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EMMA CLAYTON. This story takes place in London in the future behind a giant wall built around the top one-third of the Earth. The planet is over populated.

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Presentation on theme: "EMMA CLAYTON. This story takes place in London in the future behind a giant wall built around the top one-third of the Earth. The planet is over populated."— Presentation transcript:


2 This story takes place in London in the future behind a giant wall built around the top one-third of the Earth. The planet is over populated and is running out of natural resources. A group of people called the “World Conservation Club” create a fake animal plague threatening the human race. The world’s population except the “WCC” move behind the wall under the pretense that this was the only safe place.

3 Mika - main character, a mutant 12 yr old boy whose objective is to find his 12 yr old sister Ellie Ellie – Mike’s sister believed to be dead Audrey – Mika’s friend, a mutant 12 yr old girl with Borg eyes. Kobi – Mike’s friend from school, likes to build robots. Mal Gorman – head of the Northern Government, ruthlessly gets what he wants Ruben Snaith – Mika’s enemy, another 12 yr old mutant and partially insane. Puck – a Capuchin Monkey David – father of Mika and Ellie

4 The story follows twins Mika and Ellie who live in England with their parents in the poverty stricken area behind The Wall. Ellie has been kidnapped, held by the leader of the Youth Development Foundation, Mal Gorman. Mika refuses to believe she is dead. In the beginning of the story, Ellie is flying a Pod Fighter along with a Capuchin monkey named Puck.  Mal’s forces try to kill her shooting down Ellie’s Pod Fighter crashing into the water. Mal captures her and Ellie nearly kills him with her mutant powers. Ellie was taken to the Lab to be examined with Puck.

5 Mika is sent to school while still grieving over Ellie’s absence. At school, he meets a boy named Kobi. An old lady named Helen tells Mika if he played a new arcade game called Pod Fighter, he would find his sister Ellie. He competes in a Pod Fighter competition with his faithful gunner, Audrey, a girl with Borg eyes. Audrey is a love interest for Mika. Mika wins the competition and Mal gives him Ellie. During an uproar, Mika and Ellie escape in a Pod Fighter over The Wall and discover there is a forest with animals and people! Outraged, they fly back over The Wall to ask Mal why he imprisoned everybody! Mal reveals the plague was faked by a group of people who wanted the world for themselves. Mika and Ellie fly home to tell their family that life exists outside of The Wall!

6 Over population and pollution of the planet lead to crowded cities and disease. The WCC took drastic measures in order to save the planet by building “The Wall”

7 When Mika won the Pod Fighter competition which resulted in his family getting a new apartment in the Golden Turrets, the new section where the rich people lived. Mika was very proud of his efforts that brought his family back together.

8 When all of the natural resources were depleted on the planet, the WCC puts a ban on having children for 20 years & creates a fake plague forcing all people to live behind The Wall. A new race of children was born including mutants with special powers. The population that lives behind The Wall want to take the planet back by creating an army of children that were trained to fight using pod fighters. The children are waiting in Cape Wrath (fort) to go to war. Book #2 continues the story.

9 The WCC would tell the North (people living behind The Wall) about the fake plague and start caring for both the people and the planet.

10 I would recommend this book because: It’s action packed A good story line And a lot of imagination was used to create the characters, their living environment and their circumstances. Rated :


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