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Direct / Indirect Idioms

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1 Direct / Indirect Idioms
مهمة شاقة A hard task: special phrase A tall order: fixed phrase Fixed phrases: idioms, and proverbs in particular. A special phrase is a phrase with a special meaning which cannot be understood from the direct meaning of its words, nor from their total meaning when taken together. A fixed phrase, on the other hand, is a phrase which always has one single grammatical and lexical form and word order that cannot be changed, interrupted or reversed. In this sense, both idioms and proverbs are special and fixed phrases.

2 Direct idioms/fixed metaphors
Passing the exam is not a bed of roses. A true friend does not stab in the back. You scratch my back and I scratch yours. He killed his neighbor in cold blood. You make my blood boil by your bad manners. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. High prices are a daylight robbery. Our dear aunt is at death’s door. They needed the job, so they signed on the dotted line. She cannot believe her eyes/ears. Their company is on the black list.

3 Here is the intended meaning:
Passing exams is difficult A true friend does not betray Serve me, so I serve you He killed his neighbor intentionally and insensitively You agitate me It was the light knockout stroke High prices are public, legal robbery Our dear aunt is dying They signed unconditionally She is astonished Their company should not be dealt with/boycotted

4 They have metaphorical meaning saying something to mean something else
Why do you wash your dirty linen in public? Some people put the cart before the horse. That man is rolling in money. People were driven to war like lambs to the slaughter. They apply the law of the jungle. Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears. He serves two masters. Let us turn a new page. His name was on the tip of my tongue.

5 Here is the intended meaning:
Why do you make your own secrets open Some people do things the opposite way The man is very rich People were driven by force, unaware of the consequences They apply the law of might is right Listen to me carefully He is a hypocrate Let us have a new start I was about to say his name

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