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Presentation on theme: "PREPARE PORTION CONTROLLED MEAT CUTS"— Presentation transcript:

D1.HCC.CL2.15 Trainer to welcome students to the class Introduce self and state qualification to teach this unit Give overview of qualifications and describe industry experience

2 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Assessment for this Unit may include: Oral questions Written questions Work projects Workplace observation of practical skills Practical exercises Formal report from employer/supervisor Trainer to Advise: Trainer advises students that assessment for this Unit may take several forms all of which are aimed at verifying they have achieved competency for the Unit as required. Trainer indicates to students the methods of assessment that will be applied to them for this Unit.

3 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
This unit comprises three elements: Select and purchase from suppliers Prepare portion cuts Store portion cuts to enterprise standards Trainer to advise: Trainer advises students this Unit comprises two elements, as listed on the slide explaining: Each Element comprises a number of Performance Criteria which will be identified throughout the class and explained in detail Students can obtain more detail from their Trainee Manual The course presents advice and information but where their workplace requirements differ to what is presented, the workplace practices and standards must be observed.

4 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Element 1: Select and purchase from suppliers: Identify and select suppliers for purchasing of products Identify the primary meat cuts Identify the secondary meat cuts Identify commercial establishment cuts’ specifications Identify varieties of meats used commercially Minimise wastage through freshness and correct purchasing Identify costs through yield testing Trainer to relate performance criteria to element 1 Performance criteria is the process by which the students training match the learning element The element is the skill To assess competency in the skill; the performance criteria is used to outline activities that can be used to assess competency. The trainer should relate how the performance criteria is related to the element To be able to prepare portion controlled meat cuts the students must be able to; Select and purchase from suppliers The student should be able to Identify and select suppliers for purchasing of products Identify the primary meat cuts Identify the secondary meat cuts Identify commercial establishment cuts’ specifications Identify varieties of meats used commercially Minimize wastage through freshness and correct purchasing Identify costs through yield testing

5 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify and select suppliers When selecting a supplier, consider the following: Are they registered with local authorities? Will they allow you to inspect their operating premises? Can they consistently supply you with the product you need? Trainer to advise that the above points should be taken into consideration when selecting suppliers.

6 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify Primary cuts: Hindquarter of beef Forequarter of beef Trainer to advise how to identify primary cuts of beef.

7 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify Primary cuts: Long leg of lamb Loin of lamb Forequarter of lamb Trainer to advise how to identify primary cuts of lamb.

8 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify Secondary cuts: Hindquarter of beef 1 Shin 2 Topside (silverside and girello behind) 3 Round (knuckle) 4 Rump 5 Tenderloin (fillet) 6 Sirloin/strip loin Forequarter of beef 7 Rib eye Trainer to advise: Beef carcasse is broken down into two (2) halves From the two halves it is then divided into hindquarter and forequarter If the leg is taken off the hindquarter then you are left with an argentine of beef The rump and striploin

9 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify Secondary cuts: Long leg of lamb 3. Rump 2. Leg: topside, round, silverside Loin of Lamb 6. Rib loin 5. Mid loin 4. Tenderloin (fillet) Forequarter of Lamb 7. Breast 8. Neck 9. Shoulder 1. Shank Trainer to advise: Lamb carcass will half Half carcass is divided into 3 part: leg; loin; forequarter Each of these primary cuts are divided into secondary cuts Long leg: this can be cooked on the bone for banquet and carved at the buffet table It can be boned and rolled then roasted It can be broken down into muscle groups: rump; topside; round; silverside and roasted individually Loin of lamb Rib loin; Cut into rack of lamb; lamb cutlets Mid loin Lamb cutlets; boned and rolled then roasted whole or cut into rosettes and pan fried

10 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify Secondary cuts: Refer to: Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) website: Halal Meats Australia website: Trainer to advise: Many of the names will vary. Use Australian names as this is the same as using ‘French’. It is a consistent language across multiple languages and multiple cultures. The names are just a point of reference. Mise en place is a French term for ‘everything in place’. People use that term and understand the meaning. They do not necessarily speak and understand French language. So using the ‘Australian terms is an easy reference.

11 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Specification: Weight of each piece of meat For example: Sirloin 180gm each 1 cm fat layer Grass fed beef Packed in trays of 5 steaks 5% variation allowed Trainer to advise: Commercial names will vary as well Singapore website will give English names that they use to market their meat

12 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Specification: Type of meat For example: Lamb cutlets 5mm fat layer Bones 7 cm ‘Frenched’ 4 cm Packed in trays of 12 cutlets; vacuum sealed Trainer to advise: Specification for lamb cutlets Individual by the each not weight Layer of fat specified; it could be no fat if wished Bones cut at 7cm long and Frenched to 4cm from top or end of bone This means that you required the cutlets to be individually cut with a small layering of fat and the bones cleaned 4 cm from the end of bone. Some final cleaning may be required but most of work is done Packed in tray of 12; 3 cutlets per serve; this will give you a serving for 4 people. It is to come vacuum sealed; this means it will be easier for you to store in cool room and easier to control portions If they come in trays of 50; if at the end or service and you have 1 more order then you have to open a pack of 50 to extract 3 cutlets and you have 47 left that have to be carefully wrapped until the next day

13 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Specification: Type of meat For example: Pork Belly Diced: 3cm dice 1 kilo bags Less specification is also fine Trainer to advise: Specification is just a guide that is given to the butcher. The more you ask the higher the price he can charge BUT the less work you have to do. If your staff make the mistake you cannot blame the butcher If the butcher makes a mistake he has to remedy the fault and not charge you for fixing.

14 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Variation in names abound Students should check names used in their regions Australian Meat companies active in ASEAN Countries Adopt consistent names No confusion over multiple languages Australian terms ideal Trainer to advise: Commercial names will vary as well Singapore website will give English names that they use to market their meat

15 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Beef Strip loin Sirloin or Porterhouse Tenderloin Fillet steak Rib Set Beef cutlet; rib eye; scotch fillet Trainer to advise: H.A.M.: 2142: reference to Handbook of Australian Meat Numbers Australian terminology Beef butchering cuts may have slightly different names to the restaurant terminology Adapt to different names; Australian terminology is good to use across diverse cultural mix

16 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Lamb leg: Shank Boned and rolled leg Topside steaks Round or knuckle Lamb rump Trainer to advise: Adapt to different names; Australian terminology is good to use across diverse cultural mix

17 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Mid loin: Lamb tenderloin Chops Rolled loin Rosettes Trainer to advise: Australian terminology Beef butchering cuts may have slightly different names to the restaurant terminology Adapt to different names; Australian terminology is good to use across diverse cultural mix

18 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Lamb Rib loin Rack of lamb Lamb cutlets Noisettes: eye of the backstrap Backstrap: Entire eye of loin Trainer to advise: Students should develop their own data base of different names used

19 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify commercial establishment cuts specifications: Shoulder Neck Boned and rolled Dice for casserole Trainer to advise: Weight of meat Size of dice cut Amount of fat used

20 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify varieties of meat used commercially: Lamb Goat Pork Beef Kangaroo Camel Refer to websites in Student manual for more information Trainer to advise: Many meats used commercially Beef Lamb Pork Goat Camel Kangaroo Horse Not all countries will eat all of these meats Australia has many animals suitable for human consumption but most popular is Most of the kangaroo and camel are exported with only small amounts consumed by general population No birds are in this list as they are classified as Poultry and Game birds

21 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Minimise wastage through maintaining freshness and correct purchasing: Train staff Rotate stock; first in, first out Purchase only what is required Keep in required environment for preservation Chilled below 5 degrees Celsius Store in food grade containers Trainer to advise: Training staff in what enterprise requires is the best way to minimise wastage Keep stock rotated and only purchase what is required for the ordering cycle Keep product chilled for storage below 5 degrees Celsius Keep frozen below minus 18 degrees Store in food grade containers that are clean

22 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identify cost through yield testing: True cost of product: Striploin cut into sirloin steaks Trim as required of all excess fat and excess sinew Cut sirloin to size required: 180 each How many 180gm steak are obtained from piece of striploin? Divide total cost of strip loin by number of 180gram steaks Trainer to advise: Take a piece of striploin and clean of all excess fat and sinew Cut sirloin steaks to required weight of 180grams each Count the number of steaks that were achieved. What was the total price paid for the striploin piece of meat Use the total price paid and divide by the number of steaks acquired You will now have a true cost of each steak

23 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Element 2: Select and purchase from suppliers: Prepare and portion cuts to enterprise requirements Minimise wastage through preparation and storage Use trimmings and leftovers for alternative preparations and preservation Identification and use of equipment Prepare ready for service Trainer to relate performance criteria to element 2 Performance criteria is the process by which the students training match the learning element The element is the skill To assess competency in the skill; the performance criteria is used to outline activities that can be used to assess competency. The trainer should relate how the performance criteria is related to the element To be able to prepare portion controlled meat cuts the students must be able to; Prepare portion cuts The student should be able to Prepare and portion cuts to enterprise requirements Minimize wastage through preparation and storage Use trimmings and leftovers for alternative preparations and preservation Identification and use of equipment Prepare ready for service

24 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Prepare and portion cuts to enterprise requirements: Diced? Trimmed of sinew and silverskin? Cut to weight? 120g or 250g Lamb rack - Frenched Crumbed or denuded Trainer to advise: Each enterprise will be different and many will be similar The chef sets the specific requirements as specified in the Standard recipe instructions

25 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Minimise wastage through preparation and storage: All fresh meat must be stored below 5 degrees Celsius All frozen meat must be stored below minus 18 degrees When preparing: Work on clean and sanitised work benches Have meat out of cold storage for minimum time Use clean equipment for each new batch Trainer to advise: Ensure temperature for storage of meat is adequate for minimising the growth of potentially hazardous bacteria from growing to a dangerous level. All equipment used to portion meats must be clean All knives must be washed cleaned regularly, at least every 30 minutes if jobs take along time

26 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Use trimmings and leftovers for alternative preparations and preservation: All production will produce trimmings Mince Cut for casseroles or curries Burgers Sausages Trainer to advise: All production produces trimmings and cuts that are not large enough to make the required weight 120gm piece of meat is under weight so should not be used when weight is supposed to be 180gm Cut into dice or mince and utilise in other dish Preserve until required by wrapping and freezing until enough is accumulated to use in recipe

27 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identification and usage of equipment: Small equipment required for portioning - Knives Large and small Sharpening steel Trainer to advise: Most meat cutting is done with long bladed knives so that one cut is used to portion meat When meat is removed from the bone then meat saws are not required A good sharp knife is all that is needed to portion meats into service size cuts Cuts with bones in will only require a saw when the bone has to be cut From the loin section saw is only required when cutting through the spine Steaks are portioned by cutting between the ribs then cutting the spine Steaks from striploin has no bone so a knife is all that is required A long bladed knife is ideal as only one stoke is required to cut the meat Meat should be cut and not hacked Use the full length of the blade when pulling the blade across the meat Do not push down If you have to push down on the knife then it is blunt; SHARPEN the knife!!!!!

28 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identification and usage of equipment: Small equipment required for portioning: Larger pieces of meat or carcass need to be cut smaller Motorised equipment is ideal and more efficient for this task Electric meat mincers Band saws Trainer to advise: When cutting up or ‘breaking down’ animal carcass modern electric equipment may be needed This is more economical as it saves on labour Band saws are ideal for cutting bone but protective equipment must be used as fingers will disappear quickly Mincers are required to mince meat either large or small sizes Alternatively dicing by hand knife is the only way of reducing size of meat pieces.

29 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Identification and usage of equipment: Equipment is also items like: Storage trays Cool rooms Racks in cool rooms Personal protective equipment (PPE) Gloves; aprons Trainer to advise: Equipment like knives and large electrical cutting implements are the obvious things one thinks of. Also the trays that the meat is placed on after being cut Benches and cutting boards that are used Cool room in which the meat is stored Containers in which the meat is stored in cool room and trays that portions that meat is placed onto when cut to correct size.

30 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Prepare ready for service: Keep meat covered until required: Bring meat to room temperature Cook quicker If too cold when placed on grill Outside will dry out before centre is cooked Trainer to advise: To prepare meat for service This is only required for grilled steaks and whole pieces of prime raw meat Meat that is going to be served rare or pink inside Bring to room temperature before grilling This allows the meat to be cooked quicker

31 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Element 3:Store portion cuts to enterprise requirements: Fresh and/or Cryovac items are stored correctly Prepare and maintain correct thawing of portioned cuts Portioned cuts are appropriately stored in correct containers Portioned cuts are correctly labelled Ensure correct conditions are maintained for freshness and quality Trainer to advise: Trainer to relate performance criteria to element 3 Performance criteria is the process by which the students training match the learning element The element is the skill To assess competency in the skill; the performance criteria is used to outline activities that can be used to assess competency. The trainer should relate how the performance criteria is related to the element To be able to prepare portion controlled meat cuts the students must be able to; Store portion cuts to enterprise requirements The student should be able to Fresh and/or Cryovac items are stored correctly Prepare and maintain correct thawing of portioned cuts Portioned cuts are appropriately stored in correct containers Portioned cuts are correctly labelled Ensure correct conditions are maintained for freshness and quality

32 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Store fresh or vacuum sealed meats: Controlled environment Chilled, less than 4°C Protected from outside contamination Covered or wrapped Labelled Dated Single layers Fat side up Trainer to advise: Controlled environment Chilled, less than 4°C Protected from outside contamination Covered or wrapped Labelled Dated Fat side up: this stops the fat on the meat becoming discoloured with the pooling of the blood in the liquid that collects inside the plastic Single layers: if too much weight is applied to meat on bottom it can split the plastic and lose the seal.

33 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Maintain correct thawing of frozen meats: Controlled environment Cool room Single layer in trays To capture liquids Separate containers Trainer to advise: Foods must be stored under these conditions to minimise the growth of potentially harmful bacteria Temperature less than 5 degrees Celsius In single layers; stops product being damaged if it is too many layers the meat will take longer to thaw In separate containers so liquids that come out of the fractured meat structure is not mixed with other meat compounds from waters

34 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Portion cut meats are stored in correct containers: Food grade containers Impervious to liquids Stainless steel or food grade plastic In GOOD condition Clean before every use Trainer to advise: Containers used to store meats must be cleaned after every use and also checked to ensure they are clean BEFORE using to store meats. They must be in good condition No cracks; no stains; no scratches

35 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Label portion cut meats correctly: Date of manufacture Name of product Use by date Name of person who Manufactured Trainer to advise: All product need to be labelled correctly Labels must be legible

36 Prepare portion controlled meat cuts
Ensure correct conditions are maintained for freshness and quality: Controlled environment Chilled Below 4°C Frozen for storage of more than 3 days Below -18°C Wrapped or packaged, to protect from outside contamination Trainer to advise: To maintain freshness meat must be stored in controlled environment Colder the better Keep covered Rotate stock: FIFO; First in, First out


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