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Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests I Have Given You an Example The Permanent Diaconate In the Archdiocese of Dublin.

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1 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests I Have Given You an Example The Permanent Diaconate In the Archdiocese of Dublin

2 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Going to the Source During supper, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus answered, “You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.” Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!” Jesus said to him, “One who has bathed does not need to wash, except for the feet, but is entirely clean. And you are clean, though not all of you.” For he knew who was to betray him; for this reason he said, “Not all of you are clean.” After he had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had returned to the table, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have givenyou an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. 1

3 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Key Church Documents Universal Church Lumen Gentium: The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1964) Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem (1967) Basic Norms For The Formation Of Permanent Deacons (1998) & Directory For The Ministry And Life Of Permanent Deacons (1998) Ireland The Permanent Diaconate: National Directory and Norms for Ireland (2006) Restoring the Permanent Diaconate: Practical Questions to be addressed in the Irish Context (2003) Enquiries and Applications for Admission into Formation for Ordained Ministry: A Model of Best Practice (2005) The key document is the 2006 National Directory and Norms, which is based on the two Roman documents of 1998. 2

4 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests The Diaconate and the Sacrament of Orders From the outset, the 1998 documents identify the diaconate as: An element of the threefold Sacrament of Orders Instituted by Christ By virtue of which the recipient is configured to Christ (cf. (Joint Introduction, 1) Permanent deacons are frequently referred to, incorrectly, as “lay deacons.” The restoration of the permanent Diaconate was in no manner intended to prejudice the meaning, role or flourishing of the ministerial priesthood, which must always be fostered because of its indispensability. (Basic Norms and Directory, Joint Introduction) 3

5 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Why Restore the Permanent Diaconate? Three reasons lay behind the decision to restore the permanent diaconate as a distinct ministry: –a desire to enrich the Church with the functions of the diaconate, which otherwise, in many regions, could only be exercised with great difficulty; –the intention of strengthening with the grace of diaconal ordination those who already exercised many of the functions of the Diaconate; –a concern to provide regions, where there was a shortage of clergy, with sacred ministers. 4

6 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests The lay faithful, by virtue of their Baptism, are commissioned to an active apostolate and “every opportunity be given them so that, according to their abilities and the needs of the times, they may zealously participate in the saving work of the Church.” Lumen Gentium The active role of the lay-faithful in the future of our diocese is not, therefore, negotiable. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin Active Role of the Lay Faithful 5

7 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Application and Discernment Parish Priest has a key role Acceptance of the applicant depends on PP’s recommendation because he will have a key role in Providing an opportunity for coherent pastoral activity Supervising pastoral activity in the formation period Working with the deacon after ordination and helping him to integrate his ministry into the broader pastoral activity of the parish Roles analogous to PP Role of Diocesan Director If the PP is happy to recommend the applicant He refers him to the diocesan director Diocesan director will meet him to explore further Will meet his wife and family (if applicable) Will carry out the initial gathering of documents Will work with applicant and PP towards a decision about entrance to the propaedeutic (pre-formation) programme Will, if accepted, be his point of reference during that programme, 6

8 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests The Propaedeutic Period Takes place prior to formal selection Five residential weekend meetings for prayer, instruction and reflection oriented towards a mature discernment –The focus is not academic –A formation community (not isolated individuals) –Should ideally involve wives or married candidates Some degree of pastoral engagement in the parish, under the supervision of the parish priest Regular spiritual direction Concludes with a recommendation to the bishop National Directory and Norms # 38-44; Practical Questions # 6 7

9 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests The Five Weekends Weekend One: Focus on the Call to Ministry This weekend will focus on ministry in the Church, both in general and with specific reference to the Diaconate. Weekend Two: Ministry and Marriage. This weekend will provide an opportunity to look at some of the implications of ministry as a Permanent Deacon in relation to the candidate’s marriage. Weekend Three: Prayer and Spiritual Direction. The focus of this weekend will be on spiritual formation. Applicants will be helped to explore various approaches to and supports for prayer, as well as spiritual direction. Weekend Four: Personal Awareness and Development. The focus of this weekend is to help the participants look at their personal strengths and limitations as well as areas for continued human formation. Weekend Five: Interview. The principal focus of this weekend will be the process of interview. 8

10 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Selection of Candidates The process (which extends through the propaedeutic period) is to be analogous to that which is used for selecting candidates for priesthood –Rigorous –Open –Fair Directory and Norms. # 27-28 Practical Questions # 5 cf. Enquiries and Applications for Admission into Formation (2005) Age: 35-60 (married) or 25-60 (celibate) 60 is the upper age for ordination General Criteria: Familiarity with the gospel Well founded spirituality and sacramental life Capacity to read and listen intelligently and critically Capacity to engage and work constructively with others Significant level of personal freedom Absence of significant compulsions and addictions Love of the Church Proven readiness to serve others, even at some personal cost 9

11 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Formation Programme Begins with Admission to Candidacy Three Year Formation Period The same four areas as in Pastores Dabo Vobis –Intellectual –Pastoral –Spiritual –Human Courses of formation to be approved by the National Accreditation Body “Not less than 1,000 hours” of lectures and seminars. (This implies fitting the equivalent of a full time degree programme into a part time formation. How to manage this?) Evaluation Candidates who have already completed programmes –Academic standard and completeness –Orientation towards ministry On-going formation National Directory and Norms # 45-60; Practical Questions # 6 10

12 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Marriage & Family Celibacy A married man may be ordained with the formal consent of his wife The marriage should be “a stable union characterised by love” The needs and concerns of children should be considered Participation of wives in formation helps to ensure that diaconate and marriage are integrated Pastoral care of the families of deacons Single men make a promise of celibacy Widowed deacons do not remarry (Cf. National Directory and Norms # 31-33; Practical Questions # 7) 11

13 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Ordination & Canonical Mission Liturgical admission to candidacy Conferral of Ministries at appropriate intervals Ordination (incardination - rights and responsibilities) Canonical Mission –To be specified concretely by the bishop (no lone-rangers) –In accordance with the pastoral plan for the diocese –A designated priest to whom the deacon is responsible Deployment and re-deployment –The good of the individual, the family and the parish –Balancing stability and mobility Cf. National Directory and Norms #61-68; Practical Questions # 8-9 13

14 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Identity and Ministry Who the deacon is & what he will do Identity: Sacramental sign Configuration with Christ icon of Christ the Servant Ministry (flows from identity) Liturgy –Assisting at the altar –Bringing the Eucharist to the sick –Formation of altar servers and eucharistic ministers –Baptism & Marriage –Christian Burial Word –Proclaiming the Gospel –Facilitating study and prayer with the Scriptures –Sacramental preparation –Formation of readers Charity (extension of Eucharistic ministry) –Visiting the sick, prisoners & the bereaved –Youth ministry –Promoting awareness of Catholic Social Teaching –Promoting justice & human rights –Administration of Church property 14

15 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Partnership in Ministry The ministry of the deacon is to be integrated with, and not to replace other forms of ministry Collaboration with the bishop (promise of obedience) Pastoral co-operation with the presbyterate Joint ministry with lay-people who have been entrusted with a specific pastoral mission (whether full-time or part- time; employed or voluntary) Belonging to the Church on a juridical, affective and spiritual level (National Directory and Norms #21 ff & Practical Questions # 12) 13

16 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests A Voluntary Ministry A deacon at all times and in every situation Full-time or part-time ministry –Expenses –Stipends (?) A clear agreement or contract before formation begins –Insurance /Professional Indemnity –Solidarity Cf. Practical Questions # 18 15

17 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Employment and Remuneration Employment by the Church –Distinguished structurally from voluntary ministry –Appropriately remunerated Professional life Must be practically and morally consistent with the exercise of diaconal ministry Cf. National Directory and Norms 34ff; Practical Questions #10-11 16

18 Fr. Kevin DoranMay 2008Information Days for Priests Other Considerations Change of residence / retirement –Re-deployment within the diocese –Transfer to another diocese Form of dress –For liturgy –For non-liturgical ministry –Special circumstances Form of address 17

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