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The 7 Kings of Rome Ms. Costas World History. The Etruscans  Settled in ancient Italy before the Romans They were two different cultures until the two.

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Presentation on theme: "The 7 Kings of Rome Ms. Costas World History. The Etruscans  Settled in ancient Italy before the Romans They were two different cultures until the two."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 7 Kings of Rome Ms. Costas World History

2 The Etruscans  Settled in ancient Italy before the Romans They were two different cultures until the two merged under king Romulus  They operated like a tribe Government had a chief Polytheistic religion Advancing military  Had a very strong influence on the Romans Religious Government Architecture The Arts

3 Romulus and Remus  Believed to be the founders of Rome  Grandson’s of the king of Alba Longa King Numitor  Left to die by their uncle, Amulius Survived, raised by a shepherd Restored Numitor as king of Alba Longa  Founded the city of Rome Romulus killed Remus for making fun of him  Romulus = the single ruler of Rome

4 The Seven Kings of Rome  Before Rome became a Republic, it was a Monarchy, beginning with Romulus Monarchy = a type of government run by a single person, usually a hereditary position  The Roman monarchy was unlike traditional monarchies Candidates were chosen Elected by the people Kingship was not a hereditary privilege Not necessary to be a true-blooded Roman

5 Romulus  1 st King of Rome 753 – 715 BCE  First citizens were all male fugitives Merged civilizations with the neighboring Sabines  Laid grounds for Roman culture Created Rome’s first army Conquered new lands Established class system  Said to have disappeared in a thunderstorm Was worshipped as the Roman god Quirinus

6 Numa Pompilius  2 nd King of Rome 715 – 673 BCE  Known for his peaceful nature Was not a warrior/conqueror  Established many religious traditions Pontifex Religious temples  Known for taking the Roman calendar and organizing it into days

7 Tulius Hostilius  3 rd King of Rome 672 – 641 BCE  Known for his aggressive demeanor  He restored the strength of the military Conquered neighboring lands Killed victims in gruesome ways Violent temper  His reign saw the devastation of a plague  Struck by lightening and died

8 Ancus Marcius  4 th King of Rome 640 – 616 BCE  Chosen by the senate to bring Rome out of the plague  Advancements… Established the plebeian class Built a bridge over the Tiber River Expanded Rome’s borders

9 Lucius Tarquinius Priscus  5 th King of Rome 616 – 579 BCE  First Etruscan monarch  Advancements… Created Roman Games Created Circus Maximus Constructed a great sewage system Conquered neighboring Latin and Sabine tribes Strengthened Roman military  Assassinated by Ancus Marcius’ son

10 Servius Tullius  6 th King of Rome 578 – 534 BCE Son-in-law of Tarquin I  Advancements… Organized military into social classes Rebuilt Rome’s walls Constructed religious temples  Assassinated by his daughter and her husband, Tarquin the Proud He became next king

11 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus  7 th King of Rome 534 – 510 BCE  Under him, Romans are at the height of their monarchy  Known as a tyrant Violent Power hungry Did not look to benefit his people  Gained too much power – Romans feared him Overthrown by a group of nobles

12 The Fall of the Roman Monarchy  After Superbus, the Romans feared a leader with too much power They did not want one person to have all that control  Abolished the monarchy  Created idea of a consul Having two rulers share power  Prevents one person from becoming too powerful  End of the Roman monarchy for the rest of Roman history

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