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By Will Kepler United Arab Comparing….  1.5% of children are at work without pay  Usually they smuggle items across the border  Education is needed.

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Presentation on theme: "By Will Kepler United Arab Comparing….  1.5% of children are at work without pay  Usually they smuggle items across the border  Education is needed."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Will Kepler United Arab Comparing…

2  1.5% of children are at work without pay  Usually they smuggle items across the border  Education is needed to extinct child labor  Major cause of child labor- poverty  Another cause- more than 83,000 homeless kids in Riyadh A young girl shoveling soil and rocks

3  Child beggars are usually at traffic lights  Mainly located at religious cities  Most beggars are from different country & begging illegally  Many shelters take in child beggars  Shelters feed, educate and care  3,500+ kids arrested per month for illegally entering country A child putting her hand out to beg

4  Public education-free  Schools split by gender  Memorize the Qur’an  Literacy rate risen over 20% in last twenty years  Government spends lots of money on schools *The Qur’an is the Islamic bible; like the torah to the Jewish religion A shelter providing education for children

5  Relates to girls only  Lives are being destroyed  It is not illegal  Parents encourage child marriage for money  Some girls get sold to older men only for money  Average age for child marriage is 5-15 A man in his late 50’s is married to a 12 year old girl

6  Sometimes girls try divorcing with men (rare)  Law was proposed to stop this- failed  Usually girls lives are wasted and miserable  100 million+ child marriages in next decade unless a law is proposed  Girls never get education  Men are usually three times there age or more A man at the age of 40 is married to a 12 year old girl

7  2 years of kindergarten  Boys/Girls go to different schools  After kindergarten, intermediate school  Then to secondary school  Secondary school has more options of learning  If kids do not go to school; they work or beg for money Children lining up to see where they are going to class

8  Stay inside for summers since summers can reach up to 100 degrees  Play with friends inside at house or a mall  Not the best place to raise a child  Amount of pollution is high  Traffic is very bad in most places  Can take hours to get to places This is a child with a camel. In 2002 some children were camel jockeys, but now it is banned because of child abuse. *A child jockey is a job where you take care of a horse and race with them

9  Children get less fresh air/exercise  Too hot to work out most of the time  Pollution, less exercise/fresh air leads to adapting to a different environment to most of the world  Many organizations for kids to have fun An organization for kids to have fun and play games. Some what like a day camp in America.

10  Children here get much more fun time than other countries  The UAE is very wealthy so they have many exciting places to see  Children can go to huge malls  Or adventure parks  Children here also have more freedom A water park which kids can access daily for recreational purposes.

11  Kindergarten through 12 th grade prepares for college  Lot’s of good universities are opening in the UAE which children can access  Most children want to go to school (survey says)  Many programs to help students (Zayed Univ.)  Zayed Univ. helps many schools and has over 30 helpers for each grade  60% of students go to public schools A student getting tips from her teacher while drawing.

12  Most children speak the Arabic language  Schools have a wide range of subjects to learn  Most private schools are expensive for the family  Once you finish elementary school, you move onto higher education  There are primary and secondary schools  Secondary schools are better and take more of a commitment A girl in a painting class, painting a cartoon.

13  Never allowed to eat or drink pork and alcohol  Usual child goes to school and comes home  After school they either have after school activities or play with friends  A popular meal is lamb, rice and dates with lemonade or tea  Another usual meal is onions stuffed with meat and rice  Most children live in apartments or a farm This is a boy swimming in a local pool having fun.

14  Child marriage is one of the main problems  Child begging is another problem  Child labor is also sad and should be stopped Saudi Arabia -The pollution is bad for your body if you inhale too much -The summer is too hot to play outside or exercise -The traffic makes it hard to get to places United Arab Emirates

15 -Before 1960 girls were homeschooled only with a tutor -The girls would watch a recorded lecture from the boys session -There was not as much child marriages and now there is many more -In the 1950’s there were not many schools at all -Literacy rate went up approximately 40% from 1975 -10 years ago there were very few programs who help students; now there are a lot Saudi ArabiaUnited Arab Emirates A child in Saudi Arabia A photo of child who is a model. Another opportunity others do not have.

16  2007, June. "UNICEF Pakistan - Real lives - Children Formerly Involved in Camel Racing." UNICEF - UNICEF Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar. 2011..  "Art camp gives children unique opportunities - The National." Latest and breaking news | - The National. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2011..  "BBC NEWS | Programmes | This World | The child slaves of Saudi Arabia." BBC News - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2011..  "Child Marriage." Saudi Arabia Jan. - Feb. 2011: n. pag. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.  "Child marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2011..  "Country Studies." Country Studies. U.S. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2011..

17  "International Parental Child Abduction United Arab Emirates." Welcome to Travel.State.Gov. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2011..  "Saudi Arabia." Welcome to Travel.State.Gov. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2011..  "Saudi Arabia." Education. N.p., 14 Mar. 2005. Web. 1 Mar. 2011..  "Saudi Arabia Children's Rights News - Human Rights Today." Human Rights News - Human Rights Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2011..  "United Arab Emirates." Children. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2011..  MLA formatting by

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