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Jeopardy ByzantinesFeudalismChurchCrusades $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Black Death $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy ByzantinesFeudalismChurchCrusades $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Black Death $100 $200 $300 $400 $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy ByzantinesFeudalismChurchCrusades $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Black Death $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 Jeopardy ByzantinesFeudalismChurchCrusades $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Black Death $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

4 $100 Question - Byzantines What was the geographical impact of Constantinople?

5 $100 Answer - Byzantines It controlled access to the Black Sea and trade.

6 Daily Double

7 $200 Question - Byzantines Which emperor divided the Roman Empire into two parts?

8 $200 Answer - Byzantines Diocletian

9 $300 Question - Byzantines What famous cathedral was built by Justinian?

10 $300 Answer - Byzantines Hagia Sophia

11 $400 Question - Byzantines What code served as the legal basis For the Byzantine Empire?

12 $400 Answer - Byzantines Code of Justinian

13 $500 Question - Byzantines What was the name of the rebellion Against Justinian? (What did the people Yell at him?)

14 $500 Answer- Byzantines Neike Rebellion “Neike, neike!”

15 $100 Question - Feudalism After the fall of Rome, Europe became divided into a series of what?

16 $100 Answer - Feudalism Germanic Kingdoms

17 $200 Question - Feudalism What was the economic system that Provided self-sufficient communities During Feudalism?

18 $200 Answer - Feudalism Manorialism or The Manor System

19 Daily Double

20 $300 Question - Feudalism What were Missi Dominici?

21 $300 Answer - Feudalism Missions to spread Christianity During the reign of Charlemagne

22 $400 Question - Feudalism Name one group that invaded Western Europe during the Middle Ages.

23 $400 Answer - Feudalism Vikings Muslims Magyars

24 $500 Question - Feudalism What political/social system came to England from France when William the Conqueror invaded in 1066?

25 $500 Answer - Feudalism Feudalism

26 $100 Question - Church Who was the most important and powerful individual during The Middle Ages?

27 $100 Answer - Church The Pope

28 $200 Question - Church If Christians violated Canon Law, They could be banished or ____________.

29 $200 Answer - Church Excommunicated

30 $300 Question - Church The kind of architecture represented by Spires and flying buttresses is called ____________.

31 $300 Answer – Church Gothic

32 Daily Double

33 $400 Question - Church Peasants lives were hard and their Only hope for the future was their ____________ which was controlled by local priests.

34 $400 Answer - Church Salvation

35 $500 Question - Church Kings or Lords who violated Canon Law could face ______________. A ban On religious services in their land.

36 $500 Answer – Church Interdiction

37 $100 Question - Crusades What does the word “crusade” mean?

38 $100 Answer - Crusades Holy War

39 Daily Double

40 $200 Question - Crusades Who issued a call for Christians to go to the Holy Land to free Jerusalem?

41 $200 Answer - Crusades Pope Urban II

42 $300 Question - Crusades How many of the Crusades did the Christians win?

43 $300 Answer - Crusades One – The First Crusade

44 $400 Question - Crusades Name 2 reasons that people went on Crusades.

45 $400 Answer - Crusades 1.Access to trade routes 2.Sins would be forgiven 3.Land and Wealth

46 $500 Question - Crusades Name 6 things that were gained as a result Of the Crusades:

47 $500 Answer - Crusades Luxury goods Spices Astrolabe Gunpowder Algebra Chemistry Telescope New ship designs Arabic numerals Compass Silk Cotton Trade Routes

48 $100 Question – Black Death What is another name for the Black Death?

49 $100 Answer - Black Death The Plague or Bubonic Plague

50 $200 Question - Black Death Who did Europeans blame for The Black Death?

51 $200 Answer - Black Death Themselves God Jews Lepers

52 $300 Question - Black Death How did the Black Death get to Western Europe?

53 $300 Answer - Black Death Oooooo, fleas on rats Fleas on rats

54 $400 Question - Black Death Approximately how many people died During the Black Death in Europe?

55 $400 Answer - Black Death 25 Million (1/3) of the Population

56 Daily Double

57 $500 Question - Black Death Name 4 cures that were attempted by People who contracted the Black Death.

58 $500 Answer - Black Death Prayer Flagellation Bathing in Urine Leaches Dead animals in the home Pomanders (Potpourri)

59 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Compare and contrast Eastern and Western Europe during The Middle Ages. (Christianity, Trade, Lifestyle)

60 Final Jeopardy Answer 1. Christianity spread more quickly in the East than the West because of the Apostle Paul. The Pope controlled the kingdoms in the West. 2.Constantinople controlled trade in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Feudalism and Manorialism dominated Western Europe.

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