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INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním.

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Presentation on theme: "INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním."— Presentation transcript:

1 INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

2 British and American English The differences and varieties

3 British v American English American English (AmE) is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used within the United States of America. General American (GA) is considered to be "standard" or "accentless" British English (BrE) is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, Received Pronunciation (RP) is considered "standard“ also called the Queen's English and BBC English

4 Which is correct? American and British English are taught in English as a foreign language programs no one version is "correct" RULE: be consistent in your usage the largest difference is probably in the choice of vocabulary and pronunciation

5 Grammatical Differences British English: Present perfect for action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment two forms to express possession: Have or Have got American English Past tense is also possible simple past include already, just and yet employ the have (do you have, he doesn't have etc.)

6 The past participle of the verb get is got differences in preposition use:  at the weekend  Different from  from 5 to 6 Past Simple/Past Participles Burnt OR burned irregular form is more common in Br. E. is gotten He's gotten much better at playing tennis.  on the weekend  Different than  from 5 through 6 dreamt OR dreamed regular form is more common to American English.

7 Spelling Differences British English Words ending in – our: colour, humour Words ending in – ise: recognise, patronise Others: Traveller Cheque programme American English Words ending in – or: color, humor Words ending in –ize: recognize, patronize Traveler Check program

8 Lexical Differences British English Pardon? Autumn Film Trousers Flat Tin Mobile phone Biscuit lorry American English Excuse me? Fall Movie Pants Apartment Can Cell phone Cookie truck

9 Pronunciation Differences British English [o] in spot [a:] in fast [t’] in better [r] – sometimes silent [ ɪ ] in privacy American English [a:] in spot [ae] in fast [d] in better [r] pronounced everywhere [a ɪ ] in privacy

10 Quiz: What are the British equivalents? 1. Q: Vocabulary ‘round trip' - I booked a round trip. 2. Q: Spelling 'check' - I wrote a check for the full amount. 3. Q: Spelling 'tire' - Do you know how to change a tire? 4. Q: Vocabulary 'subway' - I took the subway to work. 5. Q: Spelling 'color' - Do you have this shirt in a different color? Return ticket cheque tyre underground colour

11 6. Q: Vocabulary 'trunk' - Put your luggage in the trunk. 7. Q: Grammar 'just went' - He just went home. 8. Q: Vocabulary 'flashlight' - The lights have gone out. Where is the flashlight? 9. Q: Expression with preposition 'Monday through Friday' - He works Monday through Friday. 10. Q: Grammar 'seven hundred thirty' - eight thousand seven hundred thirty 11. Q: Expression with preposition 'plays on' - He plays on a team in town. 12. Q: Vocabulary ‘gas' - I think we need some gas. boot torch to And thirty petrol

12 13. Vocabulary call collect' - (on the telephone) I'd like to call collect 14. Grammar 'this' - (on the telephone) Hello, is this Peter? 15. Past participle form - He's gotten more difficult. 16. Vocabulary 'bill' - (in a restaurant) Can I have the bill? 17. Q: Vocabulary 'diaper' - Honey, can you change the baby's diaper? 18. Q: Grammar 'committee meets' - The committee meet tomorrow. 19. Q: Vocabulary 'chips' - I'm hungry. Let's stop and get a bag of chips at the supermarket. 'reverse the charges that both nappy meet crisps

13 20. Q: Vocabulary 'intersection' - Take a left at the second intersection. 21. Q: Vocabulary 'stand in line' - We had to stand in line for three hours to get into the concert. 22. Q: Expression with preposition 'do over' - Can I do that over? 23. Q: Vocabulary 'garbage' - Why is there so much garbage in here? 23. Q: Vocabulary 'rest room' - Excuse me, where is the rest room? 25. Q: Vocabulary 'vacation' - We went on a two week vacation last month. crossroads queue again rubbish Public toilet holiday

14 INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky. Tato výuková prezentace byla pořízena z finančních prostředků hrazených Evropským sociálním fondem a rozpočtem České republiky.

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