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N ORTHERN I RELAND. B ELFAST Belfast is the capital and the biggest city in Northern Ireland. About 300 000 people live there. Belfast became the capital.

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Presentation on theme: "N ORTHERN I RELAND. B ELFAST Belfast is the capital and the biggest city in Northern Ireland. About 300 000 people live there. Belfast became the capital."— Presentation transcript:


2 B ELFAST Belfast is the capital and the biggest city in Northern Ireland. About 300 000 people live there. Belfast became the capital city in 1922.

3 S T P ATRICK St Patrick is the patron of Northern Ireland. When he was 16 years old, he was taken as a slave to Northern Ireland, after six years work he escaped to his family. He came back to Ireland and one year before his death he made christening of Northern Ireland and through prayer he liberated the country of plague of poisonous snakes.

4 T HE NATIONAL SYMBOLS : Shamrock Gold harp Leprechaun

5 H URLING - I RISH SPORT Hurling is Irish sport. It is a team game. The main equipment are sticks and balls. In this sport play girls and boys.

6 U LSTER FRY Ulster fry is a caloric dish. It consists of baked beans in tomato sauce, fried sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms

7 U LSTER AND I RISH WORDS : Irish call their country Ulster. These are Irish words : -Slán- goodbye -Go raibh maith agat- thank you -Slán aphaile-safe roads -Sláinte-bless you

8 T ITANIC Titanic was made in Belfast in 1909. Date of launching 31 May 1911. Date of sink 15 April 1912.

9 G IANT ’ S C AUSEWAY Giant’s Causeway is rock formation on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland. It was discovered in 1692. It is constructed of tightly stacked basalt columns.

10 S TORMONT C ASTLE Stormont Castle is baronial mansion on the housing Stormont in east Belfast, which is used as the main venue of the meeting Executive Committee in Northern Ireland. Between 1921 and 1972, served as the official residence of the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland.

11 L OUGH N EAGH Lough Neagh is the biggest lake in UK. Its area is 396 km², depth is 9 m and max. 25 m.

12 T HANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Prepared by : Agnieszka Woś Wiktoria Henek Wiktoria Karnówka

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