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Agenda If you missed the test get a copy from me and sit in the hallway; give me your binder to check Grab the handout and a new Bellringer sheet from.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda If you missed the test get a copy from me and sit in the hallway; give me your binder to check Grab the handout and a new Bellringer sheet from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda If you missed the test get a copy from me and sit in the hallway; give me your binder to check Grab the handout and a new Bellringer sheet from the front table. 25 minute post test review

2 Europe’s Transition to the Modern World From Medieval times to the Renaissance

3 ORQ 1/B “Christianity started after the day when Jesus Christ died. He came back alive and started his own religion.” God’s name is not Jesus. “Jew’s were slaves back then so now they are free because of WWII” 1/C “The differences make them really different so the two religions are nothing alike.”

4 Feudalism Social Organization of the Medieval Period. Last into the early 1300’s


6 The Black Plague 1.Killed 1/3 of Europe’s pop. 2.25 million 3.Periodic waves for 300 years 4.3 types of Plague 5.Traveled along Silk Road via Fleas on Rats 1.Peasants revolted & demanded more freedom 2.Farmers diversified crops 3.Fewer workers = higer wages 4.Serfs escaped to cities The Black Plague


8 Hundred Years’ War 1.Killed 1/3 of Europe’s pop. 2.25 million 3.Periodic waves for 300 years 4.3 types of Plague 5.Traveled along Silk Road via Fleas on Rats 1.Peasants revolted & demanded more freedom 2.Farmers diversified crops 3.Fewer workers = higer wages 4.Serfs escaped to cities The Black Plague HYW 1.116 years 2.Charles IV of France dies 3.Edward III of England wants France 4.Joan of Arc saint/witch who helped win war. 5.English Tech.


10 Trade and Commerce 1.Killed 1/3 of Europe’s pop. 2.25 million 3.Periodic waves for 300 years 4.3 types of Plague 5.Traveled along Silk Road via Fleas on Rats 1.Peasants revolted & demanded more freedom 2.Farmers diversified crops 3.Fewer workers = higer wages 4.Serfs escaped to cities The Black Plague HYW 1.116 years 2.Charles IV of France dies 3.Edward III of England wants France 4.Joan of Arc saint/witch who helped win war. 5.English Tech. Trade/Commerce 1.People move to cities for better wages 2.Status determined by wealth and ability, not birthright T/C 1.Italian traders 2.Bankers 3.Guilds 4.Middle Class

11 Trade and Commerce 1.Middle class merchants gained control of great sums of money by organizing banks 2.Medici Family T/C


13 Rise of the City-State 1.Middle class merchants gained control of great sums of money by organizing banks 2.Medici Family T/C 1.Italian cities, tied to foreign partners 2.Rich/powerful 3.Popes and Emperors fought – lost power 4.Florence, Italy center of Renaissance City-State


15 Spirit of the Renaissance 1.Middle class merchants gained control of great sums of money by organizing banks 2.Medici Family T/C 1.Italian cities, tied to foreign partners 2.Rich/powerful 3.Popes and Emperors fought – lost power 4.Florence, Italy center of Renaissance City-State Spirit of the Ren 1. Crusades made Europeans eager to learn about the world 1. Medici family used their profits to promote education & arts 1. Scholars & artists looked to art & writing from Ancient Greece and Rome for guidance

16 Humanism

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