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History 104 The Peloponnesian War Pericles and the Plague.

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Presentation on theme: "History 104 The Peloponnesian War Pericles and the Plague."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 104 The Peloponnesian War Pericles and the Plague

2 Timeline 431-421: 415-404:

3 The first invasion of Attica - 431 Delays by Archidamus Spartans lay waste to Attica

4 Response to the invasion Pericles becomes unpopular general evacuation of Attica ordered

5 The Funeral Oration Athenians who died in battle honored with public burial, oration, special benefits for their children The glorious past and recent history of Athens is remembered

6 Kerameikos

7 Pericles’ Funeral Oration Both a commemoration and an exhortation Why Athens is great Sparta is the obvious point of comparison

8 Pericles’ Funeral Oration Athens is as powerful as Sparta, Athens (not Sparta) is the “education of Greece”

9 The Funeral Oration Thucydides’ version; we don’t know what Pericles really said Athens: an idealized view

10 Stasis As Greece is polarized between Athens and Sparta, so are its poleis Corcyra, 427

11 The Plague in Athens 430-429 The disease is unknown High mortality rate from disease

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