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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Characters ConflictsVocabularySpirit BearCircle Justice.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Characters ConflictsVocabularySpirit BearCircle Justice

2 Characters This is a grieving father who treated Cole with little respect.

3 Who is Cole Matthews?

4 Characters This is a boy who is majorly traumatized after being beaten severely by Cole.

5 Who is Peter Driscal?

6 Characters This is a grieving father who treated Cole with little respect.

7 Who is Mr. Driscal?

8 Characters This is a swift-handed person who cared for Cole.

9 Who is Rosey?

10 Characters This is a professional person who speaks nothing but bad about Cole.

11 Who is Peter’s lawyer?

12 Conflicts This is what Circle Council thinks of Cole.

13 Conflicts What is a selfish jerk?

14 Conflicts This got two boys into a gory fight.

15 Conflicts What is Peter snitched on Cole?

16 Conflicts This is what Cole thinks of his parents.

17 Conflicts What is hatred?

18 Conflicts This has gotten Cole to where he is now.

19 Conflicts What does is mean to forgive?

20 Conflicts This made Cole learn to care for the others around him.

21 Conflicts What is, “Are you okay?”

22 Vocabulary This is the antonym of an adult. a. delinquent b. solitary c. juvenile

23 What is a juvenile?

24 This is the synonym for a protective coat. a. shrouded b. cover c. block Vocabulary

25 What is shrouded?

26 Vocabulary The boy went into a _____ when he saw the fire. a. parched b. delirium c. charred

27 What is a delirium?

28 Vocabulary Mr. DiRuzza’s desk is unorganized. Replace the underlined word with a vocabulary word. a. messy b. hectic c. haphazard

29 What does haphazard mean?

30 Vocabulary The girl _______after her nightmare. a. squirmed b. hypnotic c. writhed

31 What is writhed?

32 This is a black bear with a white fur coat. Spirit Bear

33 What is the Spirit Bear?

34 Spirit Bear This is the amount of years the spirit bear can live in the wild.

35 What is 25 years?

36 Spirit Bear This is the time frame when Cole touched the Spirit Bear.

37 What happened when Cole was laying on the ground, after the mauling was over?

38 Spirit Bear This is another name for the Spirit Bear.

39 What’s Kermode?

40 Spirit Bear This place does not allow hunting spirit bear.

41 What is B.C. (British Columbia)?

42 Circle Justice does this to help Cole.

43 What is to send Cole to an island for a year?

44 This is the idea behind Circle Justice.

45 What is to help people get a second chance?

46 This is the action that allowed Cole to go to Circle Justice for the first time.

47 What is to smash Peters head into the sidewalk?

48 Circle Justice is in this place.

49 Mille Lacs Reservation

50 Circle justice came from this practice.

51 What is the Indian talking circles?

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