre’ Lay Staff (Salaries, NI, & pension contributions) Diocesan Office Running Costs Support to the Parishes The Diocese pays for:

11 Pro-rata House for duty (HfD)16,938 Non-Stipendiary (NSM)2,541 Diocesan Base Costs 2010 Full-time priest35,839 £ * Inflation at 3% per year gives: 201355,525 201457,190 201558,906 Incl NI + Pension. Approx equal to a Head Teacher Housing, etc10,035 Share of other costs 4,939 Each full-time priest50,813 *

12 2005£1.5m 2012£1.7m Not the Problem RPI+23% - 8% 2012 General Income £2.0m The Problem? Centre Support Costs

13 2. Where We Are Modern Day Equivalent – Our PCC has replaced the ‘Feudal Lord’ as the one who retains a priest for our church Parish Share - Not something to be paid after all our other costs - A fundamental cost of running our church - It provides our priest’s stipend (‘Living’)

14 Analysis There are 43 dioceses in the C of E – Gloucester is in the top 10% of the wealthiest dioceses per head

15 20062010 +33% Analysis Total Giving to PCCs Right Direction 31 st 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 26 27 28 29 30 £6.95/week £9.1m 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 18 th £9.27/week £12.1m

16 £5.94/week £5.6m 47% Giving to Parish Share 20062012 The Problem +3% in 6 years Wrong Direction £5.94/week £5.6m 30% Lower 26 th 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 39 th 40 41 42 43 £5.77/week 57%

17 Gloucester (39 th ranked) £5.94 p/w Gloucester donations£5.6m Profit and Loss Regular Giving per Donor in 2012 National Average£7.02 p/w If replicated in Gloucester£6.6m Analysis Newcastle (26 th ranked) £6.82 p/w If replicated in Gloucester£6.4m Plus other income£0.4m Total income£6.0m Less costs- £7.1m Deficit in 2012£1.1m Deficit in 2010: £750,000 Deficit in 2011: £800,000 Wrong Direction

18 Parish Share 2012: £5.6m If giving to Parish Share had increased as much as the total income to PCCs it would have been: Analysis £6.9m (Total costs £7.1m)

19 3. What can we do? i) Increase Income ii) Reduce Costs iii) Increase Membership 4. Do Something Different iii) Increase Membership

20 i) Increase Income 5 Year Plan (2010 – 2015) – Reduce dependence on Mutual Share 5 Year Plan

21 5 Year Plan (2010 – 2015) – Reduce dependence on Mutual Share Inflation fixed at 3% for 5 yrs Set target per benefice for 5 yrs (‘Future’ Page of spreadsheet) For those benefices then paying >90% Make up to 100% over 3 years For those benefices then paying <90% Halve dependence on Mutual Support over 5 years* * Will need 30 Benefices to do this to achieve the desired effect 5 Year Plan (2010 – 2015) – Reduce dependence on Mutual Share i) Increase Income

22 Parish Giving Scheme

23 Pay by Direct Debit to the diocese The diocese collects Gift Aid from HMRC Total paid to the parish within 10 days Donors asked to include an annual automatic inflation increase Donors asked to confirm before it’s applied, so they’re always in control Many parishes report up to 30% increase

24 Spread the Word Prepared by the Diocesan Communications Office The contents of this document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of Gloucester DBF, Church House, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY

25 6161 89% of Parish Share goes in ministry costs CentreParishes ii) Reduce Costs Re-organise & Loose Posts 2013 2014 2015 8484 107

26 6161 89% of Parish Share goes in ministry costs CentreParishes If Parish Share doesn’t increase 2013 2014 2015 8484 107 6565 812 1016

27 iii) Increase Membership Journeying Together

28 Worships Together Serves the Wider World Sharing Christian Faith & Values Provides a Visible Presence in Every Parish

29 Applying it to the Parish Journeying Together Implementation Severn Vale Deanery

30 Applying it to the Parish

31 W ORSHIPING T OGETHER - As a united Benefice as well as in each parish - Promote ‘9 parish’ services more widely (5 th Sunday) - Explore the provision of transport to all united services P ROVIDING A V ISIBLE P RESENCE IN E VERY C OMMUNITY & P ARISH - Every parish to be represented in the Local Ministry Team - Identify lay contact for each parish (Focus Minister) - Ensure all activities are effectively publicised to the wider community S HARING OUR C HRISTIAN F AITH AND V ALUES - Promote personal discipleship through an appropriate learning programme - Make use of ‘Experience Church’ and ‘Experience Eucharist’ to engage members of the local community S ERVING THE W IDER W ORLD - Explore a link with a church in an overseas link diocese - Develop a ‘Care Response’ programme for the Benefice Leadon Vale Parishes

32 Fundraising Through Socials

33 4. Something Different EMEP

34 Someone known in the parish and committed to working in a team Who? Priest (Full or part-time) Reader Local Ministry Team Member Someone ‘Called out’ by the congregation A Focus Leader in Every Parish EMEP –

35  Church at different days/times  Church for different networks  Church in different styles  Church for beginners  Church for disconnected explorers We’ve GotWe Need Changing Sundays Changing relationships Changing cultures Less faith knowledge Religion to spirituality Seed Change in Society

36 regular attendees (at least monthly) 10% fringe (less than monthly) 10% open de-churched 20% non-churched 40% closed de-churched 20% New Scenario

37 come ‘Attraction Model’

38 and see what arises (What’s God already doing there?) Emerging Model go and then stay Bishop Graham Cray

39 A different form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who aren’t yet members of any church What is a Fresh Expression? Doing Something Different – A ‘Fresh Expression’ −It will come into being through principles of listening, service, outreach and the making of disciples −It will help us to grow existing congregations…. and to plant new ones

40 Messy Church – Everywhere! Some Examples

41 Nightstop – Hereford Some Examples

42 Sunday 4:6 – Rural Devon (Traditional Format) Some Examples

43 Mind The Gap – Cell Church Some Examples

44 Somewhere Else - Liverpool Some Examples

45 Help Mission-Shaped Ministry – A national course available in Gloucester Is Available - Pioneer Ministers !!!

46 Summary 1.How we got here - Medieval lords built churches and retained priests - Led to the creation of a fund to subsidise poorer parishes, now administered by the Church Commissioners - For a time they gave us all a heavy subsidy towards the cost of running our church…. but no longer - ‘Parish Share’ only based on the number of priests we have - ‘Mutual Support’ allows for unexpected costs, enabling us to re-assess our part of the Share each year but…. - The Benefice overall still needs to pay the full cost

47 Summary 2.Where we are? - Historic fund no longer enough to subsidise pensions and working priests, so… - Parish Share is not an option after our own costs, it’s now the only way to pay our priest’s stipend but…. - We’re currently not paying enough - Modern law means we can’t put priests into poverty so…. - Some priests are now being made redundant - We can expect this to lead to amalgamation of parishes or benefices

48 Summary 3.What can we do? - Increase our income - Reduce our dependence on Mutual Share - Adopt the Parish Giving Scheme - Don’t just rely on members for income but use events like fundraising socials to build our fellowship and get income from others outside our regular congregation

49 Summary 4.Do something different - ‘Journey Together’ to help each other - A Focus Leader in every parish to give ‘Effective Ministry’ - Investigate a ‘Fresh Expression’ to build our present congregation and/or plant a new one(s)

50 Over to You and your PCC Any thoughts or ideas?

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