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Pastoral Plan For 2014 January 21th 2014 St Francis Of The Tejas.

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1 Pastoral Plan For 2014 January 21th 2014 St Francis Of The Tejas

2 Parish Priorities. Priority 1: Parish census, and surveys.. Priority 2: Building Plans. Priority 3: Finance Priority 4: Education. Priority 5: Developing a Parish ethos and ouy youth. Priority 6: The spiritual life of the parish.

3 1. The Parish census of our families has been completed and there are over 500 families registered in the church Parish Data System. However, only 200 are active. 2. The time change for the regular Sunday Mass from 8:30 am to 9:00 am. Priority 1:

4 1. The maintenance of the church property and grounds. Many of the things that were asked have been done. 2. The Building Plans and plans for present the building. 3. The Building Fund or the Pledge Campaign. 4. Work on the Music room in the church. 5. The new windows for the Church. Priority 2

5 Street View Priority 2

6 Arial View

7 The offertory collection is a vital part of the day to day running of the campus, and as is the second collection and there is a considerable decrease amount received this year with the same period last year. The Offertory collections 2013 was $121,313.37 Dollars where as it was in 2012 $ 100,942.57 this was a difference of $17035.18 increase the net income. The expense for the year 2013 was $238,767.00 which means that we are in the black to the tune of $20,370.80. Our budget for 2014 is 124,330.97 Dollars. If each family were to increase their offering by $5 a week this would help a great deal. Priority 3: Finance

8 Envelope Collection Priority 3: Finance

9 Green 8:30 Mass Blue 11:30 Mass Red 5:30 Mass

10 Expenses Priority 3: Finance Income $291224.62 Expanses $247781.00

11 Budget for Expenses Priority 3: Finance

12 Building Collection

13 Blue 11:30 Mass Red 5:30 Mass Green 8:30 Mass

14 Capital Campaign. We collected $26,746.06 through the Building offertory collection. Our expenses for repairs is $24,499.80 in the past year on repairs to the family centre, church. This gives us a difference of $2,246.26 The budget for this year is going to be high and could run up to $192,800.00 as the work that is needed to be done.. In other words, we are looking at a bill of up to $800,000.00 to complete all the projects. The Building fund will be funded by the Capital Campaign,

15 In other words, we are looking at a bill of up to $800,000.00 to complete all the projects. If we break it down over three years and break it down even further $270,00.00 a year. Now divide it by the number of families in the parish for example 200 families this would cost them $1,350.00 a year. Over 12 months this would be a cost of $80 dollars a month or $20.00 a week. By the end of April 2014 we should have a clear way to proceed with this. Capital Campaign

16 Objection 4-1: Education in the CCD/Family Faith Formation program. Objective 4-2. RCIA/Adult Faith Formation program and a faith formation program which is directed at both active Catholics and lapsed Catholics. Objective 4-3: Resource for faith formation for both the Hispanic and Anglo communities. Objective 4-4: Youth Group Priority 4:

17 Objective 5-1: The ethos of this parish is to serve the poor and to spread the faith through evangelisation. Outreach programs and our personal invitation to others to come and learn about our faith. Objective 5-2: A Youth minister needed to be formed. Priority 5:

18 Objective 6-1: Building a sense of a spiritual Life. Ob jective 6-2: Looking into ways of gaining a sense of the spiritual. Objective 6-3: Other forms of spirituality can also help so during this year Objective 6-4: Parish retreat. Priority 6: The spiritual life of the parish.

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