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John Preston Exeter Diocesan Launch. 1.How PGS works 2.Launching PGS 3.What others say.

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Presentation on theme: "John Preston Exeter Diocesan Launch. 1.How PGS works 2.Launching PGS 3.What others say."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Preston Exeter Diocesan Launch

2 1.How PGS works 2.Launching PGS 3.What others say

3 Why we developed the Parish Giving Scheme 1.Response to fundamental change in the way parish ministry is paid for 2.Church needed to develop in line with the Charitable Sector 3.Lighten the burden locally 4.And we wanted a unique benefit….

4 Unique benefit: Giving to rise in line with inflation annually Why is this important?

5 I wish to support my parish in the future by agreeing to an annual inflationary increase on my gift. I understand that the new amount will be communicated to me by letter 30 days prior to the gift donation date. I have the right to opt out of this arrangement at any point in the future by communicating my wishes by letter to the Parish Giving scheme. Please tick Yes

6 Overcoming static giving: 2001 = £60 + £16.80 Gift Aid = £76.80 Gift increases in line with Retail Price Index (RPI) 2014 = £81.60 + £20.40 Gift Aid = £102.00 tax efficient gift a month Extra £302.40 a year

7 Who is PGS for? Regular givers

8 How it works:

9 I wish to remain anonymous to my parish’s Planned Giving Representative

10 Process explained! 1. Donation form 2. Response letter 3. Treasurer Statement




14 2. Launching PGS

15 Getting Started 1. Pilot across PCC members 2. Build Ambassadors 3. Offer as preferred method of giving via a Stewardship Programme or Annual Review

16 Person by Person 1. Explain to envelope givers the problems of finding, counting and banking cash. 2. Tool to support discipleship, not an end in itself. Prayerful reflection is still paramount.

17 Parish Giving Scheme Church House College Green Gloucester GL1 2LY Consider using a Stamped Addressed Envelope!

18 3. What others say

19 What others say… The Scheme has significantly improved our cash flow and has also reduced the administrative burden placed on our finance volunteers. Would you like to work less hours and have more money coming into your church more quickly? If the answer is yes to this question, then get on the PGS bus! The Revd. Tim Sledge, Vicar Romsey Abbey

20 What others say… Just do it! It's quick, convenient, efficient, saves a huge amount of work for the people who count and account for the money given, and helps the church to budget efficiently and be better stewards of money and time. The Revd. John Wigmore, Rector Winklebury & Worting

21 What others say… Using the PGS has helped us to increase our income and has reduced our parish workload. David Griffiths, Gift Aid Officer, St John’s, Alresford

22 COST?!! For the Diocese of Exeter per year Equivalent of 47p per church per week

23 Question & Answers

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