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Angela Balcombe Big Society Development Officer Big Society Good for Essex.

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Presentation on theme: "Angela Balcombe Big Society Development Officer Big Society Good for Essex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angela Balcombe Big Society Development Officer Big Society Good for Essex

2 2 Big Society Fund 2011 ~ 2012 Launched in March 2011 Funded by Essex County Council Builds on the success of the: Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) Retail Enterprise Fund Making the Links Project Fund Capital and Revenue Funding

3 3 Big Society Fund 2011 ~ 2012 Designed to fund community projects, and activities that: create, procure or develop new community assets; enhance existing community assets; create or sustain initiatives or services that strengthen the community that exists in our towns and villages.

4 4 Localism Applications must come from the community / local groups and….. evidence that the project meets local needs and that there is community support must be provided Church Hall Whitehall Town hall Village Hall Community Hall Scout Hall

5 5 Who can apply? Town and Parish Councils, including Parish Meetings Community Groups and Voluntary Organisations Charities Residents Associations Neighbourhood Groups Private Enterprises and Community Interest Companies providing social benefits Groups must be properly constituted, Essex-based and broadly representative of their local community.

6 6 Application Process Expression of Interest Quick Response Community Capital Application Form

7 7 Assessment Criteria Community need Support from your local councillor Sustainability Essex Priorities including improving the local environment, access to services and supporting communities. Match-funding Community Impact Risk to the scheme Number of beneficiaries

8 8

9 9 Oak Stores, Rivenhall Last shop in the Village Proposal to upgrade shop, introduce new produce and reintroduce Post Office facility Population of 700 with new development likely Parish Appraisal carried out ~ 97% of respondents say this is a vital facility. Anticipated cost ~ £15,000 Match funding ~ £7,500 Big Society Fund, Quick Response ~ £7,500

10 10 Questions? E-mail: Tel: 01245 437887

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