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Black Death Sources Sheet Source 1: The Black Death and Society "One citizen avoided another, hardly any neighbor troubled about others, relatives never.

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Presentation on theme: "Black Death Sources Sheet Source 1: The Black Death and Society "One citizen avoided another, hardly any neighbor troubled about others, relatives never."— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Death Sources Sheet Source 1: The Black Death and Society "One citizen avoided another, hardly any neighbor troubled about others, relatives never or hardly ever visited each other. Moreover, such terror was struck into the hearts of men and women by this calamity, that brother abandoned brother, and the uncle his nephew, and the sister her brother, and very often the wife her husband. What is even worse and nearly incredible is that fathers and mothers refused to see and tend their children, as if they had not been theirs. There were thousands of instances where parents left their children suffering from the Black Death so they, the parents, could be saved. Thus, a multitude of sick men and women were left without any care Source 3: Odd Strategies to Stop/Avoid the Black Death according to those during the 1300s 1. Avoid breathing in the same air as a plague victim. 2. Sit next to a blazing hot fire, (it worked for the Pope in the summer of 1348). 3. Live in a house sheltered from the wind and keep the window closed. 4. Attack foreigners and people of a different religion. (Twenty thousand Jews were burned to death in Strasbourg in 1348). 5. Letter from King Edward III to the Lord Mayor of London in 1349: “You are to make sure that all the human excrement and other filth lying in the street of the city is removed. You are to cause the city to be cleaned from all bad smells so that no more people will die from such smells.” 6. You could walk around carrying flowers, herbs or spices, which you would often raise to your nose. The good smells would keep away the disease 7. Live a separate life, only eating and drinking in moderation and seeing no one. 8. Run away to the country, leave everyone behind. 9. Go to church and ask for forgiveness 10. Whip yourself in order to inflict punishment upon you. Maybe God will forgive you then. Source 4: Black Death Changes the Culture and Society of Europe With millions dead in Europe, there was an abundance of jobs available as previous workers had died. Thousands of peasants were able to leave their poor lifestyles in the countryside on a farm and move to cities to find work. Wages increased because businesses needed workers, and they could afford to pay them better than before the Bubonic Plague. During the Black Death, many people turned toward the Church for help in curing the horrible disease; however, the Church was unable to offer much aid. Therefore, many people began to doubt the power of the Church and lost faith in it. Many who made it through the Black Death believed they should live how they want to and not how the Church thinks they should live because tomorrow could be their last day on Earth as had been the case during the Black Death. Source 2: What caused the Plague? There were lots and lots of different beliefs about the plague; people were so scared because they weren’t sure what caused it. Some believed it was a punishment from God, some believed that foreigners or those who followed a different religion had poisoned the wells, and some thought that bad air was responsible; some thought the position of the planets had caused the plague. All these different beliefs led to some strange attempts at escaping the plague and some even stranger cures.

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