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教師的使命 1 。 宣佈耶穌的福音 2 。表達教會的關懷 3 。給學生開啟及擴 大超性的新天地. The Catechist’s Mission 1 。 Present Jesus’ Good News 2 。 Express Church’s Care and Concern 3 。 Open up.

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Presentation on theme: "教師的使命 1 。 宣佈耶穌的福音 2 。表達教會的關懷 3 。給學生開啟及擴 大超性的新天地. The Catechist’s Mission 1 。 Present Jesus’ Good News 2 。 Express Church’s Care and Concern 3 。 Open up."— Presentation transcript:

1 教師的使命 1 。 宣佈耶穌的福音 2 。表達教會的關懷 3 。給學生開啟及擴 大超性的新天地

2 The Catechist’s Mission 1 。 Present Jesus’ Good News 2 。 Express Church’s Care and Concern 3 。 Open up a Spiritual World for Students

3 教師的重要身份 1 。天主的工具 2 。耶穌派遣的使者 3 。教會任命的代表 4 。學生的長老

4 Catechist’s Status 1 。 God’s Instrument 2 。 Jesus’ Messenger 3 。 Representative of the Church 4 。 Student’s caring Elder.

5 教師的準備 祈求聖神的光照 真誠的愛護學生 以身作則地教導 研究課程的內容 有充分的知識與把握

6 Catechist’s Preparation Pray to Holy Spirit for Enlightenment A genuine love for students Teach by personal Example Study the lesson well Knowledgeable and Self-confident

7 Jesus’ Instruction to the Disciples Before the Coming of the Holy Spirit 1. Not go to the gentiles 2. Nor to the Samaritan Towns 3. But to the lost sheep of the house of Israel After the Coming of the Holy Spirit 4. Preach and teach the whole world, but 5. Wait here in the city until clothed with the power from on high

8 Religion: Leading to God God (On one side) Jesus is the middle man , Church, his instrument, often compared as a boat crossing the sea. People (On the other side)

9 Beyond Information More than imparting information 1. Knowledge, 2. Worship, 3. Service Teach by personal example In loco parentis (In place of the parent) In the name of the Church Not different from the Church, Rom. 9:3, 1 Cor. 12:3, 16:23, Gal. 1:6-9

10 Presenting Yourself to Students 1. Clothed by the power on High 2. Enlightened by the Holy Spirit 3. Touched by the grace of God 4. Commissioned by the pastor 5. Sanctified by the Word and Sacrament 6. Well prepared by studies 7. Certified by the Archdiocese

11 ATTITUDE AND ACTION Love God, Love the Church, Know your students and Love your students Every Class: To have some prayers Encourage service during the week Have a productive class Once a Year: A class Mass A Service Project A Presentation of what has been learned

12 Special Projects. 1. Know a saints, especially one’s patron saint. 2. Know one pope 3. Know one bishop 4. Know one priest 5. Know one church or parish 6. Learn and know one new prayer a year by heart. By the time of 18, a person should know 18 prayers by heart

13 Prayer Life (why and how to) 1. Help students to set a time to pray everyday. 2. Meal prayers 3. Explain why Catholics go to Mass every Sunday. (For thanks) 4. How to say the Rosary 5. How to make stations of the Cross 6. How to go to confession

14 Encouragement to Catechist Remember the parable of The Sower and the Seed Nothing wrong with the Sower Nothing wrong with the Seed But results are different

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