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Unified. Now. Win with Exchange Road Show. Secure Messaging Customer Value Proposition Customer Business Challenges Partner Resources Partner Opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Unified. Now. Win with Exchange Road Show. Secure Messaging Customer Value Proposition Customer Business Challenges Partner Resources Partner Opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unified. Now. Win with Exchange Road Show

2 Secure Messaging Customer Value Proposition Customer Business Challenges Partner Resources Partner Opportunity

3 The most common way for viruses to enter an organization is through e-mail In our 2007 survey of IT professionals, the top 3 threats are directly related to messaging, including spam and viruses. - IDC Worldwide Messaging Security 2008–2012 Forecast, August 2008 Spam volume continues to trend upward over time “Spammers now generate an estimated 55 billion messages per day... A year ago that number was 30 billion.” - Robert McMillian, “Spam’s New Image,”, August 15, 2006 Phishing scams have become more sophisticated and successful in a short period of time

4 AMR: January, 2008

5 Forrester: March 2008

6 Gartner: September, 2007

7 Which of the following locations do you consider to be a priority in terms of protecting and controlling sensitive data within your company? Response a. E-mail56 b. Desktop/laptop file systems45 d. Server file systems26 f. USB devices24 e. Web (Web mail, blogs, etc.)14 c. Content management systems10 g. Instant messaging8 h. Other--

8 *2005 Electronic & Surveillance Survey from American Management Association (AMA) and the ePolicy Institute *2005 Electronic Monitoring & Surveillance Survey from American Management Association (AMA) and the ePolicy Institute Control: Increasing regulations and compliance  Compliance throughout the organization is inconsistent  General concern about losing sensitive information  Need to restrict access to inappropriate content  People need uninterrupted inbox access  Mobile and remote access are critical for productivity  Security measures sometimes add annoyances Threat: Increasing security threats  Spam, viruses, and phishing still plague inboxes  Network attacks are still common Access: Increasing mobility

9 Customer Value Proposition Customer Business Challenges Secure Messaging Partner Resources Partner Opportunity

10 Challenges Need Threats Malware Spam Network Vulnerability Data Loss Protect Access Local & Remote Users Mobile Devices Authentication Publish Control Downtime Policy Violations Reporting and Alerting Inforrmation Usage Manage

11 Anti- Spam Anti- Malware Network Protection Data Protection On-premises / Hosted Catch rate / false positives Detection and removal of: Viruses Worms Spyware blocking Phishing filters Intrusion protection Application protection Denial-of-service protection Protect Encryption Back-up Disaster recovery

12 Perimeter (DMZ) Exchange 2007 Edge Server Intranet Exchange 2007 Server Edge Transport Client Access MailboxMailbox Hub Transport Unified Messaging

13 Anti-spam Feature Exchange 2003 SP2 Exchange 2007 SP1 IP Allow and Deny Lists Yes IP DNS Block Lists Yes Recipient Filtering Yes Sender Filtering Yes Content Filtering (SmartScreen) Yes Content Filter Updates (SmartScreen) Bi-weeklyDaily (ECAL) Sender ID Yes IP Safe Lists (or Bonded Sender) Yes Outlook Postmark Validation Yes Protocol Analysis Data Gathering Yes Protocol Analysis Sender Reputation Yes Open Proxy Validation Yes Dynamic Spam Data Update Service Yes (ECAL) Per User/OU Spam Settings Yes Admin Quarantine Yes Automatic DNS Block Lists Yes Incoming Internet E-mail Outlook Mailbox Inbox Junk E-mail 1. Connection Filtering 3. Content Filtering Safe list aggregation Postmark scanning Admin quarantine Agent logs/reporting 2. Sender/Recipient Filtering

14 Choices for Network Edge Protection Internet-based services protect against spam and viruses before they penetrate the network Comprehensive Enterprise-class Hosted Services for E-mail Security and Management Service for e-mail security with performance backed by SLAs Simplify E-mail Administration Offloading e-mail security allows IT to focus on other initiatives Firewall Mailbox Server Hub Transport Server Client Access Server SMTP Internet + On-Premises Software

15 Internet Exchange Server/ Windows SMTP Server AV AV AV AV Antivirus Anti-spam Policy Mgmt Central Mgmt One vendor, multiple technologies

16 Rapid response to new threats Fail-safe protection through redundancy Diversity of antivirus engines and heuristics Response time 1 (in hours) The Microsoft multiple-engine solution WildList Number Malware Name Forefront Set 1 Forefront Set 2 Forefront Set 3 Vendor A*Vendor B*Vendor C* 01/08 agent_itw14.ex_0.00 268.6565.33 01/08 autorun_itw180.ex_0.00 1023.470.001123.98 01/08 autorun_itw92.ex_0.00 275.670.00731.43 01/08 ircbot_itw227.ex_0.00 1083.70640.45557.53 01/08 ircbot_itw236.ex_0.00 711.471148.27 01/08 ircbot_itw238.ex_0.00 563.13521.73452.13 01/08 ircbot_itw295.ex_0.00 40.08226.0237.32 01/08 ircbot_itw301.ex_387.98 404.13558.98678.73514.55 01/08 ircbot_itw305.ex_387.98 404.13484.80485.77487.38 01/08 ircbot_itw308.ex_0.42 101.0212.032.10 01/08 ircbot_itw314.ex_0.00 808.48355.20802.03 01/08 ircbot_itw317.ex_0.00 12.45506.286.57 01/08 pushbot_itw2.ex_0.00 700.27696.17 01/08 rbot_itw2555.ex_0.00 1083.700.001082.28 01/08 rbot_itw2579.ex_0.00 386.60306.83422.27 01/08 rbot_itw2582.ex_0.00 1117.850.00138.83 01/08 rbot_itw2583.ex_0.00 1112.173.671110.75 01/08 sdbot_itw2584.ex_0.00 961.78344.62795.35 01/08 sdbot_itw2596.ex_0.00 301.77415.2089.50 01/08 sdbot_itw2636.ex_0.00 247.47699.33 02/08 autorun_itw245.ex_0.00 1321.350.001025.30 02/08 ircbot_itw318.ex_0.00 100.02619.72223.42 02/08 ircbot_itw320.ex_0.00 157.67120.12669.15 02/08 ircbot_itw336.ex_0.00 181.08811.6717.47 02/08 ircbot_itw337.ex_0.00 701.95901.8054.68 02/08 ircbot_itw338.ex_0.00 97.73763.3081.02 02/08 rcbot_itw342.ex_0.00 1360.6278.92260.15 * Includes beta signatures ** 0.00 denotes proactive detection 1 Source: 2008 ( Other single-engine solutions = Less than 5 hours = 5 to 24 hours = More than 24 hours

17 RMS is a policy enforcement technology that helps protect email from unauthorized access and use Activated directly inside an email RMS can restrict Printing, Copy-and- Paste, Print Screen and more NEW Exchange 2007 Pre-licensing agent enables mobile users to read RMS –protected email, even if they’re not logged into the network

18 System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Continuous Data Protection for Windows Application and File Servers Rapid and Reliable Recovery from disk instead of tape Advanced Technology for enterprises of all sizes Protect: Data Protection and Recovery Up to Every 15 minutes Online Snapshots (up to 512) Disk-based Recovery Offline tape Tape-based Backup Retention Active Directory® System State. Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 file shares and directories Disaster Recovery offsite replica

19 Consider different policies based on user, asset, and location User: Employee, partner, other IT Assets: Desktops, laptops Non-IT Assets: Mobile device, personal PC, kiosk “80% of organizations surveyed felt that access to e-mail was more important than the telephone… 74% believed being without e-mail would present a greater hardship than losing telephone service.“ - Meta Group Survey, 2003

20 Data Center/ Corporate Network Business Partners / Sub - Contractors Internet AD / ADFS HTTPS (443) IAG Home / Friend / Kiosk Employee Internet / home / hotel / other company Mobile Web: OWAOWA CRMCRM SharePointSharePoint IIS basedIIS based IBM, SAP, OracleIBM, SAP, Oracle TS Non web HTTPS / HTTP Authentication End-point Health Detection Edge Ready Information Leakage Prevention Non-Windows Direct Access (future)

21 Resource Constraints Running out of physical space in the data center IT skills constrained as systems, technologies, and applications increase in complexity Increasing Service Levels Exchange administrators striving for “five nines” availability SLAs based on performance and availability Increasing importance of disaster recovery Policy Compliance Inappropriate content Level of connectivity Authentication method Authorization / access rights Encryption policy Automated provisioning and updating of physical and virtual environments Exchange and consolidation through virtualization Configuration Management

22 Automated provisioning and updating of physical and virtual environments Exchange consolidation through virtualization Proactive Exchange monitoring Service level monitoring Preconfigured management rules, events and alerts for Exchange Exchange configuration controls and reporting Centralized security auditing Comprehensive security and identity and access management Exchange continuity through virtualization management Exchange Server Aware - backup and recovery of physical and virtual resources Disaster recovery of the Exchange environment Configuration Management End-to-EndMonitoring Server Compliance Data Protection and Recovery


24 Partner Opportunity Customer Business Challenges Customer Value Proposition Secure Messaging Partner Resources

25 Source: IDC Security Solutions Partner Profitability White Paper (January 2008)


27 Partner Resources Partner Opportunity Customer Business Challenges Customer Value Proposition Secure Messaging

28 Microsoft Field Execution Model CES MSSP Relationship Management Sales Marketing Account Planning: Account discovery and engagement based on the Core IO model Profile Gap Analysis Growth Strategy Awareness Demand Generation Subsidiary Marketing Opportunity Management Solution Definition Account Team Unit Solution Briefing Specialist Team Unit Architecture Design Session Specialist Team Unit Proof of Concept Specialist Team Unit ProspectProofCloseQualify Develop Solution Account Team Unit Core IO Model Partners

29 Unified. Now.

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