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Video thingy Multimedia as a Learning Project Jussi Roberts

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1 Video thingy Multimedia as a Learning Project Jussi Roberts 3.4.2012
Ken Wakaume Esko Nummenmaa

2 ZE PLAN Use creative thingy
Interviews, collages, black humour, flashbacks, documentary, narrating, punchline, cats talking video from Youtube, testimonies/montage/collage, First part (~3 minutes): documentary style, flashbacks Second part (~2 minutes): walking towards final destination, flashbacks ”THEY SAID I COULD BE ANYTHING” ”SO I BECAME A CAMEL.”

3 STORYLINE Interview/documentary style; narrated Plot:
opening scene: dream scene: brushing teeth, looking at mirror  shifting own face, animals second scene: wakes up, goes to school with bare feet, everyone looks like animals (fade effects) third scene: sees friends talking – shift to animals – rubs eyes, shift back fourth scene: seeks councelling, is told that it’s normal not to want to conform to the norms of the society (in children’s terms); dude explains his problem; dialogue; examples with flashbacks

4 STORYLINE (continued)
Plot councellor mentions place (”Dream Factory”) where you can become anything you want  excitement ”another student became this” – example pictures/photos dude walks towards the place (~15 seconds, narrated) gets to place, camel walks out ”THEY TOLD ME I COULD BE ANYTHING” happy smile, walks into place, screen fades out ending: happy music, photos from around the world with animals, small captions of text with happy stories

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