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Out of the comfort zone For… ‘The next step’. The gift  Allowed me or rather made me go on a walk.

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Presentation on theme: "Out of the comfort zone For… ‘The next step’. The gift  Allowed me or rather made me go on a walk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Out of the comfort zone For… ‘The next step’

2 The gift  Allowed me or rather made me go on a walk

3 combining  Homeopathy and walking…

4 Being out there Meant: being exposed to criticism (ridicule, disbelieve, envy, etc) to support, sympathy, encouragement, gratefulness, warmth, blessings, to other ideas, new people, unfamiliar experiences

5 Resulting in  Strengthening the inner dialogue  Moments of doubts  More moments of fulfilment knowing I’m right on my path and do what I have to do  And thus want to do

6 Some observations  Lots of magic out there  But magic has its own rules  You can’t make yourself believe  How much of our homeopathic treatment is based on ritual and believe?  What is left when we strip those off ?

7 Bridge the Gap  The gap between homeopathic knowledge and method  And the remedy the patient requires

8 Master Apprentice in SF  Artemisia Vulgaris  Gardenia Jasminoides  Musca Domestica  Lactuca Virosa  Granite  Cyprea eglantina

9 Master Class in the Netherlands  Citrus limonum  Crotalus horridus  Taxus baccata  Kali ferrocynatum  China  Causticum  Nuphar luteum  Tilia europaea  Europium metalicum  Salvia officinalis  Magnesium muriaticum  Cajuputum

10  Cryptococcus  Urolophus halleri  Neon  Rhododendron  Agrostis  Lutein hormon  Cyclamen  Schistoceca greagaria  Ribus fructicosus  Anagallis arvensis

11 Master Clas in Leuven  Topaaz  Anser Anser  Halieethus leuco  Strontium bromatum  Prunus cerifera  Aidsinum  Daphne indica  Lac delphinum  Antimonium crudum  Asbestos  Falco peregrinus  Microwave

12 Other live cases of last months  Pyrogenium  Halieethus  Chicory  Cymbopogon citratus  Lac camel dromedari  Zyziphus jujuba  Lobelia inflata  Gallium metalicum

13 The gap  Half can be bridged by extending our knowledge  and more effective anamnesis

14 The other half  Might be in the hands of the healer  It takes a healer to heal

15 Believe systems  Can they change?  They are based on delusions, ongoing new input, experiences and processing  But like you can’t make yourself more beautiful or wise, you can’t make yourself believe Unless, of course, you believe it

16 Then…  Everything is possible: It becomes knowing And all it has to do is to manifest…. but it already is  Is this The Truth then? No: only a manifestation out of infinite possibilities. This is called creation

17 Homeopathy: a medium?  Like a painter has to paint, a writer to write, a musician has to play…. in order to allow art to manifest: beauty, art, perfection, inspiration…  Allowing the spirit to act through you … be in service of this.

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