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Operating Systems M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas Course Syllabus January, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Operating Systems M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas Course Syllabus January, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operating Systems M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas Course Syllabus January, 2009

2 Outline Introduction Topics Grading Recommendations References

3 Introduction The students will know in detailed form the construction and working of modern operating systems. The students will programming and knows diferent kind of operating systems such as DOS, Windows, Solaris, Linux, among others.

4 Introduction to Operating Systems 1.1 Operating System History 1.2 Basic Concepts 1.3 Operating System Architectures 1.3.1 Monolithic 1.3.2 Layers or Leveles 1.3.3 Microkernel 1.3.4 Other architectures 1.4 Operating System Virtualization 1.5 Installation of many operating systems

5 User Interface of OS 2.1 CLI (Command Line Interface) 2.1.1 DOS Basic Commands 2.1.2 Windows NT/ Server Basic Commands 2.1.3 System *X Basic Command 2.2 Graphical Interface Basic Concepts in Windows, System *X and Mac Os 2.3 New User Interface Trends in Operating Systems

6 Process Management 3.1 Basic Concepts 3.2 Process Availability Management 3.3 Process Communication Process (IPC) 3.3.1 Basic Concepts 3.3.2 POSIX Standard 3.4 Concurrency Management 3.4.1 IPC Classic Problems 3.4.2 Parent Process 3.4.3 Threads 3.5 Process Implementation in Windows, MAC OS and *X Systems

7 Memory Management 4.1 Memory Basic Concepts 4.1.1 Memory Models 4.1.2 Memory Hierarchy 4.2 Memory Assignation Mechanism and Strategies 4.2.1 Exclusive Fixed-Size and Variable-Size Partitions 4.2.2 Best, Worst, First and Next Fixed Algorithm 4.3 Memory Address Scheme 4.3.1 Segmentation Memory in x86 Architectures

8 Memory Management 4.3.2 Virtual Memory Pagination Over Demand Pagination Prepagination 4.3.3 Algoritmos para descarga de paginas MIN FIFO LRU 4.4 Practical Exercise in Windows, Mac OS and *X System

9 Shared Resources Methods and Techniques 5.1 Necessary elements for achiving to share resources 5.2 Interlock Detection and prevention 5.3 Mecanismos para la sincronización de procesos 5.3.1 Pipes 5.3.2 Shared Memory 5.3.3 Message Queus 5.3.4 Semaphore 5.3.5 Other mechanism 5.3.6 Environment Variables Puertos físicos y lógicos Archivos Sockets Programación de IPC en Windows y sistemas *X

10 Shared Resources Methods and Techniques 5.3.7 Physical and Logica Ports 5.3.8 Files* 5.3.9 Sockets 5.4 IPC Programming in Windows and *X Systems

11 File System 6.1 Basic Concepts 6.2 Data Persistent Availabilty Management 6.3 Types of File Systems 6.3.1 FAT32 6.3.2 NTFS 6.3.3 HPFS 6.3.4 EXT 6.3.5 NFS 6.3.6 Other File Systems 6.4 Practice Exercises in Windows, Mac OS and *X Systems

12 Security 7.1 Basic Concepts 7.2 Operating Systems Security Mechanism 7.2.1 Protection Domains 7.2.2 Acess Matrix 7.2.3 Access Control Lists 7.2.3 Role-Based Security 7.3 Mecanismo de autenticación 7.4 Practical Exercises in Windows, Mac OS and *X Systems

13 Input/Output Management 8.1 Basic Concepts 8.2 Serial Device Management 8.3 Parallel Device Management 8.4 Hardware Interruption Management 8.5 Drivers for new Devices 8.6 Practical Exercise installing devices and drivers in Windows, Mac OS and *X Systems

14 Modern Operating Systems 9.1 Trends in Operating Systems Development 9.2 Operating Systems for Mobile and Embedded Devices 9.2.1 SYMBIAN 9.2.2 WINDOWS CE 9.2.3 PALMOS 9.2.4 LINUX EMBEDDED 9.2.5Others

15 Modern Operating Systems 9.3 Network and Distributed Operating Systems 9.4 Real-Time Operating Systems 9.5 Multimedia Operating Systems 9.6 Other Operating Systems

16 Grading Only two partial and one Final Exams (only the last partial). 70% Partial Exam 30% Homeworks and Practices 10% Quizzes

17 Recommendations The classes begin at 19 to 21 hours at 5C Classroom The advisory should be by E-mail, Instant Messenger or by another electronics media E-mail: MSN: Skype: juancarlosolivares Web Site:

18 Recommendations The homework must be delivery in Classroom or before class throught moodle or by CD. The rubric of work contains: –Cover –Abstract –Introducction –Development* –Conclusions –References**

19 References TANENBAUM; Modern operating systems; Ed. Prentice Hall, 2008 TANENBAUM; Operating system: Design and implementations; Ed. PEARSON, 2006 SILVERSCHATZ, A., ET AL; Operating systems ; Ed. John Wiley and S ons

20 Questions?

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