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Introduction. Monroe Region (Region 8)  Caldwell Parish  East Carroll Parish  Franklin Parish  Madison Parish  Morehouse Parish  Ouachita Parish.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction. Monroe Region (Region 8)  Caldwell Parish  East Carroll Parish  Franklin Parish  Madison Parish  Morehouse Parish  Ouachita Parish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction

2 Monroe Region (Region 8)  Caldwell Parish  East Carroll Parish  Franklin Parish  Madison Parish  Morehouse Parish  Ouachita Parish  Richland Paris  Tensas Parish  West Carroll Parish

3 Monroe Region PARISH  Caldwell Parish  East Carroll Parish  Franklin Parish  Madison Parish  Morehouse Parish  Ouachita Parish  Richland Parish  Tensas Parish  West Carroll Parish POVERTY RATE POVERTY RATE  20.1 %  40.1%  27.2%  31.3%  25.1%  19.7%  26.5%  32.6%  24.8%

4 Organizers & Regional Team Members (including affiliations) Caldwell: Better Health For the Delta; Caldwell Parish Health Coalition; Caldwell Police Jury; Citizens Medical Center; Office of Family Support East Carroll: La Center Against Poverty; Children’s Coalition for NELA; LSU Ag Center; Lake Providence Port; Catholic Ministries Franklin: LSU Ag. Department Extension Service; YWCA of NELA Madison: La Department of Corrections; LDPS – Probation and Parole Morehouse: Chamber of Commerce Bastrop/Morehouse; YWCA; City of Bastrop; Morehouse Police Jury; Morehouse Parish School District; Dept of Labor; La Technical College; District Attorney’s Office/Victims Assistance; Morehouse Council on Aging; Morehouse OFS; Super 1 in Bastrop

5 Organizers & Regional Team Members (including affiliations) Ouachita: Children’s Coalition for Northeast Louisiana; City of Monroe; City of West Monroe; DSS Office of Family Support; University of Louisiana at Monroe; United Way of Northeast Louisiana; Monroe Chamber of Commerce; Region VIII Office of Addictive Disorders; YWCA of Northeast Louisiana; West Monroe Chamber of Commerce; Ouachita Economic Development Corporation; Interfaith Sponsoring Committee; Coca-Cola Bottling, Ken’s Coffee Service Richland: Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health; Better Health for the Delta, Delhi Hospital; Richland Parish Job Readiness Trainer/ Justice of the Peace; Rayville Head Start; City of Rayville Tensas: Tensas Parish Jury; Youth Opportunity Center; LSU Ag. Department Extension Service; LDPS- Probation and Parole West Carroll: West Carroll Partners in Prevention; Council on Aging; West Carroll Sheriff's Department; Macon Economic Opportunity, Inc; Chamber of Commerce; West Carroll OFS

6 Priority Community Conversation Issue Areas 1.Enhancing Education 2.Enhancing Employment & Economic Development 3.Enhancing Community Assets 4. Enhancing Family Assets

7 Top Solutions to Poverty Priority Issues  Improved education that prepares children to succeed and to lead productive lives  Economic development that results in family friendly jobs – higher wages with benefits  Support for families including access to health care, affordable housing, child care, information about available services and financial planning  Improved community infrastructure including public transportation, improved roads, public and recreational facilities

8 Education Issues & Solutions ISSUES  Insufficient funding for multiple school systems  Inadequate early childhood programs  Lack of parental involvement  Fragmented and limited basic, technical and life skills services SOLUTIONS  Consider consolidation of school systems to improve efficiency and quality  Coordinate efforts to enhance and expand pre-kindergarten and after-school programs  Encourage more parental involvement and emphasize adult literacy programs/outreach  Advocate for change in MFP funding to make more equitable  Increase job training, vocational education and life skills training in high schools and at the post secondary level  Advocate for guidance counselors at every school  Hire a grant writer to seek funding for needed programs

9 Employment/Economic Development Issues & Solutions ISSUES  Fragmented and limited basic, technical and life skills services  Family friendly employment opportunities (wages/benefits)  Coordination between local providers and employers SOLUTIONS  Coordinate efforts to improve efficiency and make best use of limited funds available  Improve educational systems— including new facilities  Recruit business with family friendly jobs as defined as higher wages with benefits, support for child care and further job training  Increase job training opportunities and apprenticeships that are specific to the jobs available in parishes  Enhance law enforcement and security in communities to address crime rates and to provide a secure environment for economic development

10 Family Assets Issues & Solutions ISSUES  Child Care and Pre-K classes  Community Health Care & Centers  Affordable Housing  Communication and Awareness  Transportation SOLUTIONS  Develop a broad based communication plan  Develop local builder incentives to build affordable housing  Promote the development of more school-based health centers  Encourage agencies that have transportation capabilities to pool resources and combine their efforts  Provide more financial planning education and require it for access to loan funds  Promote resources available for child care and pre-kindergarten classes

11 Community Assets Issues & Solutions ISSUES  Transportation  Lack of public-use facilities  Lack of access to “outside” funding from state & federal governments and foundations  Communication between public and private sectors SOLUTIONS  Examine the feasibility of an affordable transportation system for cities and rural parishes  Improve major highways and access roads  Invest in public and recreational facilities  Demand accountability for funds and outcomes from government, non-profit and public sector agencies  Hire a grant writer to seek funding for needed improvements

12 Potential Challenges to Implementation  Lack of public transportation  Apathy within communities  Lack of collaboration—willingness to work together for the common good  Lack of reciprocal respect from those in “power” towards those that are “powerless”  Lack of education—low literacy  Lack of funding to implement appropriate changes  Bureaucracy  State and federal policies—(Louisiana is not a business friendly state)  Diversity  Lack of awareness of what the issues are/lack of communication  Fear of change

13 Opportunities to Leverage Existing Resources  Collaboration of agencies/organizations to “pool” funding, creating more significant change  Increase knowledge about already existing services through grassroots efforts, directories, and media

14 S.T.O.P. Action Steps (Solutions to Overcome Poverty)  Create a change in the perception of poverty!  Demand accountability and outcomes  Maintain long-term plans and monitor progress regularly  View differences in parishes and develop plans according to their individual needs

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