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North Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center A presentation to the Alachua Board of County Commissioners.

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Presentation on theme: "North Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center A presentation to the Alachua Board of County Commissioners."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center A presentation to the Alachua Board of County Commissioners

2 North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center Location: 1200 North East 55 th Blvd, Gainesville, Florida Established: 1976 Fourth largest employee on the East side of Gainesville

3 Function North Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center (NFETC) is a 216 bed forensic treatment facility that provides evaluation and treatment to persons served who have been committed to the Dept. of Children & Families by a Circuit Court as either Incompetent to Proceed to trial or Not Guilty by reason of Insanity.

4 Dept. of Children & Families NFETC is one of three state treatment facilities that are operated by the Dept. of Children & Families. The other two facilities are Florida State Hospital (FSH) in Chattahoochee and North East Florida State Hospital in MacClenny. Both NFETC & FSH serve forensic clients.

5 History At one time, all the state treatment facilities were owned and operasted by DCF But increasingly, the facilities have been privatized & operated by a vendor called GEO Care.

6 Geo Care Geo Care operates the remaining state treatment facilities, which include South Florida State Hospital (Broward county), South Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center (Dade county), Treasure Coast Forensic treatment Center (Martin county), and the Florida Civil Commitment Center (Desoto county). Both South Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center and the Treasure Coast Forensic treatment Center serve forensic clients.

7 Number of Employees at NFETC In 2009, NFETC employed 426.5 full time FTEs Plus up to 10 OPS part time employees.

8 Budget The total budget is $26.293 million. Salaries comprise $21.715 million

9 Impact to Alachua County Of the 426.5 employees, 234 employees live in Alachua County. Those employees earn $8.14 million annually.

10 Minority Impact Of the 234 employees who are Alachua county residents, 139 are minorities. Those employees earn $4.43 million annually.

11 The Bottom Line Conservatively speaking, the economic impact on North Center Florida by NFETC is $78.8 million. The impact on Alachua County from salaries is at least $24.42 million. This does not include the economic benefit to local venders.

12 GEO Care Expansion In 2009, GEO Care made a very serious effort to privatize NEFSH. GEO Care wants to expand this year. George C. Zoley, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GEO, said: “Our already strong balance sheet has been further strengthened by our recent refinancing transactions, and we are now well positioned to take advantage of the robust demand for correctional, detention, and residential treatment beds in our core market segments.”

13 Comparision of NFETC to the other Forensic Facilities In three key metrics, NFETC excelled Comparative Discharge Rates Restoration of Competency Recidivism

14 Discharge Rates The next slide compares the Forensic treatment facilities in their comparative competent discharge rates. You will note the trend line for NFETC is holding steady. The trend lines for all the other facilities has gotten worse


16 Competency Restoration The next slide compares NFETC and the other forensic treatment facilities in their restoration of competency NFETC is the blue bar Our performance exceeded all of our rivals in 3 of the last 6 quarters and second best in the remaining three quarters


18 Forensic Recidivisim The next slide compares NFETC with other forensic treatment facilities for the last year fiscal years NFETC’s recidivism rate is the lowest of the four facilities for this year.


20 We are requesting A letter from the Alachua Board of County Commissioners to the Alachua legislative delegation to oppose any effort to privatize NFETC. Why? 426 jobs & $78.8 million impact Also in tune with the values of the Florida Association of Counties

21 Thank You We greatly appreciate this opportunity to present to the County Comission.

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