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Marwell Animal Bingo Pack. Teachers’ Instructions Introduction This bingo game is designed to help you make the most of your visit to Marwell Wildlife,

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Presentation on theme: "Marwell Animal Bingo Pack. Teachers’ Instructions Introduction This bingo game is designed to help you make the most of your visit to Marwell Wildlife,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marwell Animal Bingo Pack

2 Teachers’ Instructions Introduction This bingo game is designed to help you make the most of your visit to Marwell Wildlife, by encouraging children to look closely at the animals and develop their observational skills. If you have booked our KS1 Connecting With Nature workshop, you may recognise some of the bingo game animals from the session. The game is linked to this workshop and features the same threatened species, but it is still playable on an independent park visit. Contents This pack contains 12 different bingo cards with animals for children to look out for as they explore the park. Each bingo card can be used by children working on their own or in groups. You can choose how to distribute the cards according to what will work best for your class. If you are having difficulty finding certain animals that you need to win the game, there is also a map to help you locate them. Each species is given a number on the list page, which corresponds to the orange numbers on the map. Some animals (eg. the dwarf crocodile, Fregate Island beetle and the long nosed horned frog) have been grouped together as they share the same location (in this case Tropical World). How to play The children simply have to tick off the animals on their sheet as they spot them. The first person to get a complete row of 4 animals (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) calls bingo, and wins the game! To extend the game, why not try playing for full house – ticking off all the animals on your card! (2 hours minimum. Please note, the animals are not necessarily visible all the time. You may have to count finding the animals’ enclosures in order to achieve a full house.) Short of time? To call bingo via a shorter route, please follow the path outlined on the map. You may need to include a walk round Tropical World and/or World of Lemurs, depending on how many animals the children spotted on the way round (allow at least 1 hour).

3 List of included species 1.Addax 2.Amur leopard 3.Amur tiger 4.Arabian oryx 5.Bactrian camel 6.Cheetah 7.Dama gazelle 8.Golden-headed lion tamarin Grevy’s zebra Hartmann’s zebra Humboldt penguin Lowland anoa Madagascar teal Ocelot Okapi Ostrich Partula snail Przewalski’s horse Pygmy hippo Scimitar-horned oryx Serval Siamang gibbon Snow leopard Somali wild ass Sulawesi crested macaque Sun conure White rhino World of Lemurs - Alaotran gentle lemur - Black and white ruffed lemur - Fossa Tropical World - Dwarf crocodile - Fregate Island beetle - Long nosed horned frog Please refer to the map below for the animals’ locations. The numbers on this list correspond to the numbers on the map. Note: animals 5, 9, 12, 15, 16 and 24 have more than one location marked on the map. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WL TW

4 17 16 13 11 10 9 Map of animal locations 3 5 6 c 1 u 7 4 f 5 9 12 8 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WL TW 2 Suggested shorter route Please note: This map is intended as a rough guide. Individual species locations may be subject to change. 13 25 12 15 24

5 Sulawesi crested macaque Amur leopard Ocelot Przewalski’s horse Scimitar-horned oryx Fregate Island beetle Okapi Black and white ruffed lemur Somali wild ass White rhino Partula snail Long nosed horned frog Humboldt penguin Dwarf crocodile Cheetah Example Card Siamang gibbon


7 Sulawesi crested macaque Amur leopard Ocelot Przewalski’s horse Scimitar-horned oryx Fregate Island beetle Okapi Black and white ruffed lemur Somali wild ass White rhino Partula snail Siamang gibbon Humboldt penguin Dwarf crocodile Cheetah Bingo Card 1 Name: _____________ Long nosed horned frog


9 Addax Madagascar teal Serval Golden-headed lion tamarin Ostrich Sun conure Alaotran gentle lemur Pygmy hippo Lowland anoa Grevy’s zebra Fossa Arabian oryx Amur tiger Bactrian camel Snow leopard Dama gazelle Bingo Card 2 Name: _____________


11 Sun conure Hartmann’s zebra Bingo Card 3 Przewalski’s horse Fregate Island beetle Snow leopard Addax White rhino Alaotran gentle lemur Ocelot Ostrich Dwarf crocodile Pygmy hippo Humboldt penguin Golden-headed lion tamarin Lowland anoa Madagascar teal Name: _____________


13 Long nosed horned frog Bingo Card 4 Partula snail Amur tiger Okapi Hartmann’s zebra Fossa Grevy’s zebra Bactrian camel Serval Somali wild ass Siamang gibbon Scimitar-horned oryx Black and white ruffed lemur Amur leopard Dama gazelle Ostrich Name: _____________


15 Bingo Card 5 Addax Humboldt penguin Arabian oryx Cheetah Sulawesi crested macaque Somali wild ass Fregate Island beetle Dwarf crocodile Sun conure Madagascar teal Pygmy hippo Golden-headed lion tamarin Grevy’s zebra Lowland anoa Amur tiger Amur leopard Name: _____________


17 Long nosed horned frog Bingo Card 6 White rhino Cheetah Partula snail Ocelot Siamang gibbon Scimitar-horned oryx Okapi Black and white ruffed lemur Przewalski’s horse Sulawesi crested macaque Fossa Dama gazelle Alaotran gentle lemur Snow leopard Hartmann’s zebra Name: _____________


19 Long nosed horned frog White rhino Humboldt penguin Dwarf crocodile Cheetah Sulawesi crested macaque Amur leopard Ocelot Przewalski’s horse Scimitar-horned oryx Fregate Island beetle Okapi Black and white ruffed lemur Somali wild ass Partula snail Siamang gibbon Bingo Card 7 Name: _____________


21 Pygmy hippo Addax Madagascar teal Serval Golden-headed lion tamarin Ostrich Sun conure Alaotran gentle lemur Lowland anoa Grevy’s zebra Fossa Arabian oryx Amur tiger Bactrian camel Snow leopard Dama gazelle Bingo Card 8 Name: _____________


23 Fregate Island beetle Snow leopard Addax Alaotran gentle lemur Sun conure Hartmann’s zebra Bingo Card 9 Przewalski’s horse White rhino Ocelot Ostrich Dwarf crocodile Pygmy hippo Humboldt penguin Golden-headed lion tamarin Lowland anoa Madagascar teal Name: _____________


25 Long nosed horned frog Hartmann’s zebra Amur leopard Scimitar-horned oryx Bingo Card 10 Partula snail Amur tiger Okapi Fossa Grevy’s zebra Bactrian camel Serval Somali wild ass Siamang gibbon Black and white ruffed lemur Dama gazelle Ostrich Name: _____________


27 Madagascar teal Amur tiger Amur leopard Lowland anoa Bingo Card 11 Addax Humboldt penguin Arabian oryx Cheetah Sulawesi crested macaque Somali wild ass Fregate Island beetle Dwarf crocodile Sun conure Pygmy hippo Golden-headed lion tamarin Grevy’s zebra Name: _____________


29 Long nosed horned frog Scimitar-horned oryx Black and white ruffed lemur Alaotran gentle lemur Snow leopard Bingo Card 12 White rhino Cheetah Partula snail Ocelot Siamang gibbon Okapi Przewalski’s horse Sulawesi crested macaque Fossa Dama gazelle Hartmann’s zebra Name: _____________


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