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Camel racing is a popular sport in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Australia, and Mongolia. Professional.

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4 Camel racing is a popular sport in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Australia, and Mongolia. Professional camel racing, like horse racing, is an event for betting and tourist attraction. Camels can run at speeds up to 65 km/h (18 m/s; 40 mph) in short sprints and they can maintain a speed of 40 km/h (11 m/s; 25 mph) for an racingbettingCamels

5 Children are often favored as jockeys because of their light weight.

6 Many child camel jockeys are seriously injured by falling off the camels. Camels are often controlled by child jockeys, but allegations of human rights abuses have led to nationwide bans on underage labor in the UAE and Qatar. UAE

7 The United Arab Emirates was the first to ban the use of children under 15 as jockeys in camel racing on 29 July 2002.. In Qatar, banned child jockeys in 2005 and directed that, by 2007, all camel races would be directed by robotic jockeysrobotic jockeys

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